Story Title: On a Bright Cloud of Music
Author: Amedia
Rating: PG
Characters/Ship: Cain/Glitch
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Imagiquest. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Dance!
Word Count: 3566
Author's note: This is pure crackfic inspired by the cliché discussion
here. The cliché I chose: the formal dance! And a little bit of Cain wrestling with his feelings. It also incorporates
request at
heartnbrain_req. There's also a bit of
personal canon in there. The title is taken from the song "Shall we Dance?" in The King and I.
DG didn't want to admit it, but going over the details for her and Azkadellia's coming-out ball was actually enjoyable. She had to admit that her mother's idea of taking people's minds off the recent troubles sounded fun. Besides, it was interesting to learn about the differences between formal dances in the O.Z. and at Sunflower Regional High School. For one thing, the food and the music were going to be a whole lot better. Another one of the differences was a bigger surprise.
"Now," said the Queen (DG still had trouble thinking of her as Mom), "The royal family will start off the dancing, as is traditional. Ahamo and I will dance together, of course, and so will you and Azkadellia. And then, remember, the two of you will have to take turns dancing with all the ambassadors before you dance with anyone else. It's a sign of respect and welcome."
DG thought for a moment. "Wait, aren't some of the ambassadors women?"
"So?" asked Azkadellia matter-of-factly.
DG looked from Az to her mother and back again. They both looked politely bemused. "You mean I don't have to just dance with guys?" asked DG.
"I thought you'd've figured that out since your first dance is with ME," said Az, laughing.
"I thought that was some kind of weird sister thing," DG answered. Az shook her head.
"My brother is going to need a partner for the first dance," the Queen said, frowning slightly in concentration. "DG, do you have any ideas?"
"It doesn't have to be a woman, does it?"
Part One
"You called for me, your Majesty?" Cain asked. He was still a bit nervous hobnobbing with royalty, but he was gradually becoming accustomed to running the security detail for the palace.
"I wanted to speak with you about the upcoming ball for the Princesses' debut," the Queen said.
Cain nodded, expecting her to ask about the security precautions he was recommending. Her next words took him completely by surprise.
"Mr. Cain, would you consider serving as escort to our dear Ambrose?"
One did not stare blankly at royalty, goggle-eyed, Cain sharply reminded himself. And really, whatever he might have thought, there was only one correct answer when the Queen asked a favor. "Of course, your Majesty."
She smiled. "I was hoping you would say that," she said. "I'm afraid you'll need to delegate more of the security work, but I can let you have some of my personal staff to help out." She produced a small blank white card out of nowhere and handed it to him. "Take that to the tailors who serve the palace and tell them you need a dress uniform. The bill will be taken care of."
Again, Cain was saved by the fact that there was only one correct answer. "Thank you, your Majesty," he said, and managed a gracious exit.
He had seen very little of Glitch since the eclipse a few months ago. There had been too much going on, and what little free time they had rarely coincided. They occasionally passed in the hallways, once or twice had exchanged a few words at some official meeting. Yet Glitch had been very much on his mind. When his mind was not otherwise occupied, images would flash before his eyes: a graceful deadly whirlwind taking out multiple Longcoats; a sacrifice as terrible as his own, faced with clear-eyed courage; and always, the memory of a hundred moments when a sudden smile had crinkled Glitch's eyes and warmed Cain's soul.
He had considered just going to the advisor's suite and asking Glitch to have lunch with him or offering some other innocuous invitation, but every time it occurred to him, he found excuses not to do it. Surely Glitch had more important people to meet with, more important things to do. Surely he wasn't on Glitch's mind the way that Glitch was on his.
There were times when he wished he could have spoken to Raw and gotten the Viewer's insights, but Raw had gone back to his homeland, to take Kalm back, and to bring messages to his people from the Queen. Cain didn't know when Raw would return, and was surprised by how much he missed him. They had all become close during their adventure.
Some closer than others.
And now this request ... did the Queen know something he didn't? Recalling the scene to his mind, he had to admit that she had had a near-perfect poker face, but now that he recollected, he thought that DG was hiding a smirk, and not very well. Cain squared his shoulders. Well, at least I have an excuse to talk to Glitch now, he thought, and headed for Glitch's office suite. To his disappointment, however, he learned that the Royal Advisor had been called out of town and would not return until the dance.
Cain's uniform was delivered by the tailor shop a few days before the event, so that he would have time to try it on and have any necessary adjustments made. None were necessary. He stared at the mirror of his room in the palace, hardly believing that he was looking at himself. All in shades of white and silver, the uniform had a sleek spartan elegance that made him look, well, almost handsome, and certainly dignified. The medals he had received for the role he played in saving the O.Z. from the Witch flashed brightly against the subtle material. The Queen would have no reason to be ashamed of inviting him to escort her brother.
Part 2