'Cause Breaking Up Is Hard To Do . . .

Aug 16, 2007 20:30

I'm sorry. I just can't do it anymore. The lies, the double standards. How you'll say one thing and then turn around and contradict yourself. How you think it's all about one issue when it's NOT! How when I ask for your help you'll ignore me for days. You don't even return my calls anymore! You just don't listen to me and I can't take it ( Read more... )

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Comments 21

riani1 August 17 2007, 02:47:34 UTC
Thank you for finishing GC here. When you post new stuff over at IJ, could you mention it here? I've put together an account over at Greatest Journal, but I don't know if I can keep track of one over at IJ as well.


amejisuto August 17 2007, 02:57:58 UTC
If I can, I will. Problem is that El Jay doesn't even want us to link to other sites if you have something that could be child pornish. So say I posted a follow up to Thrill Me and Xander's 17 . . . I wouldn't post the link here if El Jay is cracking down. In fact I'd probably delete my link to my web site.

That's a big part of the problem. Really, someone could report Thrill Me and I might get ToS'ed. I have a couple other Season Two! and Season Three!Xanders with Spike and/or Angel and that would be frowned upon.

So yeah, I'll link if I can. I just know if I can.

OH! You may want to check your GJ. They just stopped notifications and you're only allowed 100 icons now, without warning their customers! So even more people are flocking to Insane Journal. Sheesh. What a mess.


riani1 August 17 2007, 03:03:38 UTC
I can see limiting icons, the influx is probably stressing their servers. I'll check to see what the notification news is.

It doesn't need to be a link for the fic, just a note saying, "New goodies over at IJ!" The wise will know what to do.


amejisuto August 17 2007, 03:09:41 UTC
Yeah, I can do that last. Probably. Unless I'm BOLDED OUT or whatever the jargon is. Or I can set up a feed! Unless that counts as linking?

I'm getting seriously confused! LOL


writan_bur August 17 2007, 05:03:23 UTC
Will you be locking anything on IJ? I haven't signed up over there, and since I have a permanent account here I'm more or less unable to move as a protest...

I'd probably set up a bookmark for your IJ, unless you lock it, because I don't want to see you disappear.


amejisuto August 17 2007, 14:21:28 UTC
I doubt if I will. I'm not even going to be locking anything else here, just Cat Magic. I figure if they're coming after me, they'll get me and if El Jay is going to be t hat big of an asshat I don't care if I get bolded, you know?

So yeah, not locking. I'm just too lazy to do so! LOL


rowaine August 17 2007, 13:17:28 UTC
can't say i'll miss ya... mainly cus i'm already over at IJ and GJ both :P

this whole snafu is just ridiculous! but i refuse to start spouting off anti-LJ propoganda this morning. don't need any encouragement for my indigestion, y'know?

and please inform your muse that i'm willing to bribe her with twinkies and double chip peanut butter fudge brownies if she'll give you some lovin'.


amejisuto August 17 2007, 15:00:24 UTC
YAY for IJ!! What I would do without it right now, I just don't know. I think being there is making the break up easier, you know?

I'm gonna see if feeding my Muse pizza helps instead. Because really twinkies are just too sweet! LOL

Seriously though, I have 5 chapters of an HP/DM thing that petered out, 2 of a HP/LM/SS that died, three different Xander thingies that I haven't finished . . . it's like I get ideas and then stop! It's so fucking frustrating! GAH!


rowaine August 17 2007, 16:31:54 UTC
no kidding... i've got the next 8 chapters of WLAE mapped out and mostly ready, and haven't got the time to post right now.

might've done, if LJ hadn't pulled this crap, but now i'm having to save/transfer everything elsewhere. only a couple of my fics fall under the questionable catagory, but not taking chances.

besides, if all my favorite people are moving, what's the point with me staying here? i've only got a journal to keep track of my friends anyways *lol*


amejisuto August 17 2007, 17:22:39 UTC
~WHINES~ I WANNA READ WLAE! ! Just one chapter? Please?

I hear you though, I've saved and transferred but not worried about tags or memories since my site has most of my stuff. I'm not locking down here though since I'm too freaking lazy. Still it's a HUGE pain in the ass. Especially since I had 480+ icons over at GJ that I had to resave. I got done yesterday and they pulled their crap last night. So glad I got that done with! LOL

Is resave even a word?


strchsr August 17 2007, 16:29:37 UTC
I'm right there with you, babe. Buffy fandom doesn't seem to think that this whole thing has nothing to do with them, but it does. I can think of numerous spander fics where Xander at least starts the fic underage. Not to mention the fact that fandoms need to stand together on this issue. I've already friended you at insane, but I wanted to say "right on!" hope to see more of your writing soon. hugs.



amejisuto August 17 2007, 17:10:34 UTC
Thanks luv! Yeah, a lot of other fandoms don't seem to be worrying but they should be! It's just so frustrating!

~huggles you back~


vinniebatman August 17 2007, 18:07:16 UTC
Yeah, it's probably a good idear for you.
I'll miss you...


amejisuto August 18 2007, 13:49:32 UTC
Didn't I friend you over at IJ? ~scratches head~ You'll probably hear from me over there. I posted twice last night, it's just with stuff I don't dare to put up here. LOL Anyhoo it's not like I'm totally disappearing, just halfway.

Unless I piss of the El Jay gods with my snarking and they get rid of me. ~rolls eyes~ I just figure since I suck at smut I'm low on the totem poll.


vinniebatman August 18 2007, 19:53:03 UTC
I think I friended you at IJ, but it's the end of an era...


amejisuto August 19 2007, 01:48:49 UTC
~huggles~ I'll still be hanging out here some, just more over there!


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