[Stargate: Drabble] "Under Fire" [SG-22, G]

Jan 14, 2023 04:48

Title: Under Fire
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 16 action genre
Word Count: 502
Rating: G
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: SG-22 has some difficulty getting back home.

Under Fire

“Levi!” yelled Gryff, above the sound of weapons-fire. “Get to the gate!”

“I’m trying!” he yelled back.

She could just see him, firing around the side of the large boulder he was using for cover. Their team had gotten ambushed by the Jaffa patrol almost as soon as they’d arrived on P4X-992 - it had looked uninhabited to SG-3 and the later UAV footage, but SG-22 had been sent to evaluate some ruins a few miles from the gate for future scientific teams.

Gryff rose onto one knee behind the dirt rise she’d ducked behind, firing her stolen staff weapon with varying success. She had taken a tumble in her search for cover, losing her P90, but it had conveniently rolled down to where Jason crouched behind a tree stump. He was a better shot, anyway, especially with Earth-made weaponry - with a staff weapon, Gryff only hit about half the things she aimed at, but even misses kicked up enough debris to be a distraction.

She made a few lucky shots, hitting one Jaffa square in the chest and knocking the staff weapon of another, so that his blast went wild and knocked loose a shower of rocks from the cliff above.

“Levi!” yelled Gryff again.

“I got him!” called Toby. He was farther along, and had used a lull in the enemy fire to reach their sociologist. “Levi, go!”

Gryff leaned up to fire at the Jaffa again, but distantly heard Levi scramble through their limited cover toward the gate. After a moment, the chevrons began clunking into place, followed by the kawoosh of the activating wormhole.

“Stargate Command, this is SG-22,” she said, into her radio. From the corner of her eye, she could see Levi crouched behind the DHD, entering his iris code. “Sorry we’re late, sir, but we’re coming in hot.”

“Better late than never, captain,” came General Hammond’s voice. “Time to come home.

“Yes, sir,” Gryff replied. She keyed off her radio and raised her voice, “SG-22, fall back!”

Jason rose to fire rapid bursts from both P90s he carried, letting Gryff join him. “Hey, sir, you got any grenades?” he asked.

She grinned. “Yes, I do. Lee, Toby, go!”

Gryff might not have been a good shot with a staff weapon, but she had a great arm - the grenade, minus its firing pin, sailed through the air to land with a thump right in the middle of the largest group of Jaffa. It exploded in a white-hot blast, and Gryff and Jason raced away from it, firing behind them even as they stepped through the gate.

They landed on the ramp with a loud metallic clatter. Gryff lost her footing, as usual, but Toby caught her.

“Welcome home, SG-22,” said Hammond, from the Control Room. “Are any of you hurt?”

Gryff looked around at her team, who all shook their heads. “No, sir.”

“Then we’ll debrief in one hour.”

“Yes, sir,” said Gryff, then paused. “Can I keep the staff weapon this time?”

Hammond laughed. “We’ll see.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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