Nasty Habits [2/30]

Dec 07, 2010 16:46

Disclaimer: I don't own these beautiful boys but the story is completely mine.
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: Overall Pg-13.
Summary: Alex knew moving to America would be a bad idea. He was pretty certain he was going to be completely ignored, but alas, he's being watched.
A/N: so i said i wouldnt update until after christmas but eurgh, whatever i cant wait any longer :)

My tumblr.

Alex woke the next morning to the sound of his mom shouting his name up the stairs. He groaned in his sleep like state and rolled over onto his back, slowly opening his eyes and readjusting them to the light that was shining, although muffled by the curtains, into his room. He pulled his arms out from under the duvet and stretched them up above his head, stretching his legs out as he did so.
“Alexander!” His mom shouted again. Alex flinched away from the sound.
“I'm up!” He yelled as loud as he could, his throat feeling groggy from sleep. He swallowed, trying to bring liquid to his dry throat but to no avail. He spotted the can of coke he’d brought up the previous night but forgot to drink. He sat up and grabbed the can, pulling the ring pull then downing about half of it. His door swung open and his mom came rushing over to him, dropping a bag onto the bed. Alex peeked inside to find lots of pens, notebooks and usual school items.
“Alex really, it’s 8 in the morning, now is not the time for fiz-“
“What?!” Alex shouted, grabbing his phone and unlocking it to look at the time. It really was 8 o’clock; Alex had overslept by an hour.
“Shit” He said, throwing the duvet off of himself and putting the can back onto the side.
“Alex, language, now get ready or you’ll be late for your first day” She tutted as she pulled the curtains open before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. Alex rushed over to his chest of drawers and pulled out some boxers and a Blink 182 t-shirt. He grabbed some black skinny jeans from the wardrobe and quickly stripped out of his pyjamas so he could pull on his fresh set of clothes. He flicked the switch of his hair straighteners on and he sprayed himself with deodorant whilst he waited. Once the straighteners were hot enough Alex roughly went over his hair with them, straightening his fringe to flick over to the left. Great, he thought, he was going to look like a complete tramp for his first day and be known for it forever. First impressions were everything in school for Christ’s sake. He switched the straighteners off and set around chucking everything out of his backpack so that he could fill it with his new school items. He rolled his eyes as he saw his mom had gotten him enough pens to last him for the next 3 years. He quickly ran into the bathroom to pee and brush his teeth in record timing. He looked at himself in the he didn't look too bad, but there was definitely room for he didn't have time for. He left the bathroom, running to his room again to pick up his phone and bag. Quarter past 8, he had fifteen minutes to get to school. He ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. His mom held out a box of lunch that she had made for him, causing him to scoff slightly. He took it and chucked it into his bag, probably ruining the food from the tumble.
“You need a lift?” His mom offered, as she watched her son run around the kitchen with amusement. He slowed down and looked at her with relief plastered on his face.
“That would be great, thanks” He said, going over to the fridge to get a bottle of water and an apple out. She grabbed her car keys and shrugged a cardigan on as she followed her son towards the door. He took a bite of the apple as he slipped his feet into his high tops. No doubt he’d be the only person wearing those clothes; the only thing that came into mind when he thought of America high schools was ‘jocks’. From every tiny thing he’d read when he researched high schools, apparently jocks were the ones that were going to be hell for newbie’s like himself. So at least he had that to look forward to. Alex sighed and bit into his apple, crunching it in his mouth thoughtfully as he pulled the door open. It was a warm day out which was good because Alex didn't bother to put on a jacket. He walked over to the car and waited for his mom to join and unlock the doors. Once she did, he climbed in pulling the door shut behind him and putting his bag between his feet. He pulled his seat belt around him and clicked into his place, his mom mirroring his actions.
“You excited?” She asked as she started up the engine. The school was only around the corner, 10 minute walk at most but she could see how much Alex was stressing. She was definitely not going to be driving him every day though.
“Not even slightly” He said after swallowing a bite of apple. His mom frowned disapprovingly at him and tutted. Her eyes went back to the road but the frown remained on her face.
“That’s not the attitude is it Alex” She sighed as she drove down the street. Alex watched the other houses as they passed them by, they all looked pretty much the same as his and he kind of hoped he wouldn't get lost on the way home.
