[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Eleven" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 10, 2011 00:14

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Eleven
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala
Summary: "I have no idea how I let you talk me into this."



"I have no idea how I let you talk me into this," Daniel muttered, watching the numbers on the elevator panel climb steadily as the car descended.

Zoë just grinned at him, the same dazzling manipulative smile her mother always used and which always succeeded in getting her exactly what she wanted.

"Yeah, that's why," he sighed dramatically.

She elbowed him. "C'mon, Dad. This'll be fun."

"This'll be cataloguing artifacts," Daniel retorted. "I don't know what kind of crazy argument you used on Aunt Sam to get her to agree to let you come into the SCG for Take Your Daughter to Work Day-"

"Actually, she thought it was a great idea," his daughter interrupted.

"Of course she did."

"And she's promised to help me write my report so it won't have anything classified in it. Mom suggested I just focus on the archaeology and looking at cool artifacts, and not to mention where anything comes from."

"Your mother is a smart woman," said Daniel, finally grinning back.

The elevator door opened, and it was a mark of what kind of things usually went on at Stargate Command that nobody looked twice that a ten-year-old was wandering the halls- or maybe it was just that everyone was used to seeing the Jackson kids around ('classified' didn't really work with children whose mother was from another planet).

Zoë grinned at everyone they passed, she even knew most of their names, but she paused outside the general's office, attempting to look professional.

"Good morning, General O'Neill."

Sam quickly managed a professional expression of her own. "Good morning, Miss Jackson," she said seriously. "We'll begin the briefing in ten minutes, if that's all right with both of you?"

"I get to go to a briefing?" Zoë asked, serious expression cracking into a grin before she stifled it again. "I mean, ten minutes is fine with me, ma'am."

Sam nodded and handed her a file folder. "Very good. Go ahead into the briefing room and read over the information."

With another grin, the girl vanished, dark braids bouncing.

"Briefing?" Daniel asked, when she was gone.

Sam grinned. "SG-12 is going on a geological survey of P4X-998. She'll probably be bored, but it's nothing too classified or too graphic."

He closed his eyes briefly. "You're enjoying this aren't you?"

"Maybe a little. Or a lot."

"You should never have taken Jack's name," Daniel muttered, affectionately. "It's addled your brain."

She rose and started looking through the papers on her desk. "This was Zoë's idea, you know," Sam said. "She will get extra credit points for turning in that essay, but honestly, I think she just wants to see all the cool stuff you keep telling her about but can't smuggle off the base. She's so much like you, it's scary sometimes."

Several hours later, Zoë looked up from the statue she was carefully brushing clean. "Hey, Dad?"


"When I become an archaeologist, do you think the SGC will hire me?"

Daniel grinned. "Absolutely."


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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