My first real sucks

Aug 30, 2009 21:32

Ahhh ~ ! Love sucks big time. Especially when it's your first. Yes, ladies and gents it's Ashley's story of First Love =[

It's quite short. It starts with a girl who met a guy. A tall handsome fun sweet good guy who had the cutest smile on earth and the warmest hugs ever. The girl began to like this guy towards the end of her senior year in high school but, because she wasn't sure, she kept her mouth shut. And it got worse as they became closer friends. The hugs were more frequent and she melted everytime he came near, but she just kept on smiling and joked around with him and her other friends. Like nothing was different.

Then one sunday, at a chuch meeting, after all the mess was cleaned up, the guy said his usual goodbye to her. A big hug. Like always, her stomach turned. Normally, she'd just smile hug him feel her stomach turn then go home with her family. But this time...her heartbeat quickened about 50x it's normal pace. And she hugged him longer than normal, feeling the warmth of him, almost about to cry from loving him so much. And that's when she thought to herself 'I have to tell him'

So she waited til late that night after shopping with her sister and sent him a text 'If i told you I liked you, what would you do?' she said 'What do you mean?' was his response. After a long text convo, the guy finally said 'I'm sorry, I just got out of a relationship. You're a nice girl and a good friend, but that's all im looking for right now. Don't wait for me and miss out on the guy God made for you. I don't want you waiting for something that might not happen. If it happens it happens but don't miss out on the guy cuz ur waitin'

The girl cried...then she smiled ''re so nice. That's why I like you so much. When ur ready to date, lemme know'

=[ And such is my story. Now I have a story to tell my kids one day about how your first love can sometimes hurt...
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