marty_paige• I love you, cause you are so funny and caring. Thanks for being my friend.
masterglory• Just wanted to send a little love your way and thank you for your inspiration.
maybe742• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• I adore your talent.
mcfeste• *hearts*
mclachlan• I miss your fic writing. Thanks for having shared it with us!
mellicat1963 • I'm glad we met in Westport - you are a keeper
• It was a treat to meet you, and I hope we can do so again if you come back to the Bay Area again!
melzy08 • Happy Valentine's Day :D! Hope you'll have a great day :)
memnoch• You never fail to make me smile :-)
michele659• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. Miss you. XOXO
mickiebg • Thanks for the totally awesome fics you bring to our fandom, you are very talented. I LOVE you! {{hugs}}
• What would I do without you, your fics kill me, but I need them to "smile" see you soon my dear friend,,Happy VD.xx
• your work is a passionate gift.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear friend - your encouragement helps to energize me.
• I love your creativity, but I especially love our friendship
• I adore your fics
• I love all of your stories and am so happy to have you as a friend
• thank you for your brilliant stories, a joy to read.
• Thank you for your wonderful stories!
• Happy Valentine's Day Michele! Thank you for your truly wonderful stories!! <3
• good friend excellent writer and a wonderful person
• thanks for the wonderful stories you tell and time you spend in fandom
• you are a new addition to my f-list but I've fallen in love with your stories. Thank you for sharing those!
• for her wonderful fics, which I never tire of rereading.
• Simply wonderful writer, talented in many aspects, and always has a sweet comment for everyone
• is a supremely talented writer. I have been so pleased to see her recent success with selling her first original novel. She has provided us with so much pleasure from her fanfiction and she deserves to share that talent in the wider world. I wish her all the best and I can't wait to buy her book.
mikeyrhcp• I have not enough words to tell you how I feel about you. LOVE is the smallest thing I can say about you. You are the best thing that happened to me at LJ.
• Honey!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!! You know how awesome you are, just don't ever forget that, alright? ;) I'd love to meet you someday!!!
mikkyboom • I don't know you well, but you're pretty much one of the cutest things ever and I'd love to flail at you over msn or aim sometime.
minami77• Beautiful person with a kind heart and a refreshing spirit…love translating for her!
mi_nion• fellow graphic artist - love my group
mira986• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• I'm glad I got to know you!
• Knowing you is a pleasure, you are incredible.
missemily08• Hello new friend! Happy Valentine's Day! I'm so glad to know you and to know that you've jumped into the QAF Fandom :D! So, did you finish the series already? :p
missfactonista• Kathleen, so glad to have FINALLY met you this year. will hang soon.
mmmorpheusq•your Brian is sharp as the proverbial razor. So glad you still share your talent with us!
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• welcome back and here's to pain free years to come
• Still my all time fanfic writer!!!
• You channel Brian like no other. I love you.
• Thanks for all your wonderful fic etc. May you recover fully and soon.
moongirl24• Your fics always make me smile and you're wonderful :-)
• I LOVE you, sweetie. You are SO incredibly sweet and fantastic, and I love your posts and music taste and, god, YOU.
• I am happy to be your friend, because you are always lovely, sweet and kind. I adore you.
mozartfan1313• One of my favorite people on LJ, someone whose opinions I respect and share many things in common with. Don't ever change!
mrsr58• I couldn't wish for a better friend. You make me smile everyday and I am happy and grateful to be your friend.
msjudi• Thank you for all your G/R fics, EXCELLENT!!!!
• I adore and miss your writing. Thanks for having shared it with us!
• I wish I could bribe you to come back with cookies.
msv713• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
muddor•your fb makes me laugh at loud sometimes (in a good way).
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• Happy Valentine's Day! You're a lovely person and I hope you're doing well.
myrna1_2_3• The queen of BJ fic, forever and always. Your writing has given me more pleasure than all other fanfic put together!
• Thanks for the wonderful fics you shared with us.
mystery_spot • You are wonderful and I am happy to be your friend.
my2cats•I've missed you, will be together soon, my forever Gale loving friend, happy VD, hugs & kisses.xx
• you are a wonderfully supportive reader and friend.
