Back-to-School Special

Sep 17, 2013 21:33

There's a nip in the air (in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, anyway) and the Fall TV season is underway. Oh, also, school. So maybe that's a good time to reflect on our cast's past hijinx and ask what people are planning to watch (OTHER THAN THE OBVIOUS) this Fall? Meanwhile, please enjoy bb!Karl and the rest...

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michael ealy, karl urban, pictures, mackenzie crook, lili taylor, minka kelly

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Comments 20

jackfan2 September 18 2013, 02:09:06 UTC
Right! Well, other than Almost Human, there's not much I'm all that excited about in the new show category. We did catch Sleepy Hollow's premier and was promising. I think they had to rush a lot of it to get in the set-up but it was good.

As for my old stand-by's, I'm hoping Supernatural will give Dean a story arc (because I'm a fool for thinking they will this time out when they haven't for the last 8 years), love Person of Interest, Grimm which is surpassing Supernatural in all things creepy, ready for some Justified, Game of Thrones and of course, Walking Dead because I'm a glutton for having my heart torn from my chest every week.

I know I'm missing some. Help me out folks!


lindmere September 18 2013, 02:31:03 UTC
Can you pitch me a little bit on Sleepy Hollow? People seemed to like it, but I'm not big on fairy-tale type fantasy.

Game of Thrones...ugggh, April is so far away. I also have to wait until then for Orphan Black.


jackfan2 September 18 2013, 02:41:25 UTC
Well, as probably one of the few people who doesn't really like that Once Upon A Time show- very much fairy-tale-esque, if you enjoy shows like Supernatural and Grimm, you'll like Sleepy Hollow ( ... )


lindmere September 19 2013, 01:58:49 UTC
Thanks, that's very helpful! It does sound intriguing, with the apocalypse tie-in. I think I'll add it to the TiVO roster ;)

And November is NOTHING to us Star Trek fans. The idea of getting new material every week has me downright giddy.


kimuracarter September 18 2013, 02:27:40 UTC
Haha, awesome. thanks for sharing!


lindmere September 18 2013, 02:33:24 UTC
I really wish I could have found a super-young one of Karl. I don't know if there's anything before Shark in the Park, but I am curious if he ever went through an awkward phase (my guess is no).


weepingnaiad September 18 2013, 03:19:26 UTC
I'm utterly predictable because I am, of course, looking forward to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. because I do love Marvel and Phil Coulson. I did watch Sleepy Hollow last night and we enjoyed it. I love the chemistry between the 'cute British guy' and the young black lieutenant and there was surprise John Cho! So far, it's interesting and we've added it to the DVR. I'm just not sure how they'll carry on for more than a few episodes. But I thought that about Once Upon A Time, too.

Does it count if I'm looking forward to a whole passel of fall movies almost more than anything?


lindmere September 19 2013, 01:59:31 UTC
Which movies? I was rather disappointed with the summer selection.


weepingnaiad September 19 2013, 19:38:45 UTC
"Rush" starring Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl about 1970s Formula One racing. It looks really good and I'd like to see Mr. Hemsworth stretch his wings a bit, so I'm hoping it's as good as it looks. It does have Ron Howard as the director, so that bodes well.

Then, of course, there's "Thor 2" also starring Chris Hemsworth. Enough said on that one. bicepsAnd, absolutely, there's "The Desolation of Smaug" which will explore Mirkwood and Thranduil's realm (and yes, this is absolutely must-see first day kind of thing for me as Thranduil was my absolute favorite elf EVER ( ... )


foxycasbones September 18 2013, 04:15:18 UTC
They were so adorable <3


lindmere September 19 2013, 02:00:16 UTC
I knooooww...Michael Ealy's HS photo cracks me up because I can just imagine the girls swooning over it, and he looks like he could imagine it, too ;)


erynwen September 18 2013, 06:27:48 UTC
Aww, so adorable. All of them ^^

I wanted to check out Dracula (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers!!), and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, of course ^^


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