Stargate Original Character Series: SG-22 Master Post

Mar 08, 2013 00:02

The adventures of the SGC's third-contact team, SG-22, as they explore planets other teams have been to, document planets that might be interesting later, and frequently get thrown into naqudah mines by low-ranking Goa'uld. If the SGC was a high school, they'd be the weird kids...

Captain Igraine "Gryff" Gryffydd, USAF
First Lieutenant Walter "Toby" Tobias, USAF
Gunnery Sergeant Jason Vicks, USMC
Doctor Levi Flannigan, PhD
Second Lieutenant William "Billy" Chen, USAF

The Adventures of SG-22


Not Another Naquadah Mine
PG…1,457 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt ‘action/adventure’
SG-22 is captured and thrown into a Goa’uld naquadah mine. Again.


Captain & Sergeant
PG...2,290 words
for writerverse challenge prompt 'timey wimey' (set before/after a previous one)
There's a reason that Jason calls Gryff 'sir'.

(the rest in mostly chronological order)

Burdens of Command
G…234 words
for writerverse quick fic amnesty prompts ‘leader’ & ‘cold comfort’
Gryffydd does whatever is needed to protect her team.

Cold & Warm
G…735 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts ‘snow and ice’ & ‘abandonment’
Levi didn’t think anyone would really miss him, anyway.

All for One
G…553 words
for writerverse quick fic prompt ‘Marine’
SG-22 was the only team with a single Marine.

Five Four Times SG-22 Didn’t Get Thrown into a Naquadah Mine 1:
That Time the Boys Got Turned into Toddlers
G…1,705 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt ‘five four times 1’
”Sir,” said Gryffydd, “this is my team.”

Five Four Times SG-22 Didn’t Get Thrown into a Naquadah Mine 2:
That Time the Natives Threw a Party and Got Them All Stoned
G…1,131 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt ‘five four times 2’
The members of SG-22 participate in an alien festival.

Five Four Times SG-22 Didn’t Get Thrown into a Naquadah Mine 3:
That Time They Didn’t Even Go on the Mission Because They All Had the Flu
G…1,210 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt ‘five four times 3’
The members of SG-22 all catch a perfectly normal Earth-based virus.

Five Four Times SG-22 Didn’t Get Thrown into a Naquadah Mine 4:
That Time the Natives Tried to Sacrifice Them to Their Fire Goddess
G…1,080 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt ‘five four times 4’
The members of SG-22 run into a little problem off-world.

Mightier Than the Sword
G…1,014 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt ‘pencils’ (1000 words)
SG-22 run into a problem with their supplies- and some Jaffa- on an off-world mission.

G…634 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts ‘alien,’ ‘mustache’ & ‘ice flower’ (bonus for inanimate object narrator)
The Guardian of Arrivals and Restrictions watches the arrival of SG-22.

This Isn’t Back to the Future
G…755 words
for writerverse quick fic amnesty prompts ‘the old west,’ ‘time for a change’ & ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’
”We get transported a hundred years into the past, and we still get thrown into a mine!”

True Colors
G…692 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts “Too many jokes, not enough meditation” (Ginsberg) & ‘cleaned up’
The members of SG-22 participate in an off-world ritual about family and togetherness- and paint.

Blood Brothers and Sister
PG…749 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts ‘brother/sister’ & ‘better in red’
For once, SG-22 hadn’t been thrown into a naquadah mine.

SG-22 in Space!
G...765 words
for writerverse quick fic prompt 'in space' (with bonus for gen/friendship genre)
"Well. This certainly isn't a naquadah mine."

Sleeping Arrangements
G...148 words
for writerverse quick fic amnesty prompt 'comforting'
Gryff takes a simple comfort from her team.

The Big Game
G...201 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt 'friday night'
"Sir, you don't have to watch the game with me."

Phone Call from Philadelphia
G...703 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts 'space travel' & 'what's in the bag?' (bonus: all dialogue)
Rachel Gryffydd’s daughter is the librarian at a base doing deep space radar telemetry- at least, as far as she knows.

