[Stargate: Drabble] "SG-22 in Space!" [SG-22, G]

Mar 07, 2013 23:52

Title: SG-22 in Space!
Prompt: writerverse challenge #31 quick fic #10 (‘in space’)
Bonus: gen/friendship genre
Word Count: 765
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “Well. This certainly isn’t anaquadah mine.”
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_bookclub

SG-22 in Space!

Captain Igraine Gryffydd woke slowly to the dull, throbbing headache that meant she’d been hit with a ‘zat stun blast. She opened her eyes, frowned, blinked, and opened them again.

“Well,” she said. “This certainly isn’t a naquadah mine.”

She and her still-unconscious teammates were lying on a metal floor, surrounded by bright golden walls, covered in hieroglyphics- the interior of a Goa’uld spaceship.

Beside Gryffydd, a lump in SGC-green began to stir. “Huh,” said First Lieutenant Walter Tobias. “This is different.”

“Do they really have to ‘zat us every time?” asked Dr. Levi Flannigan, straightening his glasses. “They could just ask us to surrender.”

“We wouldn’t,” added Gunnery Sergeant Jason Vicks. “But it would be nice if they asked.”

“I’ll put in a formal request,” said Gryffydd dryly. She levered herself to her feet and began inspecting the walls. “How big a ship do you think this is?”

“I don’t think it’s a mothership,” said Tobias. “This doesn’t look designed to be a brig.”

“So, one of those little cargo ships?” suggested Vicks.

“Al’kesh,” the lieutenant supplied. “Maybe.”

Suddenly, they heard footsteps and the clanking of armor from outside. A door in the golden wall slid open, revealing three Jaffa guards, all bearing the black points-down crescent moon of the Goa’uld Hecate.

“Ah, hello,” said Gryffydd. “We didn’t know this flight had been overbooked. I don’t suppose we could arrange an upgrade to-”

The lead guard tapped her with the butt of his staff weapon, a surprisingly light blow, but Gryffydd made an act of it anyway. Behind the guards, she could see an open cockpit area and a single Jaffa at the helm.

Even odds was way better than they usually got for this sort of thing.

“You are prisoners of the mighty Hecate,” said the lead guard. “In a short time, you shall stand before the goddess and answer for the crimes of the Tau’ri. Then, you will know true agony.”

“As tempting as that sounds,” said Gryffydd. “We’re going to have to say ‘no’.”

“Thanks for the ride, though,” said Vicks. “You can just drop us off anywhere.”

The guard snarled and took a step forward, staff weapon raised to strike her again, putting himself directly between Vicks and Tobias.

“Boys,” said Gryffyd.

Instantly, they all moved. Gryffydd ducked under the lead guard’s staff weapon to grab the ‘zat at his side. His blow glanced off her shoulder, hard, and she rolled, ‘zatting the guard advancing on Levi. The sociologist tossed her a grateful smile, then picked up the fallen guard’s ‘zat to stun the one Gryffydd had been fighting. The last guard had reached his own ‘zat, but Vicks lunged for a dropped staff weapon and fired at point-blank range- Gryffydd added a stun blast for good measure.

The fight had happened so quickly that the pilot had only just left his seat, still reaching for his weapons. Tobias fired one ‘zat blast, and everything went quiet.

“Nice work, boys,” said Gryffydd. “Take their weapons and lock them up.”

Jaffa warriors in full armor were heavy, but they managed to move them into the rear compartment, before Tobias pried open the control panel and pulled out all the crystals.

“Okay,” said Tobias, crossing to stand in front of the pilot’s console, Gryffydd beside him. “Who knows how to fly this thing?”

“What?” asked Vicks, surprised. “You’re in the Air Force.”

“I’m an engineer!” cried Tobias, at the same time Gryffydd said, “I’m a secretary!”

“So, we’re stuck?” asked Levi.

“No,” said Gryffydd stubbornly, plopping into the co-pilot’s seat. “No, we will… figure this out.”

“Right,” Tobias agreed, taking the pilot’s chair. “I wonder what this does…”

Suddenly, an alarm began beeping softly. “Proximity,” said Levi, pointing over Gryffydd’s shoulder at a Goa’uld glyph no one else could read. “Another ship?”

“Oh, yeah,” said Vicks, as a larger Goa’uld transport came into view.

“Cargo ship,” came a vice. “Identify yourself.”

“Is that…?” asked Tobias.

“Sure sounds like,” Vicks agreed.

Levi leaned over again to touch a control. “Martouf, is that you?”

“Levi!” the other three hissed, and Vicks added, “What if he’s undercover?”

“I thank you for your concern,” Martouf replied. “But I am here as an agent of the Tok’Ra. You are from the Tau’ri?”

“That’s right,” said Gryffydd. “SG-22. Do you think you could loan us a pilot?”

“A pilot,” he repeated. “I thought Tau’ri teams all included members of your Air Force.”

Gryffydd scowled. “Unfortunately, that doesn’t make us all pilots.”

There was a pause. “I understand,” said Martouf. “Is your ring transporter functional?”

“Yeah, about that…”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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