Nasty Habits [1/30]

Dec 05, 2010 15:26

Disclaimer: I don't own these beautiful boys but the story is completely mine.
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: Overall Pg-13.
Summary: Alex knew moving to America would be a bad idea. He was pretty certain he was going to be completely ignored, but alas, he's being watched.
A/N: hola! i'm back with a new chaptered fic and before i say anything else THIS IS NOT YOUR TYPICAL HIGH SCHOOL FIC. It's completely different so just give it a try :) i actually gave in to posting this, you werent meant to get it until january. but you won't be getting chapter 2 until after christmas im afraid. oh and DFILWM is definitely not over :) anyways, enjoy!

My tumblr.

Alex always knew moving would be the worst idea on the planet, and when his moms car pulled up outside a strange house his suspicions were confirmed. His stomach was bubbling with nerves, except they weren’t really nerves, more like dread. He liked his old house, he liked his old friends, he liked his old town in his old country. He hated America, he’d only been in it for a little over an hour and he already hated it. How the hell was he supposed to call it home? Alex looked back up to the building they were parked outside of. It wasn't a horrible place, it was quite nice actually, a two story white bricked house with a balcony coming off of one of the rooms on the side. Alex could easily say it was a nicer house then the one they lived in back home, but that didn't matter to Alex, he’d give up this sparkly new place if he could just go back.
“Come on Alex” His mom sighed from the front of the car. She turned in her seat to look at him, leaning over and placing a hand on his knee in a comforting gesture. Alex’s eyes fell to it, and then back up to his moms face.
“I want to go home” Alex said simply, crossing his arms over is chest tightly. His mom sighed again and withdrew her hand before opening the car door.
“Deal with it” She said before getting out. Alex’s face crumbled with annoyance at his moms brushing off...but like she had so bluntly said, he’d just have to deal with it. With that thought he also got out of the car, pulling his backpack with him. His bag only held his essentials; all of their house stuff had got flown over the previous week when his dad had journeyed over. That was a plus side Alex thought as he slammed the door shut and followed after his mom. His dad had spent the week sorting out all of the furniture and rooms so at least he could just crawl into bed straight away if he wanted. His mom had tried to make Alex leave his bed behind, promising to get a new one when they arrived. But Alex had refused, he didn't want a new bed, he wanted his old bed in his old room. It took a lot of convincing but she finally caved and agreed to Alex keeping the bed. Alex had felt pretty smug with himself at the time, but now, looking back, he thought it was pretty pointless. It wasn't even a good bed, he just wanted to rebel against his parents for making him move.
Alex walked up the stairs of the porch and took a deep breath before crossing the threshold of the house. He let his eyes wander around; it was quite spacious, living room on the left, kitchen if he carried on walking straight and stairs to the right. He kicked his shoes off at the door and walked into the living room. All of his furniture was in there, his TV and his game consoles and DVDs, but it was set out all differently due to the difference in shapes of the room here and the room back home. Alex gave it one more fleeting look and then turned his back on it, deciding to go check out the kitchen instead. He hitched his bag onto his shoulder and walked into the room, spotting his dad sitting at a dining table which was in the centre of the kitchen. He looked up as he saw Alex enter the kitchen and threw a smile at him.
“Hey son, good flight?” He asked, turning the page of his newspaper. Alex rolled his eyes and went over to the fridge.
“It was okay I guess, which rooms mine?” He asked as his eyes scanned the contents of the fridge. He pulled out a can of coke and shut the fridge door.
