"let's title it 'the story of eternal and everlasting love'!" "no, zhou mi, let's not."

May 13, 2011 20:11

mimin | pg | approx 700w | the story of eternal and everlasting love
a/n: meaningless: (mē'nĭng-lĭs) adj. having no meaning or significance. for e.g.

There isn’t anything about his story that hasn’t already been covered in movies, dramas, novels, etc. But Zhou Mi still feels it’s pertinent that someone writes it down just so he won’t forget.

(He really just wants the job of titling it but shusssh, Sungmin thinks it's because of ~love~.)

(Well, that too.)

When Zhou Mi went back to school after semester break, he found a new tablemate waiting for him.

“If there’s anything you don’t understand about this class, please hesitate to ask me,” Zhou Mi said to him before he put his head down and began to doze off.

An hour later, he blearily opened his eyes and realized it was time to hand in their work. He looked down at his worksheet and, well, he really shouldn’t be, but as a believer in miracles, he was still surprised to find it devoid of answers.

He turned to look at his tablemate. As if sensing the dark aura radiating from Zhou Mi, his tablemate glanced over too. Zhou Mi opened his mouth.

“If there’s anything you don’t understand about this class, please hesitate to ask me.”

Zhou Mi’s mouth remained open. There was some shock mixed into his befuddled expression. He supposed he should be unjustifiably angry but then there was a grin, hints of pearly white teeth and Zhou Mi was vanquished.

All it took was a smile from Sungmin.

“You were pretty easy,” Sungmin laughes.

“Just shut up and keep writing.”

“Love at first sight, huh♪~”

“Just shut up and keep writing.”

If Zhou Mi were to sit down and make a list, he would have discovered there was really nothing spectacular about Sungmin.

But Zhou Mi didn’t sit down to make a list so he was still left to ponder about his Argentinosaurus-sized infatuation with Sung-

“I was so not infatuated with you!” Zhou Mi yowls in protest.

“Oh Zhou Mi….you were, are, so taken with me,” Sungmin giggles wickedly and half tackles Zhou Mi onto the bed.


Thus, there wasn’t anything to stop him from conf-(“I wouldn’t use the word ‘confess’,” Zhou Mi advises. “I just wondered if you would like me to hold your hand while you, you know…do meaningful things with the other hand.” “Your confession was written all over your constipated face, Zhou Mi.”) confessing ("...is that necessary?" "Yes.").

Sungmin examined the sweaty hand Zhou Mi extended to him. “...”

‘OK, plan B. Now!’ Zhou Mi thought. “Do you know palmistry?”

“I don’t swing that way, Zhou Mi.”

“Oh. Tarot for you then?”

Sungmin tilted his head and stared in a way that made Zhou Mi’s palms sweat even more.

“I mean, I don’t like boys.”

“I was just playing hard to get.”

Zhou Mi launches a series of ferocious tissue paper missile attacks at Sungmin.

”I don’t like Eunmi,” Sungmin declared. The head girl had just left after giving Zhou Mi some homemade cookies.

Zhou Mi side eyed Sungmin with so much effort, his ciliary muscle was complaining. “You’re just jealous she got the main part in the school play.”

“What if I am?”

“There will be another play for Christmas. You can audition for that instead,” Zhou Mi sighed like the old man he is.

“No, I mean, what if I am jealous?” Sungmin clarified.

“Do you ever listen? I said. Wait. Wait. Wait.”

“OK, I’m waiting.”


“Just kiss me already, idiot.”

“Was that an appropriate thing to say? Seriously, we were in class. Grow some shame, will you.”

“Yeah, but that didn’t stop you, did it.”

Zhou Mi snatches Sungmin’s Barbie Sparkleberry poptart and takes a humongous angry bite out of it. Sungmin rolls his eyes in a way that will make a professional eye roller jealous.

“How should I write the epilogue?” he asks.

“咃坧p怀?騴噜4遊 呡?渖輷&冞r`0今,” Zhou Mi manages to say through a mouthful of poptart.

“Stop your Greek talk,” Sungmin tuts.

Zhou Mi swallows. “That was corrupted Chinese,” he corrects Sungmin. “I said, you can’t possibly end a story that’s just beginning.” He pauses to think before finishing up with an insult. “You mooncalf.”

Sungmin is impressed by Zhou Mi's exciting new vocabulary. “Who taught you that?”


“That mooncalf.”

. . . . .

p.s.: written in <1 hour with happiness, dino thoughts & stupidity

(i enjoy writing this too much)

edit: like, idk how eunmi ended up being eunhae @_@ /edits


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