[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Seven" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

May 02, 2011 02:10

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Seven
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge (continued)
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala
Summary: "Jackson! It's oh-two-hundred hours. Why are you here?"


Part Seven

Daniel rearranged his armload of bags and books, and trudged up another set of stairs. Of all the days for the building elevator to be broken... although, from the looks of that 'out of order' sign, this wasn't the first day it hadn't been working.

Still juggling books, he squinted at the apartment numbers until he found the right one and knocked loudly until the door snapped open.

"Hey, Cam."

"Jackson! It's oh-two-hundred hours. Why are you here?"

Daniel shrugged. "Because Teal'c's couch is too lumpy."

Cam frowned, but stepped back to let him inside. He took the stack of books before they could unbalance and set them on the coffee table. "Funny, Jackson. Why didn't you head back to base? You've still got a room there."

The other man fidgeted. "Didn't really want to," he mumbled.

"Ah," said Cam. "It's one of those, is it?"

"One of what?"

He opened the hall closet and tossed a pillow at his friend. "You and Vala had a fight. And instead of talking about it like grown-ups, you got each other all riled up until you forgot what you've been fighting about in the first place, but you're still to mad and stubborn to actually apologize, so she threw you out. Again."

Daniel sighed heavily. "It's that bad, huh?"

Cam smiled. "Nah. By tomorrow morning, you'll both have calmed down and you'll be asking me to watch Zoë while you 'make up' by the afternoon."

"Mitchell," protested Daniel, but he couldn't deny it. He dropped the pillow onto the couch and reached for the afghan draped over its back, then sighed again. "I don't know why we fight."

"I do," Cam replied, pulling a set of sheets out of the closet and moving toward the couch. "Are you seriously asking? Because you two have been fighting since I've known you- and before that, from what I hear."

"Who have you- oh, right, you read all the mission files."

"Look, Jackson, that's just the way you two are. Actually, I'd be worried if you didn't fight. And after all that fighting, you still love her, right?"

"Of course I do!" said Daniel, without hesitation. He managed a smile. "Yeah, okay, I get it."

"Good," said Cam, handing him the pile of linens. "So, here's your sheets, you know where everything is, good night, and if I were you, I'd buy some flowers on my way home tomorrow."

"Thanks, Cam," said Daniel. "Really."

The pilot waved over his shoulder, already heading toward his bedroom. "I expect coffee when I wake up, Jackson."

"That's fair," Daniel muttered.

Before the sun was even up, there was a loud knock on Cam's door and, fumbling with his glasses, Daniel pulled it open.

"Hello, darling," said Vala, with none of her usual innuendo, carrying a drowsy Zoë. "I-"

"I know," said Daniel. "Me, too."

Ten minutes later, a bemused Cam looked at the little girl on his hip. "Well, kiddo, looks like it's just you and me."


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daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala, fifty years drabble series

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