[Stargate] "The Broken Sky" [Daniel/Vala, G]

Mar 31, 2024 02:47

Title: The Broken Sky
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 26 challenge 18 title generator
Word Count: 551
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Pairings: Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran
Warnings: minor descriptions of injury
Summary: “Did the ceiling fall in on us?”

The Broken Sky

Daniel woke up and immediately wished he hadn’t.

Every inch of him hurt, his ribs and right leg more than the rest, until he tried to bring his left hand up to his face and his entire arm radiated agony.

“Darling, don’t try to move. I’m not sure how badly you’re hurt.”

He blinked. “Vala?”

“The one and only,” she said, with an attempt at a playful tone, but he could tell her heart wasn’t in it. “Do you remember what happened?”

“We were cataloguing the ruins,” said Daniel. “Um… we’d gotten about halfway done, I think, and then… did the ceiling fall in on us?”

“Quite spectacularly,” Vala agreed.

“It was a map of the night sky,” he continued. “I think I remember wondering how it was still standing, with so much of the lower infrastructure damaged, but now we know the answer to that.”

“Well, I don’t think it was anything we did. I was changing the settings on my camera when it started and you were mumbling something about a translation.”

“Nice to know you’re always listening,” Daniel drawled.

“If you’d actually asked me, I’d have come help,” she said, easily, “But I’ve found it’s usually best to let you work it out by yourself for a while first. Now, we’ve probably ruled out brain damage. Where does it hurt?”

“Everywhere,” said Daniel. When she frowned, he added, “My arm is the worst. Left arm. But my breathing feels okay and I think the rest is just bruised.”

Vala continued to frown. “Let me be the judge of that, thank you. Does this hurt?”

She pressed the palm of her hand against his ribs - he hissed in pain, but it faded when she took her hand away. “You have to ask?”

“Nothing feels broken, but you should still move very carefully. Now, for your arm…”

Daniel yelped the second she touched him, trying to yank his arm away and feeling dizzy at the sudden spike of pain.

“Sorry!” said Vala, quickly. “Darling, that is definitely broken. But what about that leg, do you think you can move?”

“It doesn’t hurt as much as my arm,” he said. “But if it means getting out of here…”

“Ah,” said Vala. “Not quite. I would like to get us to a more stable area, but it looks like we’re stuck.”

“Stuck?” repeated Daniel. “But we need to-”

“I already have,” she said. “You were out for almost ten minutes, darling, I had plenty of time to radio Cameron and Teal’c, and send them back to the stargate for help. And that was after I was sure you were still breathing and not bleeding too badly. I’ve salvaged what I could of our supplies and, fortunately, the first aid kit was among the survivors.”

“Oh,” said Daniel. “That’s… Vala, that’s…”

“Still surprising, I’m sure,” she said, with a tremulous smile.

“No,” he said, catching her wrist with his good hand. “That’s amazing. You’re amazing. I don’t tell you that enough.”


He held up his good hand, waiting until she took it. “Thank you.”

Vala smiled and leaned in to kiss him, briefly. “Cameron and Teal’c will be back soon, with a medical team. Do you think you can hold on until then?”

“With you looking after me?” he said. “Absolutely.”


Current Mood:


fanfiction, stargate sg-1, daniel/vala, writerverse

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