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Comments 66

51stcenturyfox July 1 2009, 14:07:06 UTC
Hot tub sex Gwen/Rhys/another, possibly Jack or Ianto? Lisa/Jack/Ianto? Yes?

Yup. Pretty much. Write some more porn, please.


amand_r July 1 2009, 14:10:42 UTC


51stcenturyfox July 1 2009, 14:16:42 UTC

Google Chrome?

Slate tablet + crayon?


amand_r July 1 2009, 14:18:32 UTC


luscious_words July 1 2009, 14:23:16 UTC
How about ::shifty eyes:: polyamorous fic? Five way domestic? Hot tub sex Gwen/Rhys/another, possibly Jack or Ianto? Lisa/Jack/Ianto? Yes? AU? POLYAMORY? Is parapalegic sex sexy?
1. Hell to the yeah on the polyamory!!!
2. See above answer to the five way domestic.
3. See above above answer to the hot tub config.
4. See...are you getting the picture with my answers?
Last question - See answer to #1. :)


amand_r July 1 2009, 14:27:02 UTC
Good to know.


luscious_words July 1 2009, 14:31:02 UTC
I'm all for threesomes, foursomes, moresomes in fanfic and original stories. (Does it show that I like smut? *g* A girl can always hope, right?)


amand_r July 1 2009, 14:31:51 UTC


neifile7 July 1 2009, 14:34:51 UTC
Paraplegic sex, done right, for the absolute freaking win. I hope you know the work of John Callahan? A must if you're going to go there.

If you can make coffee with a taser, then you pwn my overeducated ass. I concede. Otherwise, the duelling caffetiere are on.


amand_r July 1 2009, 14:41:38 UTC
Of course I tase the coffee! That's where you get the extra jolt!

I have not seen it, but i'm more concerned with medical issues right now. Jokes later.


neifile7 July 1 2009, 14:56:50 UTC
Great thing about Callahan -- he doesn't gloss over the real medical stuff, just incorporates it with humor. Really, go have a look; lots of stuff archived online.

Okay, now I have to come up with my own coffee-tasing technique. Plainly I will be no kind of TW5 butler if I can't.


amand_r July 1 2009, 15:00:23 UTC
Well, I need to know about it from a chick's perspective, but I'll definitely check him out.

Tasing is ESSENTIAL.


paragraphs July 1 2009, 15:29:29 UTC
1. I'm a dialogue whore, so I gotta have it. Yes, I love beautifully-crafted narrative, but it damn well better be exquistely-structured, propel the plot forward, and not tell tell tell. Too often I see paragraphs of narrative that would be so much more entertaining and interesting if broken down into dialogue. When I see that, I just think a writer is being a bit lazy. Harsh, but true. I am evil like that. Polyamory? Sure! You know there is a poly big bang out there...I signed up for it, though I am wondering why. My friend amproof made me ( ... )


amand_r July 1 2009, 15:37:09 UTC
1. I agree with what you say, and that is why this is killing me, because I LOVE WHAT I HAVE. I LOVE IT. And I don't know what I'm doing. But dialogue isn't the only way to show, and I do a lot of showing though physical actions (he turns his wedding band on his finger, she slams her chair into the doorframe) and I don't get how a lack of dialogue is taking away from that. you know? It's the quiet of the narrative that makes the dialogue important then, and that's what's important, because words are important even when they're not.

Oh no. I just launched into my inner monologue about Jepthah's daughter.

Sookie slash, It has to be out there. I fangirl Charlaine like mad.


paragraphs July 1 2009, 15:57:34 UTC
1. I don't want just dialogue of course--that is screenwriting lol--but a balance thrills me the most, engages the Dear Reader's emotions and throws them into grabbing for Kleenex. I do think, if you are preferring more narrative, that is fine but don't cheat yourself out on truly wielding it fiercely to bring your Dear Readers to their knees ( ... )


amand_r July 1 2009, 16:09:21 UTC
See, my problem is that isn't where the story lies, and in fact, in its normalcy that part of the story needs to be glossed. I don't want to unpack, and I don't want to dwell on the illness in a way, actually. Its a thing, and it's a huge thing, but it's a persistent thing until it becomes part of the background in its own way. Like, fight club. I don't want to talk about it ( ... )


moljn July 1 2009, 17:37:40 UTC
I'm all for any fic done well (may or may not read it, but for it nonetheless). As for no dialogue, if it's not long-ass paragraphs of introspection, that's a plus. And it's not, so good on that. The bit you posted seemed more like the intro to the real story, a the-story-so-far. I'm trying to think of fanfic that used the same matter-of-fact(?) style well. One Rose/Ten II had long stretches of it, as I recall, with key scenes played out with dialogue and in more detail.

It seems like it'd be a longish story, and I think the narrative would distance the reader too much if you didn't go in and make it more immediate here and there (if that makes sense). Not sure how well it lends itself to (hot) sex scenes either, if you're going for that, but that could be because it's not my pairing. If key-scenes-dialogue doesn't do it for you, maybe you could intersperse it with short dialogue-only parts. A bit gimmicky, though, I guess.

Hm, that's a lot of ifs.


amand_r July 1 2009, 17:42:32 UTC
Yeah, the dialogue slicing makes it...funny looking. I'm trying an alternate version of the same scene, and seeing how it works. I'll probably slap that up here as well.

The beginning doesn't really do it justice in the terms of pacing, because I want to get them to Cardiff. Like all of this is set up, you know, and then it slows. I dunno. We'll see. When I think if show, don't tell, what I think if is the whole spewing of internal thought processes, not the lack of dialogue or the use of a matter of fact narrative, because actions are telling in that. They're just narrative actions. Shit, that was what I was trying to say earlier.

I fail at communications.


moljn July 1 2009, 18:38:55 UTC
Or I fail at reading; I think you lost me halfway through the second paragraph.

Think we agree that you're showing-not-telling plenty in the bit you posted, though. Sometimes, as one essay once said, "He turned on the lamp," is perfectly fine writing. He doesn't need to reach for, find and pull the string. And if we were to take show-don't-tell far enough, we'd have mimes, not writers. Would make for a very different kind of porn. Less, too, probably.

That was a bit of a tangent. I'd be interested in seeing the new version, though. And okay, I get what you mean about the pacing. It wouldn't be much of a story if everything happened so fast. I still imagine the style to be distancing, if stuck to throughout, but it's hard to say for sure without reading the story.


amand_r July 1 2009, 18:45:11 UTC
Oh jesus. I can't do anything right anymore.


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