• I like talking to you, I like it a lot!
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• Hela. You are an incredible person! Kind hearted and generous......funny and sassy! Your love for Gale is endless! I am truly blessed to know you! I love you girl!!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!
• You are an amazing friend and I heart you.
naleyangel• You are a very special friend to me and I hope you know how happy I am to have you in my life!
nanoa• I love your icons, even though I don’t always comment. You’re a very talented person, thank you for sharing your work with all of us
nblanchard70• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
negativeerin• Happy V-day to one of the best writers in the fandom!
nerdanel • You aren't around fandom anymore, but I will always admire you and think highly of you. You are a truly impressive human being who has years and years to grow and grow. I hope I get to see some of it happen from afar via this LJ thingy.
netlagd• Thank you for "Educating Justin".
nico_blue• You are so funny and open-minded; I am happy to call you my friend.
niquita_gia • thanks for finishing your long, wonderful fic.
nirnaeth • You are a genuinely sweet and caring person and I really hope you get everything you hope and dream about because you so, so deserve it.
nluvwanangel• You are sweet and kind and always make me smile.
no_delusion• You're seriously one of the sweetest person in the fandom and your graphics never fail to make me flail. <3
nolyana• Aw, no one is sweeter. I heart you, angel.
no1_jo• I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I miss you, I love you. <3333
not_yet_defined• You are a lot of fun to hang around with.
• Thanks for all your fabulous fic! Keep up the good work.
oasis6028• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
ohfreckle• talent!!!
• Oh, Alexwife, I would remarry you every day if I could. I love you!
• Not only are you the icon queen but you have awesome taste in men and music.
• One the most talented graphic artists in fandom. Really made me have faith that talent is still roaming around these parts so, thank you!
• I wanna scream "I Love You" from the top of my lungs but I'm afraid that someone else will hear me. <333
• Brilliant iconage hon. Thanks so much!
• I can't stop looking at the pretty that you provide. Moar plz 4eva.
1daftpunk• Love your writing. Wish your QaF muse would come back. Happy V-day!
oniris • Yay for fandom and bandom. ;)
• Happy V-day to a genuine sweetie.
on_the_ground• Glad you're still on LJ and here to share your passions and interests with your friends!
orangeseconds• Best wishes to an incredible writer
orlith• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• Much love to a warm and talented man whom I am glad to be getting to know and interact with.
ozchique• Happy VD babe, have a good one, lots of Pandora,,hugs & kisses, roll on July xx
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• My life is happier for having you as my friend! We've had some lovely times together and I hope there are many more in our future. Your heart is full of fun and generosity.
• The perfect buddy to share food wine and QAF with. What did I ever do without you, Sunshine?
oz_ondi_au• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• Ondina, thank you for being such a wonderful reader and supporter of my work. Your comments are always invaluable.
paddies• Thank you for your contributions to the QaF fandom, what would we do without
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• one of the best icon makers around
• Gio, miss you much! Glad you still stop by for the occasional post, one of my first LJ friends
• You're the Brian to my Justin, the bestest support bra evah, the sunshine in my life, and I love you like no other, wife o' mine. *hugs*
• Love and kisses to my LFCs and friends.
• ♥♥♥ to one of my favorite people, who also happens to be a kick-ass icon maker, and a valiant site mistress.
paeansong• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
patheticgal• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
pbanda• I love you! And miss you. Coooome back, honeypants.
• Missing you too. Come back!
pclu2004• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
peacock• You're such an amazingly strong, perservering person. No matter how hard things get, you always face it head on. There may be tears, but you never seem to falter. I admire you.
peggin • I have always loved your dedication to fandom, but mostly I love how kind your heart is, and how you always have something helpful to impart to those of us who often need help things imparted. :)
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
petulant2u• To my mad Gale friend, so glad I found you, I love your dedication, we are nuts together, happy VD,,xx
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• I really liked you fic: Before There Was You There Was You
pfodge• Your icons are the BEST!
• your icons are becoming truly amazing!
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• Your icons are stunning, thank you for sharing them with us.
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• Happy Valentine's Day to one of the greatest icon makers evah! Thank you for all your hard work Patty! <3
• You have never said no to any of my requests and have consistently given me your best. Your icons and banners have done nothing but enhance my stories and for that I am immensely grateful.
