Back-to-School Special

Sep 17, 2013 21:33

There's a nip in the air (in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, anyway) and the Fall TV season is underway. Oh, also, school. So maybe that's a good time to reflect on our cast's past hijinx and ask what people are planning to watch (OTHER THAN THE OBVIOUS) this Fall? Meanwhile, please enjoy bb!Karl and the rest...

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michael ealy, karl urban, pictures, mackenzie crook, lili taylor, minka kelly

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Comments 20

nessaniel September 18 2013, 09:17:47 UTC
Oh my these are adorable! *v* Now where is that Highschool AU I didn't knew I wanted?

I recently discovered the very first apperance of Karl Urban in German TV: It was back in the mid-nineties when "Wendy Riding High" aired in Germany - it was cringeworthy at best. xD Not because of the mediocre plot/dialogues but because all of the names and places were replaced with German sounding things which made all of it even more awkward - still, bb!Karl in his black leather jacket and his bad-boy-attitude was a thing of beauty. XDD

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next season of "My little Pony", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012", "Sleepy Hollow" and "Whitechapel" (already two episodes in and the season has like... six. Great). I also need to catch up with Teen Wolf, Game of Thrones and a ton of other stuff. XDD


lindmere September 19 2013, 02:01:19 UTC
You MUST SHARE--come on, that sounds amazing!

What's Whitechapel? Jack the Ripper, related, I assume, but I'm intrigued.


nessaniel September 19 2013, 08:08:34 UTC
Whitechapel is a British crime show and deals with the modern police force in Whitechapel trying to solve cases that almost always have some sort of connection to the history of Whitechapel (first season is trying to find a modern Jack the Ripper, then it is the Kray Twins and the Ratcliff High Way Murders, the Thames thorso murders and right now we are dealing with witches xD) . The series is a bit bloody and gore-y but not too much, it has lots of characters to like and relate to and a lot of dark/crazy humor:
[after a terrible, heart-breaking "YOU BETRAYED ME!" scene]: What happened? I just saw young Kent in tears... next to a donkey? (yes, an actual fourlegged donkey xD)
The main character, Chandler, suffers from OCD which is treated very respectful and never made fun of and his team in general wins all the awards for sass (only two women on it and no POC whatsoever though =/) It is worth checking out, I heartly recommend it <333

A short clip and baby Karl ... )


quirky_thoughts September 18 2013, 17:33:35 UTC
Aww...they are adorable. XD Such a baby faced Karl there. :)

I nearly always check out any new shows, to see what's out there...and there are quite a few that interest me...but I don't expect that all will pan out.

I watched Sleepy Hollow as well, and was really surprised at how well it was done. It's hooked me in for now. :)

Next week there's Blacklist with James Spader. He plays the *most wanted* guy who helps the FBI track down 'hidden' dangerous criminals and terrorists.

Then Supernatural, Arrow and Revolution all return. I'm ready! XD


sangueuk September 18 2013, 20:47:38 UTC
I'm looking forward to Almost Human, Supernatural, Walking Dead and more Suits. The wait for Game of Thrones is HELL!

Thanks for the picspam!


lindmere September 19 2013, 02:02:27 UTC
On the other hand, since Mad Men announced that they're breaking the last season over 2 years, I think I'm done. I don't need to wait until 2015 to find out whether Don Draper's epic mope will continue or whether Sally will join the Manson Family and kill him.


kytivafan September 19 2013, 22:22:38 UTC
My fall must see TV:
Almost Human
Agents of Shield
Game of Thrones (spring)
Being Human (spring)


saintvic September 20 2013, 13:00:49 UTC
They are all absolutely adorable *smooshes them*.

Um as for other shows I am looking forward to, I can not wait for Agents of Shield and bloody hell but I want to see the new Sherlock series as well.


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