[Stargate: Drabble] "Fifty Years: Part Three" [Daniel/Vala, PG]

Apr 12, 2011 21:48

Series Title: Fifty Years Not Trapped in a Time Dilation Field
Drabble Title: Three
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Prompt: daniel_vala Springtime Is for Lovers 2011 challenge: Day #12
Pairing(s): Daniel/Vala, Jack/Sam
Summary: "Jackson," said Cam patiently, "there's no need to be nervous."



"Jackson," said Cam patiently, "there's no need to be nervous."

"Nervous?" Daniel repeated. "Why would you think I'm nervous?"

His friend snorted. "Might be the way you're pacing a hole in the floor," he drawled.

Daniel stopped abruptly. "Okay, maybe I'm nervous."

The two men, along with Teal'c, were sitting in General Landry's office, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Daniel fiddled with the cuff of his tuxedo jacket, until Cam caught his eye and he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Jackson," said Cam again. "there's no reason to be nervous. Vala loves you, and she'd never-"

"What?" Daniel interrupted. "I'm not nervous about that. I mean, yes, Vala is crazy, but I have never doubted us for a second. Besides, if she was going to dump me, she'd have done it before now."

Teal'c smiled. "Vala-Mal Doran seemed most emphatic that this day be a success, Colonel-Mitchell."

Cam folded his arms, careful to avoid rumpling his dress uniform. "Then what's got you all anxious?"

"I..." Daniel started pacing again. "Look, you both know I'm not the most socially adept guy. So, what if I mess this up? Our rehearsals were always interrupted by incoming teams and random messages from the Jaffa, so I've never actually done the whole thing all the way through. What if something goes wrong? What if I forget what to say?"

Cam was still trying to think of something encouraging when Teal'c said softly, "Daniel-Jackson, do you not wish to marry Vala-Mal Doran?"

"Of course I do!" Daniel cried.

"And will that not occur even if this ritual does not go as planned?"

Daniel managed a smile. "Thanks, Teal'c."

There was a sudden knock at the office door, but before any of them could answer, it opened, admitting Sam, wearing her dress uniform and already mid-sentence, "-starting in ten minutes!"

"I'm coming, Carter!" said Jack's voice, a moment before the general himself appeared, still straightening the tie of his own dress uniform.

"Jack!" said Daniel, grinning. "I was afraid you weren't going to make it."

"Me?" his friend replied. "I couldn't let you get married without a Best Man. Or a Maid of Honor."

"Technically, it's Matron of Honor," Sam corrected, with a smile. Then, she scowled and began pushing her husband back out the door. "Go! We're late..."

Cam clapped Daniel on the shoulder. "Ready, Jackson?"

"Absolutely," the archaeologist replied, without hesitation.

The entire Gate Room had been decorated with white lace and strings of flowers, lit with brackets of flickering candles. Everything went as planned, and, despite his worries, Daniel didn't say the wrong thing, although he did nearly miss the beginning of the ceremony, lost in staring at Vala.

It was a traditional Earth ceremony, officiated by General Landry and attended by everyone on base who wasn't strictly needed elsewhere. They made only one change to the standard service- the wording of the vows.

Because, as everyone knew, they wouldn't let something as small as death ever part them.


Current Mood:


daniel_vala, drabble, stargate, sam/jack, daniel/vala

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