[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Nine" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 06, 2011 00:14

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Nine
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala, Sam/Jack
Summary: "If Jack was here, we'd have been running from Jaffa by now."



"This should keep the fire going for a while," said Sam, dropping a pile of strangely orange-tinted logs beside the fire pit.

Daniel looked up from his journal, then smiled. "If Jack was here, he'd have something to say about the trees on PX-985 not being green."

Sam grinned. "If Jack was here, we'd have been running from Jaffa by now."

"Or angry natives," he laughed. "And if Vala was here, she'd have stolen something."

They smiled at each other for a moment, then Daniel sighed.

"This isn't the first time we've been off-world without her, Daniel," said Sam. "Not even since you've been married. So what's got you worried this time?"

He poked at the fire with a stick, then lifted the lid of the coffee kettle to peer inside. "It's stupid."

Sam grabbed the lid from him and put it back. "Let's have it," she demanded, pouring him a cup of coffee.

Daniel took sip, then said quickly, "I think Davie likes Jack more than me."

To her credit, Sam didn't laugh. "David is less than a month old."

"Yes, exactly. SG-19 started these negotiations a week after he was born, and we've been here almost every day since then. And I know that they need someone to translate the writing here, and Vala is off active duty while she's breastfeeding, but still... I feel like I've hardly seen Davie."

"Daniel, your son does not like Jack more than he likes you," she told him firmly. "And I'm going to ignore how ridiculous it is that you even thought it because I know you're way under your usual coffee consumption for today."

"Thanks, Sam," he replied, dryly.

"Seriously, Daniel," she continued. "It was an easier decision for us, because Jack was retired by the time Jake was born. He was really looking forward to being a dad again."

"Yeah," said Daniel, softly. He'd never seen Jack happier than when Jake, and then his little sister, A.J., had been born. "He's a great dad."

"And so are you," said Sam, reaching over to touch his arm. "And to be honest, now that our two kids are in school all day, I think Jack likes helping you and Vala with your three so he won't have time to worry about me."

Daniel managed a smile. "Because you're usually the one getting into trouble off-world," he said sarcastically.

Sam smiled back. "Well, I did learn from the best."

He gave a snort of laughter and leaned sideways to bump her shoulder with his own.

"Daniel," she said softly. "You don't know how much it meant to Jack when you asked if David's middle name could be 'Charles'."

He ducked his head. "C'mon, Sam. You named Jacob after me."

They were silent for a long moment, Sam still leaning against Daniel's shoulder, until she asked, "Did you ever think we'd get here? Really?"

He knew she didn't mean their campfire on PX-985.

"Yeah," he said at last. "Yeah, I think I did."


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daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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