• thanks for sharing all your beautiful artwork and allowing those of us not so talented to "borrow" your work for our own use
• I love your icons! They always make me happy and envious at the same time!!
• is an amazing icon and banner maker. She is a kind and cheerful person who is generous with her talents, providing us all with wonderful graphics to enjoy. Her icons are mini works of art and she shares them with us freely.
• Thanks for all the great iconage! Happy V-day!
pinkcakerocks• I'm really glad I met you, for so many reasons, but it's really nice to have someone that will stay up to 4am flailing about lame stuff with me. XD
pinkelephanti • You are crazy and funny and I love being your friend.
pinkfriction• hmmm..what can I say besides you're my bitch?! I love your posts and you just get things! I love how we're working on our goals together and once we figure things out it should be awesome! Keep on rocking!
• you are such a sweet, wise friend.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• Pinkalicious.
pixiebullets • You've been known to make me peepee my pants. I love that about you. ;)
plasticine_star• you are such an insightful commentor and fun friend.
• Happy Valentine's Day! <3 xoxo
• Happy Valentine! You are a true Gale/Brian Slut, lol. I love that about you among other things.
philflam• your limericks are missed
• my sister state neighbor and a nice woman
• I'm so grateful we met in line to see the great Gale Harold for his first-ever public appearance, and the many times we were together after that made very special memories for me!
plumduff• It's been so much fun getting to know you
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
plumsuede• I'm in awe of your creative writing, thank you for BYBR.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a special and talented friend.
• I'm stylin' in my riskybeads!
• quite the jewelry maker
• You are my favorite writer in fandom, and your novel, it is my favorite piece of fiction to ever come out of a fandom. You are absolutely and completely admirable - your talent is just awe-inspiring. And what's more, you are such a strong, incredible person, so, so sweet.
• You are an amazing writer.
• Biggest hugs to a brilliantly talented writer, gifted humorist and all around fabulous woman.
• Fantastic writer. I don't want BYBR to ever come to an end because it's just that great!
polyurethane• You are such a dork and I love you for it. XD
popfly• Thanks for all the amazing fics you gave us over the years! We miss it.
• Still very much think of you and Sev as a team and always will. Thank you for being here.
positive_pat• You're always there with a good word and something to make you think and try to put on that smile right on my face again. We can laugh and joke and I know you're there if I ever need little tart!
• thanks for all your positive comments through the years
preston1• Big hugs honey!
punklegolas• You are sweet and funny and it's a pleasure to be your friend.
pyewackets_paws • I ♥ U, crazy not-stalker! Thanks for always making me laugh!
• BB!!!!!!!!!!! YOU MAKE MY DAY SHINE. You are my LESBIANLOVER WITH A PETTING ZOO AND A DOUBLE-DECKER CHOCOLATE CAKE THREESOME. You have TEH most amazing sense of humor in the world, SUCH an incredible heart, and my life has become SO JOYFUL ever since you came into it. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE, my darling, utterly INCREDIBLE.
qafaddiction• Thanks for keeping up your totally amazing site! It's a fandom treasure. As are you! ♥
qafmaniac• Your vidding talents amaze me.
• Frau Docktor! I just heart you.
• To one of the best icon makers going: keep up the great work, and thanks soooo much! And Happy V-day!
queenydiva• nicer than she gives herself credit for
quinn222• You are talented, and awesome, and I'll always be thankful that I met you through this crazy thing called QaF.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• a wonderful photographer
• Absolutely wonderful photography and I love your thorough Disney reports! Don't ever leave. *clings*
ragejt• love you sweetie, glad you are my friend.
ragingpixie • I would totally turn gay for you.
• Thanks for all the fabulous fics hon!
• Your kids stories are cute and so are you. Thank you for the writing you've contributed. It'll always stick with me!
rand_alt• To an amazing and wonderful man and writer: much love to you and Brian today and always. Thanks for sharing your gift with us.
randysgirl_645• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
rainrockstarLove ya Taylo, :D
rapunzel50• Happy VDay, happy Bday too, see you soon, ILY,,hugs & kisses.xx
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• a new friend
• You're a beautiful person with a smile to match!
