I finally did it! I made Shake n' Bake!

Aug 13, 2005 18:57

And Ah helped!

No really. I made the sort of slash. rabbijones says that it is implied. I uh, dunno 'bout that there, Bob. In anycase, thanks to the good Rabbi, and to tianyu who of course suggested all sorts of titles that I cannot very well use, such as "Batman and the Uncomfortable Silence" and "Dear God Bruce Hit That Shit Up ( Read more... )

fanfic, batman

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Comments 32

thete1 August 13 2005, 09:30:15 UTC
God, this was... twisty and difficult and lovely, and really, please do this all you *like*. Wow. So very *them*.

Thank you for this!


amand_r August 13 2005, 17:49:29 UTC
Thanks so much. I don't think I figured everything out that I wanted to figure out, but I'll get there.


jamjar August 13 2005, 09:37:01 UTC
This is good. It feels like Tim's at that point where you've gone through tiredness, so much so you can't sleep and don't exactly want to, when your mind's just-- someplace not quite attached.

The POV was hard to follow in parts because of that-- Tim knowing stuff about Jason, about Dick, like he was there, but it worked.


amand_r August 13 2005, 17:51:53 UTC
I have this idea that Tim knows Jason and Dick in terms of Robin, but only because he's cobbled a manual in his head of how not to be Robin. Jason has a lot to do with that.

I'm glad you liked it.


cosmicastaway August 13 2005, 13:29:52 UTC
Wow. You verily blew me away here.

My favourite part is Tim describing Zorro and the birth of Batman, but definately, just a small stand-out in the entire fic.

A few spelling errors, but aside from that, I adore your content to pieces. Thank you!


amand_r August 13 2005, 17:46:24 UTC
I think I wrote that bit first or something. I've loved the Zorro idea sine I read WF.

Gah on the spelling. My eyes are not what they used to be. Thanks!


cosmicastaway August 13 2005, 17:53:05 UTC
Eeee! Virus icon! Those things creep me out. Just...they look like they're evil. It's weird, but true.

A beta could clear up any speeling erors you mite get. ^___^


amand_r August 13 2005, 18:23:43 UTC
Yeah, the icon is part of the new writing pseudonym. The spelling errors-- I just went through and got about seven or so of them. I used to have a beta, but she doesn other fandoms. No Bat-betas, sadly.


metalphoenix August 13 2005, 18:03:50 UTC
*makes mental note to read this as soon as I read Hush*

*makes mental note to read Hush already, dammit*


amand_r August 13 2005, 18:24:30 UTC
Hush is bad ass. Jiiiiim Leeeee.


ever_faithful August 13 2005, 18:32:23 UTC
See , I have this theory about Tim . The theory is as follows : He started out as freaky stalker boy , then moves to re-unite the dysfunctional bat family boy , and then after much agony and training and such , he is Robin . But he isn't like the other Robins because unlike the rest , having watched for so long he has this window into their behaviors and existences that gives him a sort of advantage over Batman and Nightwing, but not over Bruce and Dick . And this fic , HMS Pinafore not withstanding , proves my theory. More research is needed however , to form a complete thesis , so write more soon okay ?! ;)


amand_r August 13 2005, 18:53:12 UTC
Yeah, I bet I could write like fifty of these half-slash things. I've even started a new one and it still has no sex. I'm glad you liked it.

I dunno about the Pinafore. It worked when I typed it. But then again, those five gin and tonics last night seemed like at good idea at the time, too.


amand_r August 13 2005, 18:54:27 UTC
Oh and also? I think your theory is so very correct: I think there are about fifteen pairing relationships to understand that make it confusing, Dick and Batman, Dick and Bruce, Nightwing and Batman, Robin 1 and Batman. It's like probability class all over again.


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