“Go up the stairs, it’s the first on the right. I’ve put all your stuff in there” He said. Alex nodded and headed off in that direction. He climbed the stairs, looking at all of his family pictures along the wall. Once he reached the landing he looked around it, it was pretty simple, big space with 4 doors leading off. He guessed one for his mom and dad, one for him, one for the bathroom and one spare room. Alex opened the door that was his and walked in, shutting it behind him. He gazed around the spacious room, walking over to the bed that was in the corner and dropping his bag on it and putting his can on the table bedside it. He didn't fail to see that he got the room with the balcony. No doubt a way to try win him over. Alex walked over to it and pulled the curtains shut. He didn't care much for the balcony, it wasn't anything special, it just had a chair on it and Alex had a perfectly good bed to sit on. He looked back over the room, the light blue walls were bare, no posters or photographs. The floorboards were spotless, not a single piece of clothing in sight. Alex scrunched his face up in detest and quickly pulled his jacket off and dropped it to the floor. That was a start at least. All of his old bedrooms things were stacked up in the corner of the room and he quickly set about sorting them out. He unzipped his suitcase and started putting all of his clothes away. He was probably going to stand out so much at his new school which was just another thing to fret about. Alex had no problem making friends in England, but America was a completely different place. No doubt he was going to get ignored or pushed around. Alex sighed at this and stood up to hang up jeans in his wardrobe. He’d give anything to wake up and find out this was all a dream, that his dads job didn't send him to America. That he didn't have to leave his best friends and his home and everything he knew as normal. Alex couldn't help but let a tear fall down his face as he thought about life going on as usual back home whereas he was stood there trying to adjust to something new and strange. Even the air felt different, less clean and completely unfamiliar. But it was no use crying over it, nothing was going to change. With that in his head, Alex sniffed slightly, wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand and carried on putting clothes away. Once he was done he started on his other things, putting his books on the shelf above his bed, putting DVD’s next to the small TV which was sat on his chest of drawers. He put all of his random shit in his bedside table and stuff he’d probably never use but didn't want to throw away under his bed. He picked the last item up from out of the box and looked at it. It was a photo of himself, his father and his brother fishing. Alex stood up and walked over to his bedside table and placed the photo frame on top of it. He ran his fingertip over his brother’s face lightly.
“Miss you bro” Alex whispered before given the photo a weak smile. He sighed deeply and fell back on his bed, shoving an arm over his face and closing his eyes. He let his mind wander to school the next day. He wondered if he’d make friends or if he actually would get ignored. He wondered what his classes would be like and if the teachers would hate him straight away for being English. No, that was silly; they couldn't possibly hate him because of that. Unless they found his accent annoying which was always a possibility. Alex groaned to himself and stood up from the bed, crossing the room to get out some pyjama trousers and a shirt. He then grabbed his iPod and docking station and went out into the hallway. He tried every door until he found the bathroom then locked himself inside. He dumped his clothes on the tiled floor and put down the lid of the toilet so he could have somewhere to put his docks. He scrolled through his iPod and landed on New Found Glory. He clicked on the name and put the device into the dock, instantly filling the room with music. Alex turned and looked at the shower, figuring out how to use it. It was pretty much an on/off thing thank god, not a weird system he’d take 3 hours trying to work. He pressed the on button and set the temperature level half way between hot and cold. He stripped down and got into the shower, pulling the door closed behind him. He leant against the opposite wall and closed his eyes whilst the warm water washed over him, calming him down slightly. He could just about hear the music over the shower so it was pretty pointless bringing it in, but back home in England their shower wasn't in a cubicle, it was just over their bath so you could hear everything. This was just another thing to add to Alex’s list of ‘why America sucks’ even if it was quite a petty reason.
Alex finished up in the shower and got out, quickly ruffling his hair with a towel before putting it around his waist. He looked into the mirror above the sink and used his hands to sort his hair so it would dry in place, dropping his hands to either side of the sink when he was content with it. He eyed himself warily, gazing over all his features before giving himself a mini pep talk.
