[Stargate: Drabble] "Librarianing" [SG-22, G]

May 16, 2021 04:52

Title: Librarianing
Author: Ami Ven
Prompt: phase 21, challenge 28, prompt 06 ‘by the book’
Word Count: 868
Fandom: Stargate SG-1 ( SG-22, original characters)
Summary: “In addition to your command of SG-22, I am assigning you as the base librarian.”


General Hammond looked up at a knock on his office door.

“You wanted to see us, sir?” said Captain Gryffydd.

“Yes, come in. At ease, all of you.”

“Actually, sir, could the captain sit down?” asked Vicks, hovering at her elbow. “She only got out of the infirmary today.”

“I’m fine, sir,” said Gryffydd, quickly.

Hammond paused, looking her over. SG-22 had only recently returned from eleven days off-world, ten of which the team had spent in a Goa’uld forced labor camp. Lieutenant Tobias and Dr. Flannigan looked none the worse for wear, after a few hot meals and several hours of uninterrupted sleep. Vicks had some still-healing scrapes on his face and knuckles but as usual, Gryffydd had been the most seriously injured. Her black eye had faded to a sickly green, but her left arm was still in a sling, bandages sticking out from beneath her uniform in several places.

If the general were being honest, he’d had some doubts when he’d formed this team. Only Vicks had ever had combat experience then, and Gryffydd had never commanded anything except a file room. But there had been pressure from his superiors to increase the number of off-world teams from six to twenty-four, and it would have been impossible to pull in that number of personnel entirely from the experienced Air Force and Marine ranks who had not been read into the program.

All four members of SG-22 had already been assigned to the SGC and Gryffydd’s rank qualified her to command a team of that size, at least on paper. Hammond had been prepared to reassign them back to on-base posts after only three off-world missions, when on their fourth mission they had failed to report back in at the scheduled time. Rescue parties had found nothing, but six days later, their GDO signal had come through and they’d returned, leading two dozen liberated miners and carrying a cache of stolen Jaffa staff weapons.

Needless to say, Hammond had continued assigning them off-world.

“Normally, captain,” he said, now, bringing his thoughts back to the present, “This sort of discussion would happen in private. But given the identical change-of-address forms you four just submitted, I thought you would prefer it this way.”

Gryffydd smiled. “Thank you, sir.”

“And I apologize for how long this has taken. I had meant to address this issue earlier, but there have been some… scheduling conflicts.”

“We understand, sir,” said Tobias.

“Thank you, lieutenant. Now, as you know, captain, the current military regulations do not allow women to be assigned to combat positions, and therefore the Air Force cannot authorize combat pay to any female personnel-”

“What?” said Levi. “Sir, that’s - that’s crazy! Gryff puts herself in danger all the- Did you know about this?” he added, rounding on his teammates.

“Military salaries are pretty standard,” said Tobias, who had worked out their projected household budget when they bought their house.

“Yes, they are, son,” said Hammond. “Which is why it took so long to address it. Captain, you and Major Carter are currently the only female officers on off-world teams - although I certainly hope that number increases. When it does, we will have to work out a more permanent and official policy, but for now, we’ve come up with a work-around.”

“It doesn’t involve me pretending to be a man, does it, sir?” asked Gryffydd, with a smile. “Because I absolutely draw the line at cutting my hair.”

The general smiled back. “There’s no need for that. Captain Gryffydd, as of today, in addition to your command of SG-22, I am assigning you as the base librarian.”

“Librarian, sir?”

“This is strictly above-board, captain,” Hammond assured her. “I’ve got airmen clearing out one of the larger storage rooms and assembling shelves as we speak. Someone from the Quartermaster’s Office will be in touch about your budget and ordering us some books.”

Gryffydd blinked. “I get a budget?”

The general held out a folder, stuffed with oddly-sized pieces of paper. “Since this program started, I’ve been receiving requests for books and journals on a weekly basis. It will be much easier to handle that from a central location, by an actual librarian. I understand from your background before you joined the Air Force that you’d be qualified for that position.”

“Oh, yes, sir,” she assured him. “I’m actually way more qualified for that than I am for leading an off-world team and-”

Gryffydd looked up sharply, “Can we pretend I didn’t say that, sir?”

Hannond nodded. “Consider it forgotten.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“And consider the library yours, captain. I’m not one to micro-manage, anything you think needs to be done, you see that it gets done. If you need any further supplies or personnel, you let me know.”

Gryffydd took the folder. “Thank you, sir. Really.”

“You start taking care of all these journal requests and I’ll we’ll be more than even, captain. See Sergeant Harriman for the specifics on your new library. Dismissed.”

They all sketched hasty salutes and left his office. As Hammond settled back into his chair, he heard Vicks ask, from down the hall, “I won’t have to learn the Dewey Decimal System, will I, sir?”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, sg-22, writerverse

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