[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Ten" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 08, 2011 01:52

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Ten
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack
Summary: "The gift is for your child, Vala-Jackson."



Vala opened the front door and beamed at the person on the other side.

"Muscles!" she cried, happily. "We were beginning to think you wouldn't make it!"

Teal'c smiled and inclined his head in greeting. "I had intended to arrive earlier, Vala-Jackson, but my return to Earth was delayed by a team arriving under fire. I apologize for my tardiness."

"Never mind that," Vala told him, and pulled him inside. "You're here, that's what's important. And most important- what did you bring?"

He held out the pastel pink-wrapped box he carried. "The gift is for your child, Vala-Jackson," he said, but she knew he was teasing.

She pushed him through the hall and toward the back of the house. "Give it to her yourself, then," she pouted, opening the door to the backyard. "Everyone should be out here..."

Vala stopped in the doorway, just watching as Teal'c moved to where Daniel sat with birthday girl Vivienne, who was a whole year old today. Eleven-year-old Jake O'Neill stood beside their chair, pulling faces and making his little 'cousin' laugh.

Louder laughter came from the swing set, where Zoë, the oldest of the Jackson children, and A.J., the youngest O'Neill (both nine) were each trying to swing higher than the other. Jack slouched against the metal frame, pretending not to keep an eye on them.

Delighted shrieks and the sound of colliding plastic preceded a fierce battle around the side of the shed. Cam appeared, wearing a mock-serious expression and followed by the three Jackson boys, seven-year-old Benedict, five-year-old David and three-year-old Ernest- even three-on-one, Cam was having a hard time purposely losing the plastic lightsaber duel.

Nearby, Sam and Cassie arranged food on the picnic table and chatted with Jonas Quinn, who bore scars from his planet's fight against the Ori that he still didn't like to talk about, but had managed to keep his ready smile.

"Hey," said Daniel, appearing at Vala's side to wrap his arms loosely around her waist. "This is supposed to be a party."

"It is a party, darling," she replied, smiling and leaning against him. "Where's Viv?"

"Teal'c has her. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

Vala grinned. "That's just it, darling. Nothing's wrong. We're all here, Daniel, safe and happy. I just wanted to enjoy it for a minute before-"

"Ow!" cried a sudden but decidedly adult-sounding voice.

"Sorry, Uncle Cam," one of the kids answered- it had to be Benny, the only one of their kids who'd picked up his mother's accent.

Cam was sprawled in the grass, looking up at the points of three plastic lightsabers, one of which had just accidentally jabbed him in the side. "Okay, I surrender!"

"Before something like that happens?" Daniel suggested, smirking.

Vala laughed. "It always does. Cameron?" she called. "Be careful with them!"

Cam frowned. "Careful with- Oof!"

Grinning, Jack pulled a bouncing, giggling Ernie from on top of Cam's stomach and swung the boy onto his shoulders.

"So," he said. "Cake?"


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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