“You’re going to go to school tomorrow and you’re going to kick arse Alex Gaskarth. You won’t let anyone get you down, you won’t let anyone treat you like shit and you definitely won’t let anyone lay a finger on you. You’ll walk down those hallways with your head held high, you’ll make friends that you’ll have forever and you’ll do well in your classes,” He muttered, watching himself intently, “Or else” he added. He stared for a few seconds longer then rolled his eyes and sighed. Of course it wasn't going to work, why was he even bothering to try. He dried himself off and pulled on his fresh set of clothes, dumping his old ones in what he presumed was the laundry basket. He picked up his docks and made his way back to his room. He paused the music and put it down on his bedside table before fishing around in his bag for his phone so he could check the time. Two in the afternoon, which meant it was actually seven o’clock as he hadn’t bothered to change the time settings yet. He went around doing so and then contemplated just getting into bed as he was pretty tired. A low rumble from his stomach told him otherwise though and he chucked his phone onto his bed before turning and leaving the room. He walked down the stairs and made his way into the kitchen where his parents were preparing food. Alex mentally thanked God as he was ravenous.
“Hey darling” His mom smiled.
“Hey, what’s for dinner?” Alex asked, sitting down in a seat at the dining table.
“Fajitas” His dad said, handing Alex a plate. Alex took it with a thank you and waited for his parents to sit down to start. Once they did he began to shovel the delicious food down his throat, his parents watching in shock. He caught them staring and slowed down, shrugging slightly. He swallowed the food in his mouth and coughed awkwardly.
“I'm hungry” He said, taking a sip of water from the glass his mom had set in front of him.
“We can see” His dad laughed, clapping a hand to Alex’s shoulder. Alex smiled weakly at him before taking a bite of his food, slower this time.
“How was your shower?” His mom asked, causing Alex to shrug.
“It was alright, just like a shower really” He said.
“You know what I mean...look Alex I know it’s different here and its going to take a while for you settle in, but please try” She said, her eyes wide and pleading. Alex looked at her for a few seconds then sighed, looking down into his lap and feeling awkward.
“I just don't see why we had to move” He mumbled.
“Because the job offer was too good to reject Alex, we’ve been through this a thousand times and I won’t say it again” Alex’s dad said sternly, his voice rising like it did every time Alex brought up the subject.
“You don't understand how difficult it will be tomorrow at school” Alex snapped, dropping his food to the plate, his appetite suddenly disappearing.
“It’s just as difficult for us to make new friends Alex, don't act as if you’re the only person who’s effected by this” His mom said softly, which only made Alex angrier.
“I’m not acting like that at all! Let’s hope I don't get beaten up or something tomorrow for being different yeah?” Alex shouted.
“Don't raise your voice at your mother. Alexander you are sixteen for Christ’s sake you can look after yourself, grow up” His dad said in a warning tone. Alex felt his face flood with heat and warm water prickled behind his eyes. He pushed his plate away and then his chair back, swinging his legs out from under the table.
“Excuse me” He muttered before standing up and walking quickly away from his family. He ran up the stairs and into his room, slamming the door shut behind him. He crossed over to the balcony, threw the curtains open and unlocked the door, stepping into the cool breeze of the night air. He took 3 deep breaths, taking in as much oxygen as possible without choking. He felt the prickle behind his eyes disappear but his face was still hot with anger. They’d never understand what he’ll have to go through, it’s been a while since they were at school and even then times have changed. He’ll be mocked for his accent, he’ll be mocked for what he wears, hell he’ll be mocked purely for the fact he was foreign to them. Alex tugged at his hair slightly, trying to get rid of some of his anger. He wasn't usually like this, back in England he had nothing to worry about at all, but he wasn't in England anymore and there was a lot to worry about. He just wished he still had his brother...he’d understand Alex, he always did.
Alex sighed to himself and walked back into his bedroom, locking the balcony door and pulling the curtain closed over it. There was no point wishing things like that, Daniel was never coming back and Alex just had to accept it. With that he turned the light off and got into bed, fishing his phone out from the duvet and setting an alarm on it for seven the next morning. No way was he going to miss the first day of school, that would be a bloody perfect start to his new life in America.

Part 2.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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