Made a Difference
PG...1,664 words
for writerverse challenge prompt 'it's a wonderful life'
Some Ancient meddling lets Gryff see how her life has made a difference.

G...428 words
for writerverse quick fic prompt 'the sound of breaking glass'
A couple of things are broken in the kitchen.

Flea Market Adventure
G...831 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts 'antique' & 'triangles'
SG-22 finds a bit more at the flea market than a lamp for their living room (but they do find that, too).

The Fifteenth Naquadah Mine
Long Version, G...500 words
Short Version, G...250 words
for writerverse challenge prompt (write a 500-word story, then edit to 250 words)
SG-22 reaches an off-world milestone.

A Crazy Bunch of Kids
G...100 words
for writerverse challenge prompt 'music drabble' ("Nicest Kids in Town" from Hairspray)
"Toby! Come and join us!

G...100 words
for writerverse phase 24 challenge 40 prompt 30 “Is it okay to do whatever is necessary to survive?” (Oz)
“What’s on your mind?”

Back Home
G...1,002 words
for writerverse challenge prompt (write in first person)
I stumbled as I hit the ramp back into the SGC...

Meanwhile, Off-World
G...871 words
for writerverse challenge (rewrite from different POV)
(remix of "Back Home")
Toby and Gryff stay behind after Levi and Jason go back to Earth.

G...421 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts 'a problem that I cannot explain' & 'hurt/comfort'
"Gryff, are you okay?"

Flash Flood
G...592 words
for writerverse quick fic amnesty prompts 'bewildered wretches', "this is your fault" & 'grouchy'
The thunderstorm was a surprise.

Golden Hours
G...542 words
for writerverse table of doom prompt 'word: golden'
Sometimes, SG-22 doesn't end up in a naquadah mine.

Copper for a Song
G...813 words
for writerverse challenge prompt (write a story based on a cliché)
At an off-world market, Gryff makes a trade.

Coping Techniques
G...383 words
for writerverse quick fic prompt 'sound of silence' (with bonus for 1st person narrator)
SG-22 have a way to deal with difficult missions.

Who Are You?
for writerverse quick fic prompts 'there's nothing inside you that you can't reach' (Super Teen) & 'sorrow'
"I'm sorry.. who are you?"

Living Together
G...219 words
for writerverse challenge prompt 'definition: proclaim'
The members of SG-22 officially live together now.

A Night In
G...100 words
for writerverse quick fic amnesty prompt 'slumber party'
"My room. Ten minutes."

Snowy Clearing
G...721 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts 'snowfall' & 'going home')
SG-22 aren't the main characters of the SGC, but they're okay with that.

Nightmares and Needs
G...100 words
for writerverse quick fic amnesty prompt 'dreams'
The members of SG-22 never face nightmares alone.

Keep It on the Road
G...522 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts 'imprisonment' & 'stars' (bonus: over 500 words)
“By all means, keep telling us about the migratory habits of the alien Gypsies.”

Curled Up
G...100 words
for writerverse quick fic amnesty prompt 'nightmare'
Gryff's having a bad night, but Jason can help.

To the Light
G...468 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts 'dirty deeds' & 'lighthouse'
SG-22 saved the day, but it's still a long way back.

Comes in Threes
G...586 words
for writerverse prompt 'bang, bang'
The three most important people in Levi's life are his team.

G...761 words
for writerverse prompt 'fragile things' (present tense)
Jason knows just how tough Gryff can be.

Who Gather Here
G...167 words
for writerverse prompt "Bless Us All" (song from "The Muppet Christmas Carol")
SG-22 spends Christmas together.

Candlelight for Levi
G...446 words
for writerverse prompt "celebrating the holidays"
Levi comes home to a holiday surprise.

Field Repairs
G...253 words
for writerverse prompts 'signal boost' & 'pumpkin pie'
SG-22 need a little help to get back home.

Drifting Together
G...224 words
for writerverse prompts 'full moon' & 'swimming' (bonus: science-fiction)
“Any complaints about being a second-string team now?”

Home Safe
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'driving in a blizzard'
Gryff is the designated driver.

