[Stargate] "Hands On" [Sam/Jack, G]

Mar 31, 2024 02:59

Title: Hands On
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: sj_everyday challenge 56 my fair lady
Word Count: 257
Rating: G
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairing(s): Sam Carter/Jack O’Neill
Setting: part of my Future Verse
Summary: “Did I miss anywhere?”

Hands On

“Okay, kiddo,” said Jack, leaning back in his lawn chair with the tube of sunblock. “Did I miss anywhere?”

Six-year-old A.J. wiggled her arms, as though testing against the sun streaming down onto the deck of the pond. “No.”

“You’re sure?” Jack pressed. “I got everywhere? Nose? Ears? Elbows?”

“I’m sure,” his daughter said, giggling.

“Okay, then. Step two - life jacket.”

A.J. held impatiently still while he zipped the blue-and-purple life vest over her swim suit, but the moment he let go, she let out a whoop and raced off the end of the dock to leap into the water.

“Why do I get the feeling you were exactly like that as a child?” asked a voice from behind him, and Jack turned, grinning.

“Because you know me so well, Carter.”

Sam leaned against his lawn chair, and grinned back. She was wearing her swim suit, too - just a one-piece, nothing scandalous - but Jack still felt more than a little lucky that he was allowed to look at her like this.

And touch.

He helped up the bottle of sunblock. “Want me to get your back?”

“If you wanted to get handsy with me, general,” said Sam, “all you had to do was ask.”

“This was a legitimate offer of sun protection,” said Jack, mock-offended, then smiled. “Besides, general, I think we should leave the handsy stuff for after these rugrats tire themselves out.”

“Good plan,” Sam agreed. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t be… thorough with the sunblock.”

Jack leaned up for a kiss. “Yes, ma’am.”


Current Mood:


sj_everyday, fanfiction, stargate sg-1, sam/jack

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