[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Six" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

Apr 24, 2011 02:08

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Six
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge: day #24
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala
Summary: "Any more questions? No? Good. Have fun on your mission. Bye!"



On one hand, Vala enjoyed the fact that she was considered an expert on off-world cultures because she was asked to attend Very Important Meetings. And on the other, she was annoyed, because it meant she had to sit through Very Important Meetings.

And, unlike the meetings she usually sat through with SG-1, she couldn't let her mind wander to more interesting topics this time, because she was the one giving the lecture on the iconographic road signs used on P8X-924.

"Any more questions?" she asked, then before any of SG-9 could answer, she said, "No? Good. Have fun on your mission. Bye!"

Normally, she would have stayed to chat with the boys, since SG-9 had the same four members as when she'd arrived on Earth, and knew exactly how much flirting should go on between friends when one or more of them was married.

Today, however, she had much more important things on her mind.

Vala burst into the infirmary. "Daniel! How is she? What-?"

"She's fine, Vala," Daniel interrupted gently. He rearranged the blankets so that she could see their daughter's face, mouth slightly open as she slept. "It's just a bit of colic. According to Carolyn, it'll clear up in a couple of days and it's absolutely nothing to worry about."

With a sigh of relief, she took the sleeping baby from her husband's arms, brushing a kiss over the girl's forehead. "Zoë Jacqueline Jackson, you gave us quite a scare."

In response, the baby yawned and blinked up at her with eyes that were settling toward brown in the weeks since her birth, before she yawned again and fell back to sleep.

"So," asked Daniel, settling his hands at her waist so that Zoë was nestled safely between them, "are you convinced yet that you're not a terrible mother and that there is no way you'll end up scarring our children for life?"

"Almost," she replied, managing a smile. "And it's very encouraging that she seems to be the same age as when I last saw her."

It was encouraging that she could joke about that, even a little, but they didn't say it aloud.

"I was a little silly being so worried, wasn't I?" Vala asked, still smiling.

Daniel kissed her. "Maybe. But given the kind of things we usually run into around here, it's always safer to double check."

She laughed. "With us as parents, darling? We should probably be grateful for little problems like this before she learns how to walk."

"Oh, god," he breathed. "I hadn't thought about that. What are we going to do when she starts growing up? We can't not tell her about the Stargate, not when her mother comes from another planet and everybody she knows works here. But how can we possibly- What?"

Vala was laughing, which caused Zoë to blink up at her parents again. "Yes, darling," said Vala. "Daddy's very silly, isn't he?"

Zoë giggled, and Daniel leaned over to kiss both of them.


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, daniel/vala

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