Tumbling Down
G...138 words
for writerverse prompt "Halo" (song by Beyoncé)
"Gryff, you're okay! You're safe, it's us!"

Night of Neverending Winter
G...745 words
for writerverse prompt 'neverending winter'
SG-22 celebrate the longest night of an off-world year.

Too Early, Too Late
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'coffee and cookies'
“What time is it? After twenty-eight-hour days on PX-9954, I’ve kind of lost track.”

The Best
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'a few good men'
Why does SG-22 get sent to all those off-world rituals?

Hanging On
G...841 words
for writerverse prompts 'miscommunication' & 'pride' (bonus: angst genre)
Levi is badly hurt, and Gryff doesn't know if help will reach them in time.

Three Days Later
G...449 words
for writerverse challenge 'TV tropes'
Gryff wakes up in the infirmary.

Eye of the Storm
G...295 words
for writerverse prompts 'feverish' & 'she stared into darkness' (bonus: 3rd person)
They can’t return to Earth until the storm lets up, and Gryff is running a fever.

The Dissembling Color
G...330 words
for writerverse challenge (random book page)
"Sir, have you considered hair dye?"

Women's Work
G...925 words
for writerverse challenge TV tropes
When SG-22 gets captured, Gryff is sent to the kitchen.

G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'forgotten dreams'
Gryff is woken from what is probably a nightmare.

No Promises
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt "I want to hide the truth/I want to shelter you" ("Demons" by Imagine Dragons)
“We know why, Gryff. We just don’t like it.”

Escape Attempts
G...3,625 words
for writerverse prompt 'for our lives' (sci-fi, 1k+ words)
SG teams don't always work so well together.

There Will Be Pancakes
G...363 words
for writerverse prompts 'fall' & "don’t believe the things you tell yourself so late at night, and you are your own worst enemy and you’ll never win the fight. Just hold on to me, I’ll hold onto you; it’s you and me up against the world, it’s you and me” (“Parachute” by Ingrid Michelson)
"Actually okay, or your usual definition of okay?"

No Burden Is He
G...153 words
for writerverse prompt "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" by the Hollies
"Just hang in there, Jason."

Parental Surprise
G...734 words
for writerverse challenge (random words: huge, communicate, accept, unused & cause)
Gryff's parents arrive unexpectedly.

Open All Night
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'after midnight'
"What's open at... what time is it?"

Feat of Togetherness
G...401 words
for writerverse prompt "What Now"? (Etiquette and Espionage, by Gail Carriger, page 42)
SG-22 participate in an off-world team-building game.

Size Matters Not
G...469 words
for writerverse prompt “Remember to feel the Force!” (Star Wars: Jedi Academy by Jeffrey Brown, page 42)
SG-22 rescues a stranded MALP.

Couldn't Possibly Do Without
G...516 words
for writerverse prompt “Darling Perdita, you are washing them beautifully and keeping them warm at night.” (The One Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith, page42)
“We don’t expect the impossible from you, Gryff.”

G...202 words
for writerverse prompt photo #7
SG-22 take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature.

Tied Up
G...357 words
for writerverse challenge (dialogue only)
Toby and Levi wake up in the dark.

Press Gang
G...327 words
for writerverse challenge (write about cooking)
SG-22 make Christmas spritz cookies.

Finding the Way
G...372 word
for writerverse prompts “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) & “How Many Roads” (song by Bob Dylan)
SG-22 avoid an off-world rockslide.

Lean on Me
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt "parallel"
Sometimes needing someone to lean on is completely literal.

Forever Nineteen
G... 100 words
for writerverse prompt "The Green Fields of France" (by Dropkick Murpheys)
Gryff goes for a run after a mission gone bad.

Insufficient Funds
G...273 words
for writerverse prompts 'chartreuse' & "It si often that a person's mouth broke his nose."
Gryff's nose is definitely broken.

Scoot Over
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'hurt/comfort'
"Hey, scoot over."

Feast Ready to Eat
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'feast'
SG-22 make the most of an off-world meal.

