I should be doing homework right now XP

Sep 01, 2009 13:02

I'm such a bad student. I don't do my homework when I'm supposed to ~

No, i am. Kinda. Like off and on. Homework Lj Homework Facebook Homework Twitter Homework Email Homework LJ again =p Hey i get it all done DON'T JUDGE ME *is fully aware that a psyhopathic evil genius lives inside her*

Anyway, *spaz* Nino commercial!! <33 he advertised SOUP. Yes he's sexy, but you know what? He made me giggle non-stop this time around. Here I am sitting in the school library 'HEHEHEHE' I probably got a few stares. lol. Not that i wasn't being stared at enough because I'm as tall as a freakin' amazon warrior princess AND i looked like a rockstar =D Heels, leather vest, hot shirt and skinny jeans <33 I'd show a pic but I don't have my cam on me.

Anyway, check out the CM here http://arashinino.vox.com/library/post/house-foods-soup-de-okoge-new-version-20090901-nino.html I'm gonna dl it later when I get home. Don't you love how he SANG the jingle at the end? lol

Next up on my "distracted from homework" post, All the Best Record Sales!! Apparently they broke 1 million today. GO ARASHI ~ ARASHI FOREVER!

And that's it for the updates you probably already knew about XP Now for my personal life, GUYS SUCK. -_- *is currently trying to bounce back from rejection and not succeeding* I'm on a 'must shoot and stab all things male except Arashi, NEWS, KAT-TUN, and Johnny's* kick right now. I mean...yeah they can be fun to hang out with. Especially gay guys. Can't hate gay guys. But...straight guys who will willingly step on your heart? Not so much -_- How would you like it if I stepped on YOUR Heart, dude, huh?? How's that make you feel??? *very violent*

I don't know. I'm sure I'll be out of this for soon, but right now...*sigh* If you read my post from yesterday, you'll understand.

And now I'm going back to the books. Ja ne, minna-san ~
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