[Stargate: Drabble] "Maybe We Are" [John/Rodney, PG]

Mar 09, 2013 04:49

Title: Maybe We Are
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 800
Prompt: mcsheplets challenge #029 ‘rumors’
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: John starts to wonder if the rumors are true.

Maybe We Are

Rodney didn’t look up from his laptop when John came into his room and flopped back onto his bed. After a long moment of comfortable silence, John said, “Maybe we are.”

“Are what?” Rodney asked, still half-concentrating on his computer screen.

“Are…” John raised one hand and waved it around. “You know.”

“I know lots of things,” said Rodney. “Vague Flyboy Sign Language is not one of them.”

“You know,” John repeated. “That you and me are… you and me.”

Rodney frowned, and shut the lid to his laptop. “Did you take a blow to the head while you were playing with sticks? Because Teyla is supposed to tell me these things…”

He moved to sit on the bed and tried to put a hand to John’s head, but the colonel batted it away.

“That, right there, is my point,” said John. “Why should Teyla tell you anything about me?”

“Because despite evidence to the contrary, you actually have a brain under all that hair, and I feel safer living in a city where the military commander isn’t suffering from concussive head injuries.”

“I didn’t get hit in the head, Rodney. And are you honestly telling me you haven’t heard any of the rumors about us?”

Rodey waved a dismissive hand. “Of course I have. And I’ve ignored them. I also gave every one who was spreading them more work, because they’re clearly not doing enough if they have time to gossip.”


“Wait, you think they’re right? That we’re dating, and we just don’t know it?”

“No,” said John. “I know we’re not dating, Rodney. But maybe we should be.”

“What? Why-?”

“When was the last time you had a date?” John interrupted.

Rodney scowled. “Okay, it’s been a while. I’ve been busy.”

“Not too busy to play chess with me,” said John. “Or race cars, or have sci-fi marathons, or any of the other stuff we do.”

“Yeah, okay.” Rodney shifted a little, his knee bumping John’s hip, but neither of them moved. “So?”

John let his arms drop, loose, at his sides. “We suck at relationships, Rodney. I’ve got an ex-wife and you’ve got two ex-fiancés. Hell, we’re not even that good as friends, most of the time, except to each other.”

“And you think that means we should be dating?” Rodney shook his head. “Your mind is a scary place, Sheppard. And I say that as someone who’s been there.”

“Yes, exactly,” said John, sitting up but not moving any farther away. “You know me, Rodney, and I- I was sure after Nancy left that I’d never- Not with anyone, but then you-”

“Look,” said Rodney. “It’s the same for me, okay? You’re the only person who’s ever liked me more the longer you’ve known me. But I still don’t see how that means we should be dating.”

“Rodney, have you ever actually listened to any of those rumors?” John asked, arching one eyebrow at him.

The scientist snorted, “As if I have time for that kind of drivel,” then frowned. “Why?”

“Because they’re happy for us,” said John. “Okay, not all of them. But most people? They seem to think we’re in love. And maybe they’re right. Maybe we are.”

“I-” Rodney began, because even his brain needed a minute to process that. “People think I’m in love with you?”

John’s ears flushed faintly pink. “Actually, most of them seem to think I’m in love with you. The ladies all think it’s sweet that I bring you dinner when you’ve locked yourself in your lab. And most of my noncommissioned officers try to avoid me when you’re off-base or working a lot, because apparently, I’m grumpy when you’re not around.”

“Huh,” said Rodney. “You’ve seriously considered that we should be going out?”

“Yep,” said John.

“You may not have noticed, Sheppard, but I’m not gay. And neither are you.”

John shrugged. “That probably won’t be our biggest problem.”

Rodney scowled. “Gee, thanks.”

“No, I mean-” John ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “You know what I mean.”

“It’s scary that I actually do,” said Rodney. “You’ve honestly thought about going out with me?”

“Yes, I have.”

“And kissing me?”


“And having sex with me?”

“Yes,” said John.

“And…?” said Rodney.

“Okay, it’s still weird. But,” John added quickly, “a good kind of weird. A kind of weird I would really like to try.”

“I- Okay,” said Rodney, and leaned in to kiss him.

John froze for only the tiniest fraction of a second before he reached out to pull Rodney closer, deepening their kiss. Finally, breathing became an issue and they broke apart.

“Okay,” Rodney said again, a little breathlessly this time. “What else did those rumors say about us?”

John grinned and leaned in for another kiss.


Current Mood:


drabble, john/rodney, mcsheplets, stargate atlantis

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