Still cold and dark

Jan 20, 2009 19:48

The sheepie got at least a temporary reprieve. Vet says it's probably one of three things, old age, injury, or Paralaphostrongylus tenius. He could find no evidence of injury, and the third choice is a parasite infection commonly called "brain worms" (ewww) that comes from deer. A typical parasitic worm, it has a two host life cycle that involves ( Read more... )

sheep, work, politics

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Comments 23

quickcasey January 21 2009, 02:51:21 UTC
I think I had brain worms in the '70s. Or was that acid?

I never thought of needing to inter anyone in the Winter. I've seen them thaw the ground with a pile of burning coal up North.


altivo January 21 2009, 03:33:34 UTC
Once they get into your brain, there's no hope. Drugs used to get rid of the parasites don't cross the blood brain barrier.


silver_kiden January 21 2009, 03:20:33 UTC
i vote roast mutton. or stew. or both! and all good books, imho. but seriously, have a bonfire, and when it goes out, the ground should be thawed enough under it to at least get a bit of depth. if it's not enough, have another bonfire!


altivo January 21 2009, 03:32:33 UTC
Bonfires are a waste of wood we could be using to heat the house, though.

Eating the sheep was one of the options mentioned by the vet. Even if he hadn't been a pet for years, though, that's out of the question. I don't like lamb or mutton at all. In fact, I find it quite vile. Besides, with possible causes for his illness including scrapie (the sheep version of mad cow disease) and brain worms, you'd have to be crazy to even think of eating him. Eee-yuck.


silver_kiden January 21 2009, 03:35:31 UTC
in that case, all i can suggest is to go to town on the ground with a pick-axe.


altivo January 21 2009, 03:40:24 UTC
The preferred option, according to the vet and the agricultural extension folks, is actually above ground composting. It's faster, creates fertilizer, and doesn't contaminate ground water. Unfortunately, it really requires a special composting bin that is very cost effective for large farms with lots of animals and not suitable for us with our one dead sheep every four to five years level.

Another option he mentioned but didn't recommend is putting the corpse out for the coyotes to eat. XD I'm sure the neighbors would just LOVE that approach. I wouldn't mind seeing more foxes and coyotes myself, but setting up a "feeding station" would probably have other undesirable consequences.


saythename January 21 2009, 07:43:07 UTC
I usually don't follow inaugerations. Its the new guy saying something,
and then people clapping.

The only one that I remember, really, is Carter walking instead
of in the limo.

I heard the last part of Obama's speech while I was testing my new
bar of Carbolic soap in the shower (I've had this Clean vibe suddenly).

Not bad really, but, c'mon, you had to drag out Lincolns bible for that?

I'm all for him, he's the Prez now, though I think he's gonna choke
when Russia or China pushes him.

Hope not, but, keep hope alive.


altivo January 21 2009, 11:23:27 UTC
It's time to stop thinking like a cold war victim. Those days are gone. World power is economic, not bombs and guns.

You often come across like an armadillo or a horseshoe crab. Both are dead end species trapped in heavy armor and unable to deal with the modern world or grow forward. XD

It's time for the "kinder, gentler" nation that Bush promised, instead of the cold-hearted, niggardly, feed-the-rich-and-screw-the-poor environment he created. Yes, it's going to cost money, but the money has been there all along, being sucked into the pockets of financial bankers and fat cats.


avon_deer January 21 2009, 08:47:31 UTC
I was listening to the speech over my personal radio while at the station, waiting for a train to arrive. I was a bit more impressed by the speech than you seem to be, but I must admit it DID go on too long. He did seem to be saying a lot of things that he felt America and the world needed to hear. I just hope everyone was listening when he explained what a hard road everyone has yet to travel.

The texts of "He's gone."; which I both received and sent at 5pm GMT are unforgivably cynical, and typical of European attitudes to this event. It goes to underline how utterly despised Obama's predecessor was over here that Obama's inauguration should be secondary in importance to Bush's departure. I only hope he can deliver the goods for America and the wider world. He seems to be starting off his term as America’s Blair. I really hope he does not finish his term in the way Blair finished his. A catalogue of disappointment, betrayal, and missed opportunity. Good luck, Tivo, and good luck America.


altivo January 21 2009, 11:32:12 UTC
The media have gone nuts with comparing Obama to Lincoln and I just don't see it. The appropriate comparisons would be to Franklin Roosevelt (1933,) John Kennedy (1961,) and Bill Clinton (1992.) All three were liberals who came into office in times of recession and economic decline, promising economic reform and social responsibility. Roosevelt managed to deliver, but did so by staying in office for 12 years. Kennedy was cut short by assassination but his successor delivered many of his intended reforms. Clinton was a failure in my opinion, largely because his administration was blocked at every turn by a right-wing majority in Congress.


dakhun January 21 2009, 18:24:20 UTC
Well, Obama is the one who first got the idea to compare Obama with Lincoln. :-P ( ... )


altivo January 21 2009, 19:02:55 UTC
Whether the idea came from Obama or from god himself, I don't care. I find it inexcusable that the media are so short sighted that they can no longer analyze anything and point out the holes in it.

The only "hope" I ever had for Obama was the hope that we wouldn't have another Republican administration. The best I can say for him is that he is nothing like Bush, where McCain was nearly a clone of Bush, just a bit more warlike.


avon_deer January 21 2009, 08:48:08 UTC
My thoughts are still with Shaun as well. I really hope he pulls through this.


altivo January 21 2009, 11:39:34 UTC
I think the odds are pretty slim. At most he'll get a few more months out of it. Fortunately, the sheep vet is reasonably priced. At the rates I pay for horses or dogs, we couldn't afford this.


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