[Stargate] "Can't Take the Sky" [John/Rodney, G]

Mar 31, 2024 03:32

Title: Can’t Take the Sky
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: 100_tales
Rating: G
Word Count: 476
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Setting: sequel to Take My Love
Summary: “What are you working on?”

Can't Take the Sky

John woke slowly, gradually becoming aware of his bunk aboard Atlantis, the rumble of the deck plating, and the soft tapping and soft glow of a Sourcebox.


The tapping stopped. “Should I be flattered or offended that you still fall asleep immediately after sex?”

“Flattered, definitely,” said John, sitting up. “What time is it?”

“You’ve been asleep for about an hour,” said Rodney. He was sitting at the foot of their bed, his sourcebox sitting on the desk/shelf he’d installed there for the express purpose of late-night (or, in this case, early-morning) inspirations. “Feel better?”

John managed a lopsided grin. “I thought I was the one trained in the Companion’s arts.”

“I’m a genius, I can learn anything,” Rodney said, smugly.

“Hmm,” John agreed. “What are you working on?”

“Fuel consumption. I just know I can get another five or six percent efficiency if I just…”

Rodney trailed off as John scooted forward to drape himself over the engineer’s broad shoulders. “Sheppard?”

“I love you,” said John. “I am so glad your sister paid me to have sex with you.”

“Oh, ew,” said Rodney. “Do you have to keep bringing that up? Can’t you just leave me to my fantasy that you fell for me all on your own?”

“But I did,” protested John. “Jeannie just scheduled me a time to show up. The rest was absolutely all you.”

“Yeah?” Rodney asked.

“Oh, yeah,” said John, leaning farther forward for a kiss.

Rodney kissed back for a long moment, then pulled away, “Sorry, sorry. I had an idea…”

John laughed and flopped back onto the bed. “Love you,” he said.

“Working, captain,” Rodney said, distractedly.

“Fuel efficiency, I remember.”

“Yes, yes… it’s my engine design, it should do what we need it to do. Which is use less fuel.”

John frowned. “I thought we were doing okay.”

“Okay is not acceptable,” Rodney said. “I, for one, would like to avoid getting stranded in the vast emptiness of space because we don’t have enough fuel.”

“Is that likely?” John asked, frowning.

“Well… no,” Rodney admitted. “But it wouldn’t hurt to avoid it anyway.”

John let out a long breath, then laughed. “Come back to bed, Rodney.”

Grumbling, Rodney shut off his Sourcebox and slid back under the covers.

“Rodney?” John asked, softly.


“Are you… you’re happy here, right? With me?”

“That’s the stupidest question I’ve ever heard,” said Rodney. “I live in a tin can that barely protects us from the vacuum of space, with a crew full of adrenaline-junkies who run a business of dubious legality, trying to keep this ship running through sheer force of will because on top of all that, we’re a bunch of do-gooders who don’t always get paid enough to buy proper supplies.”

He took a deep breath.

“Of course I’m happy, what a ridiculous question.”

John grinned. “Good.”


Current Mood:


100_tales, john/rodney, take_my_love, fanfiction, stargate atlantis

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