• for the many laughs and interesting conversations we always have.
• Her fun loving nature, talent and warm, generous heart make her a dear and treasured friend ♥
rebeccama• Love that you have so many really wonderful insights to share. My flist is enriched because you're on it.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• You make us think about things in new and interesting ways. That's good.
reboot_wlm• you are missed
• Michelle, YOU are "what love means" when it comes to the world of BJ fanfic and QAF history!
revezauxetoiles• You will get there. You might have to fight hard for it, but you'll get to your dream and you'll be even more proud of yourself for it. Don't give up yet.
rhiannonhero• a fantastic writer of both verse and fiction
• Wonderful fandom writer, beautiful inside and out and a wonderful mother. Love reading your daily stories!
• Where do I begin? You're a fabulous writer and I will stalk your work until the day that I die. You're a fabulous mother and your stories always bring a smile to my face. I will always picture a cute Norman Rockwell family, that's what you are to me! I'm so glad we met online!
richmondhillgal• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• You're my long lost sister! I'm glad I found you!
rinmonsterer• I love every single one of your rants. You are to me by far one of the most precious people in this fandom, and I’m lucky to know you. Also, Once Upon A Time, your Pregnant!Ballerina!Justin made me burst out laughing in the middle of a very boring public law class, and that moment alone will stay with me for ever and ever.
• Wonderful artist that I'm glad to have discovered this year and you're a wonderful addition to my flist!
risa7• Happy Vday my NYC loving friend. You make me smile & I miss you,,love & hugs.xx
• Hey girl!!! Miss you!!! Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• You are a joy! Your happiness is infectious! (please post more! I miss the insight into your world.)
rivermyangel• One of our wonderful new writers, has an awesome taste in music. I look forward to getting to know her better!
r_me_time• You pretty much said it all. No matter what we go through, I know that you're always there and that I won't lose you as a friend for any reason. Thank you for being here, for being someone I can really count on, and for your creativity! Writing with you is really a joy and I hope that we continue for ...ever, hee. Love you!
roryharold• Happy Valentine's Day! <3
rosequel• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
rosy5000• Been there since the beginning, always commenting on fic and RL stuff…truly a great friend and one I don't know what I'd do without!
rromantic• I LOVE you!, I LOVE your fics!, I LOVE your MGB Chronicles!, I LOVE your wild, crazy comments!. You always bring a :) to my face. Happy Valentines Day!
• I love you & I miss you! Nobody else is as good at listening to me ramble, rant and squee as you are ;-)
• I love your QaF stories so much and your MGB posts make me smile so much.
• Such a wonderful friend, love you hun.
• You’ve been a great friend to me since I first got involved in the fandom and I can’t thank you enough for all your support and encouragement. You are amazing!
• You are one special person on my flist and I am proud to be your friend.
• Sophisticated, clever, funny, friendly, pretty, talented…I am in awe of her =)
• Happy Valentine's Day, RR! I can't wait to see what your boys will think of on that very day :p
• You are loved….Thank you for yours.
rysoto• LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your QaF fics.
• Your fics amaze me, its like BK is still here, thanks, Happy Vday, you make me smile :)
• Dude. The internet is serious business. Don’t forget that. Happy Vday.
• I’m happy to have you on my friends list.
sabina1956• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
sakesushimaki• You are very talented, LOVE "Season 6"!
sammynce• You always know how to cheer me up. You are naughty, kinky and absolutely the perfect friend. I love you!
sandid• Your courage inspires me.
sandstorm63• thank you for never missing a birthday
• Your beautiful birthday GIFts make me feel like it's MY birthday everyday!! You're a QAF pioneer.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• A really, really generous, giving, wonderful person. Thank you so much for your daily birthday greetings and all the joy that you've given me.
• Hail to the Queen of Clips! You made the QAF fandom what it is. Or was. Happy Valentine's Day!
• Your birthday greetings to all us fans always make my heart skip a beat, and I hate those days in LJ when nobody has a birthday! I'm glad we met - I hope it will be a repeat performance someday!
• Thanks for helping to keep the music alive!
sapphire_3• Writer extraordinaire
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• You are one of my favorite writers and also a truly wonderful person.