Sun Goes Down
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'day turns into night'
SG-22 is stuck off-world, but that's okay.

Have a Nice Trip
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'fell off the face of the earth'
Gryff arrives at the Alpha Site.

One More Chapter
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'bedtime story'
The members of SG-22 do a little reading before bed.

Morning Light
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'dawn is coming'
SG-22 wake up off-world.

Wearing Protection
G...232 words
for writerverse prompts 'helmet' & 'bad idea' (bonus: 3rd person)
SG-22 runs into some severe off-world weather.

Back to the 'Gate
G...264 words
for writerverse prompt 'sometimes the sincerest show of faith is when it is tested again and again'
Gryff trusts Levi to do his part in their rescue plan.

To the Trees
G...274 words
for writerverse challenge
SG-22 join an off-world festival of trees.

Cupboards Are Bare
G...213 words
for writerverse challenge
It was Levi’s turn to make dinner.

Whiter Shade
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'pale'
“Dammit, Gryff, we talked about this.”

In the Box
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'ran out of time'
Gryff had still been on the planet when the bomb had gone off.

He Ain't Heavy
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'heavy duty'
Gryff never leaves a man behind, even if he is heavy.

Red Flag
G...317 words
for writerverse prompts 'copper' & 'anything that can go wrong will go wrong'
SG-22 are very aware their CO is a redhead. Again.

Two in the Bed
G...270 words
for writerverse challenge (secondary character POV)
One of Janet Fraiser’s patients isn’t missing.

G...209 words
for writerverse challenge (write about vacation)
SG-22 are on vacation.

Being Evil
G...372 words
for writerverse prompts 'I think I'll be evil today' & 'possibility'
“Soldiers of the Tau’ri, hear the voice of your goddess!”

Checked Out
G...268 words
for writerverse prompt And all the books I’ve read and all the things I know/But the mystery lives on (“The Rifle and the Song” by Trout Fishing in America)
Sometimes, Gryff is also the base librarian.

The Flame of Friendship True
G...223 words
for writerverse prompt These are good times, sitting by the fireside/Put another log on so the mood won’t disappear (“These Are Good Times”, by Trout Fishing in America)
SG-22 camp out in their own backyard.

On High
G...274 words
for writerverse prompt I was climbing in a tree/When I fell and skinned my knee/It hurt but I didn’t cry at all (“I Think I’ll Need a Bandaid”, by Trout Fishing in America)
Gryff gets a little perspective.

Waffle Weather
G...229 words
for writerverse prompts 'waffles' & 'winter'
Gryff doesn’t help her team shovel snow.

Hard Day's Night
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'rest your weary head'
SG-22 stop to sleep for the night on an off-world hike.

Story Time
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'book'
SG-22 experience limited telepathy- and a good book.

G...447 words
for writerverse prompts 'capture' & 'perception'
SG-22 escape from a Goau’ld cell. Again.

On Top
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'over the mountain'
SG-22 go climb a mountain.

Try New Things
G...263 words
for writerverse prompt 'bangers 'n' mash'
Gryff cooks SG-22 a dinner that Jason’s not too sure about.

Example of Strength
G...244 words
for writerverse prompt I bend, but don’t break/ Somehow I’ll get through/ ‘Cause I have you (“Crawl (Carry Me Through)” by Superchick)
Sometimes, Gryff has to let herself be the target.

Comfort Food
G...323 words
for writerverse challenge
It’s Gryff’s turn to make dinner, but she’s not quite up to it.

G...278 words
for writerverse prompt 'TV Trope: Secret Stab Wound'
“I thought we had an arrangement. Where we’re honest with each other about injuries sustained in the field.”

G...100 words
for writerverse prompt '10 Things I Hate About You (1999)'
“If it weren’t for you, I’d be nice and safe in an office somewhere.”

Dark Patrol
G...243 words
for writerverse prompt “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” (Helen Keller)
Gryff and Levi patrol in the dark.

Unbecoming Conduct
G...150 words
for writerverse prompt 'tripping'
Gunnery Sergeant Vicks falls down on the job.

