'Cause Breaking Up Is Hard To Do . . .

Aug 16, 2007 20:30

I'm sorry. I just can't do it anymore. The lies, the double standards. How you'll say one thing and then turn around and contradict yourself. How you think it's all about one issue when it's NOT! How when I ask for your help you'll ignore me for days. You don't even return my calls anymore! You just don't listen to me and I can't take it!

I'm tired of worrying about what I'm going to say, and what you'll think of me. It's just too much. We'll still be friends and all but I can't have an intimate relationship with you any longer.

That's right LJ/6A. I'm breaking up with you.

Yeah, I know, I'm starting out this post with a joke but damn this whole El Jay Being An Asshat Thing is hard to deal with. I mean, they are doing all of the above! And they keep hollering about not allowing any child porn on their site they aren't even listening to the other issues that people are bringing up. It's a sad fucking state of affairs and it's true. I'm tired of worrying over it. Do you realize that canon Buffy is considered child porn by some of the El Jay people, because Buffy is under 18 at the time of Season Two? The age of consent in the State of California is 18 so if you write anything with any Buffy characters with them under 18 . . . that would be considered child porn by the EL Staff and get you your first strike.

buggery has a wonderful post here and has laid out the legal issues better than I could ever think about. There is also thread on the lj_biz's latest post where femmequixotic, pornish_pixies mod, has asked for clarification here. That was three days ago. As far as I know she hasn't heard anything solid back from the El Jay people yet.

The wonderful liz_marcs has a great post here about how she's trying to figure out if it's even safe to link to other sites. I mean, from the way El Jay has worded it, if I just link to a manip or fanart where Xander may not be 18, I can still be ToS'ed. vikingcarrot tells in her journal how she had even put that Draco was 18 in her fan art but the El Jay people decided he looked too young and gave her her First Strike.

Why the link round up? So y'all know what's going on for one thing. For another it's just a way for me to point out how illogical LJ/6A is being. For me it's stopped being just about censorship vs. child porn and has moved on to the fact that Six Apart gives crappy customer service. They don't listen to their users! In fact there has been a couple of instances where the El Jay staff has mocked fandom in open posts. Then got caught but didn't apologize, just said he was joking.


So it is with a heavy heart I post that I've pretty much packed up and moved to my Insane Journal. Oh, I'm not leaving here, not totally. So what does this mean? It means that if you post on IJ and LJ, I'll probably answer on IJ. I'll also check that and just check LJ once or twice a day. It also means that once my paid time and icons runs out on LJ I AM NOT giving them any more money.

I've used LJ Book to back up my LJ, AND I used LJ Sec to back up my stuff to my IJ, thanks to the wonderful brown_betty's post here. Yeah, I'm too lazy to go th rough and put my fic in my memories there, or in tags but they're on my site for the most part. I've got my stuff backed up for the most part so that's of the good. That way if something happens to this journal, I won't cry.

This also means that, after Suki and I have finished posting GC, (Yeah, we're late again. Sorry but we're trying to finish it RIGHT, not on time.), I will not be posting any more fics on Live Journal.

Let me say that again, I WILL NOT be posting any more of my fiction on Live Journal, or on any server owned by Six Apart. That means that although I have a free Vox account, I'm basically just name grabbing and don't plan to do a darn thing with it. In fact the only place you'll find me posting any fic is over at my Insane Journal. Well, when my Muse gets out of it's depression. Suki's gonna help me with that.

What I WON'T be doing is disappearing from my friends and community here. Well, anymore than I normally do when I get moody and clam up. I'm just gonna . . . hang out with Tweak more than I do Frank. Because really, Tweak is just so much cooler!

And I hate doing this, I really do. I'm just SO tired of worrying over this. I was up till after 3 this morning thinking this over. I don't have a legal leg to stand on and just telling El Jay that this isn't right and is stupid doesn't cut it. So I'm doing the one thing I can do and withdrawing my support. Publicly. So while the EL Jay people talk about virtual gifts that are corporate sponsored and brains in a jar and not answer serious questions, again, I'm going to stop worrying about this stuff and see if I can write.
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