Stargate Atlantis Master Rec List

Nov 30, 2008 20:34

Update: 07/20/07

Humor, Romantic, Telepathy/Teleportation/Time Travel/other Powers, Gen, Threesomes/Foursomes, PWP, Drama, Darkfic/Non-con/torture, AU (Alternate Reality, Het Fics, BDSM/Power Games, Other slash pairings, Genderbending/Crossdressing

The stories are listed in no particular order, though date does play a large part. The stories at the top of the lists are generally older than the ones at the bottom.


1) Time in a Bottle by astolat
2) A Beautiful Lifetime Event by astolat
3) Don't Tell byseperis
4) Two Weeks by mmmchelle and thegrrrl2002
5) Love Me Not by astolat
6) A Not-So-Modest Proposal by reccea
7) Close Encounters by amireal
8) Unanticipated Outcomes by thegrrrl2002
9) Thicker Than Water by julad
10) Lost in Waiting by laceymcbain
11) Close Only Counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades by smittywing
12) What You Might Call Obvious by giddygeek
13) Rodney McKay and the Crazed Gay Yenta by mmmchelle and thegrrrl2002
14) Accidently in Love by shetiger (McKay/Sheppard)
15) Gift Horse by liketheriverrun (McKay/Sheppard)

Telepathy/Teleportation/Time Travel/other Powers

1) Double Occupancy by isiscolo
2) Instantaneous by cimorene111
3) Face Value by minnow1212
4) Finding the Fine Print by giddygeek
5) Quarks, Quantum Chromodynamics and Other Unproven Theories by amireal
6) Leavenworth (technology) by amireal
7) The Scientific Method (technology) cupidsbow
8) The Relative Merits of Wanting and Getting by cupidsbow
9) Cohesion by stillane
10) The machinery of heaven by flambeau
11) Cleave by amific
12) That Pon Farr Thing by mmmchelle
13) Out of the Blue by Leah.
14) Eighty Days Give Or Take by lavvyan
15) Failsafes by lunasky
16) soon again gone by cupidsbow
17) Chronologic by purna
18) Came a Traveler by threnodyjones
19) Standard Deviation by rustler (Sheppard/McKay)
20) Memento Mimeographa by liketheriverrun
21) The Amazing Adventures of Me, Myself & I by trinityofone (McKay/Sheppard)
22) Straight as a Circle by toomuchplor (Sheppard/McKay)

1) Scientist, Wraith Killer, Space Pilot, Double O Geek, Geek Protocol, Geeks and Goons, Goonus Americanus, Supergeek, The Once and Future Goon, A Geek in the Grass, High Goon (I know this is completely cheating...) by Koschka
2) The Jenny Code by miss_porcupine
3) Flying Blind by minnow1212
4) Refraction by ltlj
5) Hidden Resources by Tipper
6) Hands-On-Science by nindulgence
7) The Puppet Master by cybersyd
8) Moka by saffronhouse
9) Freedom's Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose by synecdochic
10) Retrograde and sequel Recovery by ltlj
11) Fellow Traveler ltlj
12) Living Conditions by minnow1212
13) A Victim of Time by iibnf
14) Planet Megalodon Wraith Defense Force by pentapus
15) Eurydice Turns Left by vee-fic
16) Contraflow by lobelia321
17) Down Came a Spider by Tipper
18) The New Frontier by harriet-spy
19) Running on Empty by Sholio
20) Your Cowboy Days Are Over by samdonne
21) Twelve by skypig21
22) Postcards to Jeannie by friendshipper
23) Sheppard Moon by Tipper.
24) Liar's Chair by icarusancalion
25) Configuration by merrish
26) A Slightly Different Quality of Light by rageprufrock
27) Keeping Doctor Meredith by ellex42


1) Triptych by alyse
2) Diablerie (Triptych remix) by wickedwords
3) Gifts Unasked For by docmichelle
4) Tercets by Gaia
5) Alpha Centauri (Sheppard/McKay/Ronon) by hth_the_first
6) No, Really and sequel Yes, Maybe (sheppard/teyla/ronon/McKay) by basingstoke
7) 3 Lovers by cesperanza
8) Rave Atlantis by smittywing
9) Let Us Go Then, You And I by sageness
10) Believe What You Breathe by seperis


1) Oblivious by astolat
2) you don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps by sdraevn
3) He's Having Her Baby! and sequel He's Having His Baby! by rageprufrock
4) Proof by Contradiction by astolat
5) Bell Curve by rageprufrock
6) The Hotline by laytoncolt
7) The Modern Man's Hustle by eleveninches
8) Rodney and Cadman Go Down, Rodney and Cadman Get It On, 400% by kormantic
9) The Illustrated Rodneysaurus
10) Notching the Bedpost by scribblinlenore
11) Classified, aka Wanted, by toomuchplor
12) Bang by rageprufrock (Mckay/Sheppard)
13) Jelly Side Up by devildoll (McKay/Sheppard)

PWP (aka Plot, What Plot?) or stories with a lot of sex and some plot. :)

