[NCIS/Addams Family: Drabble] "FBI Liaison" [G]

Jan 14, 2023 04:40

Title: FBI Liaison
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: writerverse phase 23, challenge 11, prompt ‘Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)’ & ‘father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate’ (bonus - crossover)
Word Count: 291
Rating: G
Fandom: NCIS/Addams Family
Character(s): Wednesday Addams, Abby Sciuto, NCIS team
Setting: vaguely mid-canon for NCIS, written before Wednesday
Summary: Their FBI liaison is an old friend of Abby’s.

FBI Liaison

“The FBI are sending someone to liaise with us,” said McGee, hanging up his desk phone. “An Agent…”

“Addams,” said a woman’s voice.

She stood at the edge of the bullpen, NCIS visitor’s badge pinned to the lapel of her jacket. The woman was tall and pale, with dark hair in two braids. Her neat skirt suit would have seemed conservative if it wasn’t for the light-leeching black color - the same as her buttoned blouse, thick tights and flat-heeled shoes.

“Wednesday!” Heavy footsteps announced Abby’s arrival as she hurried between the desks to pull the newcomer into a fierce hug. “It’s so good to see you!”

Agent Addams’s face didn’t alter from the completely deadpan expression she’d had when she came in, but she hugged Abby back just as hard. “It’s been a long time.”

“We’ve both been busy catching bad guys,” said Abby, letting her go. “But you’re here on business.”

The other woman took a step back, straightening her skirt, still holding the sheaf of folders she’d brought. “Yes, I am. You have a serial killer.”

“Yeah,” said Gibbs. “Abs, how do you know our FBI liaison?”

“Oh, way back,” the forensic scientist said. “From college. Not that we went to college together. Wednesday was… let me see… my dad’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s roommate, a couple of years after me.”

“Seriously?” said Tony.

Gibbs ignored him. “Abs?”

“My dad’s cousin and her roommate got us together at a party and we’ve been friends ever since. Even if she is FBI.”

He nodded. “Okay, Addams, you’re in. What have you got?”

She held out the folders, her voice still even and emotionless as she said, “The murder of Petty Officer Ellison used the same gruesome method as six other murders…”


Current Mood:


drabble, addams_family, ncis, writerverse

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