• My wonderful parrot…wise-cracking, just plain wise, entertaining, and always so fun to talk to! *hugs madly*
sarahj2222• Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a lovely day.
• Love and kisses to my LFCs and friends.
sassyskunk• Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. Sometimes I question your commitment to sparkle motion. Happy Vday dude.
savemeimdtba• Your strength during everything that you've gone through really amazes me. I know I wouldn't be half as strong as you are. No, I know I'd be holed up in a room somewhere. But you're going on and still doing what you like to do, still having adventures and I'm happy that I can at least read through them. :)
say_whaaaaa• Never fails to crack me up.
scatterheart • You're the bravest, sweetest thing ever and I will never not want to put you in my pocket.
Schnute23• I can’t tell you how happy I am that we became friends so easily and so quickly! We’ve met fairly recently and yet you’re already very important for me. Love you, girl!
• You're wonderful and fun, hon!
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• Your enthusiasm and general awesomeness is amazing. Thank you for being a wonderful friend!
• Happy Valentine's Day Sweetie!!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how awesome you are to me, I don't deserve your friendship!!! I'm so thrilled to know you, and I'm hoping we'll meet one day, Y/Y? :D
scoobysnacksfix• Beautiful woman with a beautiful soul and a beautiful family!
sdrichey• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• Love, hugs, and my greatest respect to a wonderful woman and wonderful friend. ♥
seanmegansean• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• I wanna smooch you and hug you and keep you safe alwaaaays.
• Happy Valentine's Day!
• My precious friend. I can't imagine going through life's ups and downs without you ♥
7lubi7• Thank you for all your sweet little comments! You're so cute! ;D
severina2001• You've contributed so much to our fandom, your fics are fabulous!.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• your stories and valentines always delight
• glad I finally started reading you.
• I'm in complete awe of you. *loves*
• Passionate B/J writer, wrote some of my favorite stories.
• I'm so happy that I'm getting to know you better. Better late than never to add someone and thank you so much for really doing these throughout the years.
• You are an amazing writer, and every one of your updates makes me giddy like a little kid about to open his christmas presents!!
• ♥ to one of the best writers and sweetest people in the fandom!
sevigny7• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
sexy_pumpkin• Happy Valentines Day to our Gale cheerleader! I ♥ your daily pics.
• wonderful supporter of so many writers and artists, still so very much into the fandom. Thank you for every bit of feedback you leave to so many people.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• Jackie, you’re absolutely Gale’s biggest cheerleader, but never in a scary obsessed way! *winkwink*
• I absolutely love your enthusiasm for QaF and your love for Gale. Your picture posts make me smile and drool and they make my day.
• I don't think there is a sweetest, most devoted, greatest person in the fandom. You are stunning in every way, Jackie, and you make QaF a HAPPY place.
• So glad you are my friend and I will love you, Gale and your picspams always.
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• Thank you for always providing such delicious pictures!
• Jackie. Happy Valentine's Day to Gale Harold's #1 Cheerleader! What would Gale do without you! Your daily LJ posts are filled with "teh Gale love". they bring us such joy!! We've laugh and cried with you! You are a dear friend! You are truly one of a kind and very loved!<3 xoxoxo
• You bring joy where ever you go and I love that about you. Thank you for being so loyal to me and my writing.
• Gale's #1 Cheerleader.
• I love your picspams and your kindness. Thanks for being my friend.
• Paris is so lucky to have such a cool and awesome mom as you. ;))
• You're a crazy bitch but I bloody love ya!
• for the scintillating conversations, the laughs and the fun times we've shared.
• Loves Gale in the most beautiful way.
• I'm really looking forward to seeing you this summer!!
• Who'd have thought it could be, but your heart is bigger than your Gale!love. You're so warm and generous, ILY ♥
• Happy Valentine! You are Gale's #1 cheerleader, lol
• is Gale's biggest fan. Her constant enthusiasm for Gale and for QAF binds the fandom together. Without Jackie our fandom would be a duller and less interesting place. She is a total sweetheart who always brings a smile to my face.
sfscarlet• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
shadownyc• *sigh* what would I do without your writing, LOVE the "Gus Diaries"!