Christmas (and Chanukah) in June
G...265 words
for writerverse prompt 'sugar-coated'
“You know what we need? Christmas cookies.”

Pushing Through
G...951 words
for writerverse prompt 'broken & bloody'
Gryff is wounded, but still rescues her team.

Music Alone Shall Live
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'singing'
“I can’t believe it.”

Light My Fire
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'fire & rain'
“We need some dry kindling.”

Seventh Day
G...359 words
for writerverse prompt 'walk in the woods'
SG-22 spend a week on an uneventful planet.

Girl Stuff
for writerverse prompt 'lipstick' & 'stargate sg-1'
On a joint mission with SG-1, Gryff and Sam encounter a few obstacles off-world.

Lady's Maids
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'unbreakable bonds'
“Why are these clasps so tiny?”

G...868 words
for writerverse phase 21, challenge 28, prompt 06 ‘by the book’
“In addition to your command of SG-22, I am assigning you as the base librarian.”

The Air Force Civilian Medal of Valor
G...100 words
for writerverse phase 22, challenge 40 quick fic round-up, prompt ‘valor’
“There are different kinds of valor.”

Why I Oughta...
G...100 words
for writerverse phase 22, challenge 40 quick fic round-up, prompt 39 ‘Mo, Larry & Curly’
Gryff didn’t have time to shout a warning.

Gruesome End
G...100 words
for writerverse phase 22, challenge 40 quick fic round-up, prompt 52 ‘Grimm’
Teal’c has a question for the base librarian.

Under Fire
G...502 words
for writerverse phase 23, challenge 16 action genre
SG-22 has some difficulty getting back home.

Military Feminist
G...562 words
for writerverse phase 23, challenge 30, prompt 02 self-admitted
The men of SG-22 answer a survey.

Rainy Days
G...550 words
for writerverse phase 23, challenge 30, prompt 07 out in the rain
“It’s wet, sir. Very, very wet.”

Edited Job Description
G...100 words
for comment_fic prompt 100 words / what they tell their families their job is
None of it, technically, was a lie.

Dragged Into
G...443 words
for writerverse phase 22, challenge 06 in disguise
“This is, like, the third time Levi’s had to dress up like a girl.”

Our Charge Is Not to Do
G...1,989 words
When SG-22 gets stuck off-world, they leave a forwarding address.

Stains & Bruises
G...100 words
for writerversephase 24 challenge 40 prompt 59 does that hurt?
“What are you doing?”

(& Billy)

The Fifth Man
G…1,187 words
for writerverse quick fic prompts ‘taken’ & ‘again and again’ (with bonus for present tense)
It’s Billy Chen’s first trip through the ‘gate- but SG-22 is used to missions turning out like this.

Don’t Tell Me the Odds
for writerverse quick fic prompt ‘luck of the draw’
Billy is convinced he’s bad luck, but SG-22 think differently.

Sleep Well
G...378 words
for writerverse challenge (write a story, no prompt)
It's been a long, tiring mission for SG-22, and they're happy to be home.

No Talking
G...100 words
for writerverse prompt 'adopted brother'
“If I manage any more full sentences, I won’t be able to sleep, either.”

Finding Treasure
G...231 words
for writerverse prompt 'reading'
Sometimes, their bodies weren’t exhausted, but their brains were.

Into a Trap
G...555 words
for writerverse phase 21, challenge 28, prompt 14 “Uh, actually, sir, I think we prefer to go with the bizarre and risky. It worked for us so far.” (Sylvesterson, Down Periscope)
“So… this is a trap.”

(alternate realities)

Fire Station 22
G...778 words
(firemen AU from "The Changeling")
for writerverse table of doom, alpha list picture prompt
The guys from Fire Station 22 are crazy.

PG...1.282 words
(warning: character deaths)
for writerverse challenge prompt 'it's the end of the world'
Five weeks and six days after SG-22 fails to report in, Igraine Gryffydd comes back to Earth. Alone.

The Dean's Office
G...204 words
(college teacher AU)
for writerverse quick fic prompt 'waiting here'
SG-22 are all teachers at St. Grace College.

Current Mood:


series, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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