1) Mostly Harmless by astolat
2) Layover by aithine
3) Synchronicity by amireal
4) Mercy by astolat
5) SGA: How To Succeed In Sex Slavery Without Really Trying by astolat
6) Class 6 by ladyflowdi
7) Hold Hands and Try To Look Sincere by minervacat
8) Tango by astolat
9) Last Port Of Call by icarusancalion
10) Amnesiac bycesperanza


1) Taste of Apples (gen) and sequel Sacrificial Drift (slash) by auburnnothenna
2) Balcony Sessions by Leah
3) Transcendental by astolat
4) Visiting Hours by lilysaid
5) Rosebud and mirror story Up Into the Silence by auburnnothenna
6) Here is no water by frostfire_17
7) Scenes from a Lesser War by amireal
8) Care in the Holding by laceymcbain
9) Your Inevitable Unhappy Ending by helenish
10) A Long Gold Sliding Into Dawn by synecdochic
11) DADT, Damyata, Dayadhvam by trinityofone
12) Ratio of Burning by stillane
13) Like A Long, Slow Nervous Breakdown by cesperanza
14) MVP by cesperanza
15) Close Enough by fabularasa
16) Letting Go by gaiaanarchy
17) 264 Hours by scribblinlenore
18) Cleave by amific
19) The New Atlantean Dictionary of Literary Terms by thingswithwings (Sheppard/Mckay, Teyla/Kate)
20) Fix by crysothemis (Sheppard/McKay)


1) The Silent Art of Watching (McKay/Teyla) by tafkarfanfic
2) One to Let Go by smittywing (Sumner/Weir)
3) All Roads Lead by trinityofone (McKay/Cadman)
4) Sojourn by ltlj (John/Teyla)
5) The Human Stain by tevere (Teyla/Michael)
6) where my hand is set by thingswithwings (Teyla/Rodney)
7) Athosian For Beginners by trinityofone (Teyla/Rodney)

AU (Alternate Reality)

1) Intersections by kaneko
2) Hindsight by rageprufrock
3) No Refund, No Exchanges by astolat
4) Counterpoint by nestra
5) Last Will and Testament by cesperanza
6) Teamwork by magus_minor
7) The Best Things in Life Are Free by smittywing
8) Parallax by saijinn
9) Four Quarters by trinityofone
10) The Roads Never Lead Where They're Supposed to Go by eleveninches
11) Small Primes and Square Roots by liviapenn
12) Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot by out_there
13) Mau Loa Means the Time We Have by gaiaanarchy
14) Cross Product by quasar273
15) String Theory, A Concerto for Violin in D Minor by toft_froggy
16) 101 Ways To Get Lucky (In Love) by scribblinlenore
17) Wrapped in a Red Ribbon by auburnnothenna
18) Wide Open Ocean by setissma
19) The Principle of Exclusion by seperis (Mensa verse)
20) Unidentified by fiercelydreamed (Sheppard/McKay)
21) Junk Cheap by devildoll (Sheppard/McKay)
22) Out of West by rageprufrock (Sheppard/McKay)

Darkfic (non-con, torture)

1) Under the Skin by sdraevn
2) Isolation by kharessa
3) A Better Fate by mmmchelle
4) Entanglements by troutkitty
5) Icing on the Cake and sequel alternative ending Strange Attractors by z_rayne
6) Place Your Hand by mmmchelle
7) Cartography by Touch by rageprufrock
8) Hunting Parties attempted rape by ltlj
9) Incision by kharessa
10) Foolproof And Incapable Of Error by neery
11) The last full measure of devotion by harriet_spy
12) Need to Know by gaiaanarchy
13) Sub Iudice by davechicken
14) Synodic by Micehell
15) Release Mechanism by hth_the_first
16) Against Necessity and Against Hope by kittyfisher
17) Three Days in Limbo by allisnow
18) Do I Know You From a Frat Mixer, or Another Galaxy? by tzi and zaganthi (does bad sex count?)
19) In the City of Seven Walls by auburnnothenna
20) Necromancy For The Living by icarusancalion


1) La Femme McKay by kharessa
2) Mutability 1/? by lierdumoa
3) It Stops Being Funny At Skirts by svmadelyn and missing scene Skirting the Issue by thisisbone
4) Ardhanarishvara by auburnnotlisa
5) Second Skin by toft_froggy
6) You're Pretty Good Looking (For a Girl) by trinityofone
7) Only Grumpier and With Darker Hair by scribblinlenore
8) M(eredith+1) Theory by lallybroch (Sheppard/McKay)
9) always should be someone you really love by thingswithwings (Sheppard/McKay

BDSM/Power Games

1) Chain of Command by z_rayne and casspeach
2) Take Clothes Off As Directed by helenish

Other Pairings

1) Revelation series (Ronon/Sheppard) by thisisbone
2) Hunting Parties by ltlj
3) Fourteen Years by hth_the_first
4) In the Hands of Yes by hth-the-first (Ronon/Rodney)
5) Expatriate by ltlj (Sheppard/Mitchell)
6) Women's Work by wickedwords (Miko/Cadman implied)
7) On the ground, off-world by ana-grrl (McKay/Lorne)
8) Exile by ltlj (Sheppard/Mitchell)
9) Tanlines & Dogtags by icarusancalion (Sheppard/Lorne)

amothea:rec_lists, recs:sga

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