• To my dear friend, be well OK, see you soon, love ya,,hugs & kisses for Vday.xx
• genuinely kind person with a sly sense of humor. You make my day!
• You are wonderful to the fandom and me
• To the most patient member of the fandom! Happy Valentine's Day! You ARE too.
• You’re generous, kind, always ready to offer a word of advice. And you’re a fabulous writer, I adore every single one of your stories.
• Your wonderful stories are a joy to read and your feedback is so encouraging. You are so sweet and I am glad you are on my flist.
• I love you, hon, you are incredible.
• A pleasure to know you and count you among my friends.
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• Happy Valentine's Day to one of the kindest and sweetest ever....... Who just happens to be one incredible writer!! Thank you for sharing your stories with us! Most of all for being a friend! <3
• A great writer and a great Mom....
• You've been there for me from the beginning and I'll always appreciate that. Thank you for all you do.
• kind friend, wonderful writer and vital to our fandom
• thanks for including me in your inner circle of friends- I hope one day, I might actually meet you in person
• You always make me smile.
• You're definitely one of the friendliest and nicest person in fandom. :)
• You are just wonderful and have a heart as big as Texas! Your dedication to the fandom is amazing.
• You share so much of yourself, and I appreciate your kindness in thinking of me when I was sick.
• I love your fics. I hope we get to meet soon!
• Your friendship and the time we share together mean the world to me. Our accomplishments together make me so proud.
• is an amazing writer and an even better friend. She works so hard in the QAF fandom to keep it a vibrant place to be. She constantly delights us with new chapters of her wonderful Gus Diaries and she is always there with a supportive word, a birthday greeting or just a cyber hug if it is needed. I consider myself a very lucky person to count her among my friends.
• So much fun and enjoyment watching you develop even more as a writer and your Gus series. Your kindness to others and caring with a word or two is always appreciated
shammymacc• Happy Vday my love, I can still hear you laughing, your a wonderful friend,,ILY,,hugs & kisses xx
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• for always knowing just the right thing to say and for putting a smile on my face.
• Adorable! A treasure of a friend who proves time and time again that fandom friends are the best friends ever
shape5• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• David Cook, Broadway, Rufus Wainwright, Qaf, genuinely interesting person and I'm glad that you're still here.
sian265• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
silme711• You are wonderful, warm, kind and always caring. I truely adore you and I love our friendship.
silentlywrecked• You are so talented and I love your arts.
• One of my current favorite fandom artists. So glad that you've shared your creativity with Qaf fandom because you are truly one of the best.
sjmpets• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• I always smile when I see your feedback. Thank you so much for being my friend.
• You are SO generous and kind.
• thanks for all the comments you make and your support of my writing- I know you read all that I post and you are honest with your feedback
• Kind, lovely person who is always encouraging and always eager to support.
• Thank you for your support and voracious love of teh love.
slave_o_spike• Love and kisses to my LFCs and friends.
• I'll just say, you totally crack me up! Thank you!
sleepless3333 • You are fun, love and friendship! I LOVE YOU!
snowmore• You are a very special person in my life
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH, ROBIN!!! Your friendship means the world to me. You are an incredible, admirable woman, and I appreciate your support and love more than I can say.
snowym• ;adkjflkd <333333 You made Japan all the more amazing for me. I love that I got to meet you and we could spend time together. I really hope someday we can do it again.
softbluebuddy • You will always have a special place in my heart. I love you much too much.
spaceworrier • I suck at communicating a lot of the time but I value your friendship and I love talking to you, even though it may not seem like I always do.
spike7451• To my ever loving Gale friend, we truly are mad together, thanks for the reccs, ILY,,happy Vday.xx
• such a wonderful friend and dedicated reader to so many people.
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• You always manage to say the right words at the right time… thank you!
• My sweet friend! My clickin’ buddy! I have enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to and long friendship. And, if I ever come to Oz I hope we can meet in person.
• You’ve always been so sweet and supportive and I can’t thank you enough.
• Happy Valentine's Day! <3
• Thanks for doing such a good job in maintaining the neverenough_bj community. I appreciate all your hard work and support.
• Your warm comments always fill me with joy. Thanks for being my friend.
• Friendly, courteous woman who always has the prettiest blinkies! =D
stacey_in_ma• Thank you so much for all your Randy updates! :D
• I appreciate every thing you do.
starlightbj• Hello to my fellow chocoholic
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• Love your stories, so glad I found you.
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• You are a great person and a wonderful writer. I’m so happy to have met you.
• Extraordinarily talented and a lovely person
static_pixie• You are crazy and cool and it's great to have you on my flist.
stawberynvanila • You arts and your kindness are legend. I love you.
stephmck• Happy Vday you skinny bitch lol, dont' eat to many chocolates, & Im not a retard any longer on LJ lol,,ILY xx
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a special kindred spirit.
• You always make me smile.
• You are a joy to spend time with and are so full of love and fun!! We clicked right from the start. It is my privilege to have you as a friend.
• for all the little things she does for me and for occasionally letting me talk her ear off.
• Thanks for all you do for the fandom!
• Love how you take pictures and share and will so something for someone if you can and you decorate great Christmas trees.
stevenghost• "ilu bby"
• Though we don't talk often I know that if I need you, you'll be there, and that's a great friend. ♥
stilllife• always interesting comments
sunshine63• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• A joy to have on the old flist…lively and always has wonderful things to say
sun_shined• You are funny and naughty and truly the best vid-maker I know.
• Joyeux Saint-Valentin, Nicky ;)! Je suis contente de te compter dans mes amis, et j'ai hâte de faire encore plus ample connaissance avec toi!!
superstitiousme• You are a good egg. I wish you knew just how good of an egg you are.
• Big hugs honey.
suzvoy• I thank my lucky stars I found your fic this year.
• Oursnotissomadeforeachotheromg. I love you!
• NUKENUKENUKE. Ahem. Wonderful person, love the stories that you share about your days and of course, the squeeing.
sweetgirl7808 • You have the perfect username, you are the sweetest girl ever. I am so proud to be your friend.
sweetmadamblue• caring, giving, funny, and never at a loss for an opinion
sydneyalexis• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• great writer of Gus stories that will rip your heart out
taintedangel80 • You are wonderful, caring and a great friend.
talulababy • You are lovely and kinky, funny and serious, you can be so much at the same time. I couldn't wish for a better friend.
tamalinn• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• I miss your QaF Sims!
tanukis • There are no more words than "I LOVE YOU". Enough said :)
tawny_7• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• Happy Vday sweetie, see you soon, we are made Gale fans together,,ILY,,hugs & kisses.xx
• always kind
teary_eyed2• who makes me laugh and cry at the same time; often with tea coming out my nose
• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• Most Wonderful Valentine's Day to you! You're an amazing and courageous woman. Keep kicking ass. Or licking it, if it's good looking!
• My prayers are with you, though I've never said so.
• Happy Valentine's Day teary_love! Sending you a big sloppy chocolate *kiss*! <3
• You never fail to make me ROTFLMAO!
• Your entries never fail to brighten up my day! Thank you! :))
• A brave, courageous and funny woman.
• You always make me laugh through my tears. I don't know anybody as kooky and as brave and funny as you!
• Behind the insane smuttiness beats the heart of a superwoman. I admire your strength and courage and wish you all the love in the world this Valentine's day ♥
• ♥♥♥ to one of the most brilliant humorists and bravest people I've ever known. Thank you so much for all the laughter and smiles you've given us over the years.
testdog65• Thanks for sharing your wonderful writing and wonderful self with us!
tgray• I miss your fics
theaix• Hazel - if you're reading this, you should know you're in deep shit trouble. Happy Valentine's Day all the same. I love you.
thea2056• Happy Vday babe, see you very soon, enjoy your day, all my love.xx
theleapingmuse• I love you so much, yup yup!
thumpathumpa • a HOR with rockin' hair and nice to boot
tmpttneyes• always nice to me
• Happy Valentine's Day!
tosca15• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• Love and kisses to my LFCs and friends.
totallyfrelled• dear friend, confidant and all around lovely lady who makes me smile
• Much love to you on this Valentine's Day and prayers for the stove to cooperate and keep you warm.
triciaqaf• You are totally amazing as a person and a writer. I'm so very glad you shared your talents with us for so long. Lots of love. ♥
• WOW!!, some of the HOTTEST fics I've ever read, wish you still wrote QaF.
• Great writer. How 'bout a farewell fic for our fandom? :)
trintiff• wonderful friend and reader.
trueila• Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
tunaeverything• Happy Valentine's Day :D! I always enjoy our funny conversations about Lost, and basically everything :)! Hope we'll still be friends for a long time!
turnyourankle• I'll be your #1 cheerleader to finish your WIP Qaf story. Kay? K. Love you.
turtletwins• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
Url_girl• Girl!, your icons ROCK!!!!!
• you always make me laugh and that makes my day
• Your doodles are poetry!
• You never fail to make me smile.
• I heart your doodles like woa!
• Most wonderful sense of humour ever.
• Every single one of your posts makes me smile. I love your humor, I live for your doodles, fandom just wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t for you.
• Smiles and laughter, the greatest gifts there are, and you've given them to us in abundance. Thanks so much! ♥
• Whattup braintwin! Seriously? I'd be BROKEN without you. In half. It'd hurt. I love you so much and I'm so happy that you're still around for hugs, cuddles, tears and all. THE SAUCE THAT IS AWESOME. AWESOMESAUCE. ♥
valerie_z• You're brilliantly hysterical and hysterically brilliant. Thanks for letting us in on it. :) Happy V-day!
vamphile• Thanks for writing some amazing fics, you ROCK!
• You're a wonderful writer. Keep up the great work! And thanks!
_venus_ • Babe where can I begin with you? you're so MIA lately but you were really my first friend in the LJ world, I have shared so much with you and I know you've done the same. I miss you and our chats and hopefully we WILL meet in the new year.
violette7• I love your fics, they always make my day.
visitingagain• wish you would more often
• We've shared so many QAF experiences, and you'll always be my touchstone for everything Refugee.
vlredreign • Happy Valentine’s Day to a lovely friend.
• You have a wicked sense of humor and constantly crack me up.
• Very glad you're here in the fandom. You're fun to have around.
wake_upsunshine• You are a really sweet person and I’m happy to have met you.
• No one is as lovely, caring and funny as you are. You are a joy to be around.
wattle_neurotic • You ROCK and I'm happy to be on your flist.
we_dreamerz• You write some of the BEST fics for our fandom, please continue! {{hugs}}
• such a diverse and delightful friend.
• Thank you for sharing your talent with your wonderful talent, and thank you for our new community where like minded pervs can play. : )
• One of my all around favorite writers, talented and creative and innovative!
wickedpookie • Cristina, one of the lovely, lovely people in my life who I wish I could talk to more!
wildsweet_angel• Happy Vday babe, our love of Gale brought us together, see you soon,,hugs & kisses xx
• Hello my friend. I miss you!!!! Spring lunch okay??? Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• Happy Valentine's Day Terry! Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us! Most of all thank you for being a friend!! *hugs* <3
wordsalone• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
• Love and kisses to my LFCs and friends.
• Absolutely adore you. Look forward to everything that you do!
• You are so very beautiful, inside and out.
wouldbedorothy • I LOVE your RPS fics, excellent!
• I'll remain your loyal B/J fan.
• Wishing you a wonderful V-day filled with lots of love and hugs. XOXO
• I so love your Gale/Randy writings. They're my favorites! XX
wren_kt7oz• Happy Valentine’s Day to a special and talented friend.
• I've always enjoyed your comments about fan fic. Love your writing, too.
• Thinking of you and of your land. Praying.
xhaleslowly• Happy V-day to one of the very best writers this fandom has ever had! Thank you!
xie_xie_xie• I LOVE your fics, I LOVE your commentaries, your love for QaF is apparent in everything you write. You're AWESOME!!!
• Love and kisses to my LFCs and friends.
• For all you do and for just being you. Lots of love and Happy V-day!
xo-disaster-ox • You have a great personality and I love your sense of humor.
zaipixie• I love your icons!
• Thanks for your ever amazing iconage! And for just being you.
zed_pm• You are one of my best friends and I love you.
zortrana• Happy Valentine’s Day to a dear and supportive friend.
General Fandom:
• Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful community.