“Well mom to be honest you don't understand that I have to make new friends, avoid all the people who want to punch new kids like me and try to catch up in all the lessons okay all between not getting lost, there isn’t much to be excited about” Alex sighed, rolling down the window and chucking his apple core out of it when he thought his mom wasn't looking. He breathed in the air falling through the open window and it calmed him down slightly but not enough for his likings. He tapped his knees absentmindedly as the car fell into silence. He knew his mom wanted to say something from the way she sat, slightly forward, on edge. But she didn't speak so Alex just ignored it; he wasn't in the mood for arguments anyway. It was only a 5 minute drive and when the car pulled up outside the school, Alex’s stomach dropped as he saw all of the kids. The palms of his hands suddenly became clammy and he tried to wipe them on his jeans but it did nothing.
“Go on then” His mom said, reaching across him to open his door. She gave him a comforting smile which he returned shakily.
“C...Cya” He stuttered, pulling himself out of the car and shutting the door behind him. He walked onto the pavement and looked back to his mom who was staring sympathetically at him. She nodded her head to tell him to get going. He swallowed and gave her a tiny wave before walking in the direction all of the other kids were. He heard his mom pull away but refused to turn and look in case his nerves got the better of him and he ran after the car, begging for his mom to take him home. He was so not ready for a new school, especially one that was completely different to what he was used to. But there was nothing he could do now, he was there and he just had to suck it up. With that he walked into the gates and immediately saw a building with a sign saying ‘office’. He hurried over to it, swerving to avoid the other kids. He made it into the office in one piece and walked up to the desk where a lady with short blonde hair was sitting, chewing on gum absentmindedly. She looked up as she noticed someone was standing there.
“Hello there what can I do for you?” She asked, a smile on her face. She didn't seem too bad really.
“I'm new, I need my timetable and a map or something” Alex said nervously as he watched the receptionist features change. Her eyebrows rose slightly and her eyes shined.
“English? Very nice, what’s your name love?” She asked, putting her fingers onto the keyboard of the computer in front of her. He was busy looking at her perfectly manicured pink nails to reply, only snapping out of his daze when she looked up at him with a frown on her face.
“O-oh, Alexander Gaskarth” He said, realising how English he really did sound, even more so when he was stood next to an American. He sighed inwardly; it was going to be like that for a good while until his voice became accustomed to the American accent.
“Alexander...oh here you are, okay let me just print your timetable out for you, here’s a map of the school” She said, pressing a button and handing him a piece of paper before turning toward the printer that was to the side of her. Alex looked down at the map and his face scrunched up with confusion. No way was he going to get around without help, but no one would want to help out a new kid. He knew that as much because it was the same in England really, everyone ignored the new kids, not wanting them to think they can join the group. Alex had done it to plenty of kids, not realising how shitty it felt until he was in the position.
“Here you go love, come back here if you need any help, have a good day” The lady said as the printer finished with his timetable. She passed it to him and shot him a smile before turning back to her computer. Alex muttered a thank you before turning and walking out of the office. His eyes were too busy looking over his lessons that he didn't realise he was about to collide into someone, only noticing when he was lying on the cold ground with a huge amount of pain in his hip. It took a few seconds to register what had happened before he jumped up and looked at the person he’d knocked into.
“Dude I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going” Alex rushed, sticking out his hand to help the guy up. He expected a punch or at least to be ignored but the guy took Alex’s hand and stood up from the ground, dropping Alex’s grip to put a hand onto his head.
“Ow fuck that hurt, sorry man I wasn't paying attention” He said as he looked around him. Alex watched his head turn left and right until he realised he was looking for something. Alex guessed it was the skateboard that was slowly rolling away so he jogged over to it and picked it up, bringing it back to the guy. He took it with a smile and held out his fist.
“Zack Merrick” He said. Alex stuttered, trying to form a sentence but in the end just fist bumped him and said his own name.
“So Alex Gaskarth, not from around here I guess?” Zack said, picking up his bag and putting it on his shoulder before tucking his skateboard under his arm and walking forward. Alex picked his own bag up and quickly walked after him.
“I just moved from England” Alex sighed, looking back to his time table before it vanished from his grip. He blinked then looked up at Zack who was holding the piece of paper.
“I thought so from your accent, must suck to move right?” He said as his eyes scanned the writing. Alex laughed slightly and looked ahead of him, watching kids walk past as they wandered down a hallway.
“You wouldn't beguin to imagine man, I was so nervous this morning about coming to a new school, so of course the first thing I do is knock someone over...sorry about that” Alex added, looking at Zack nervously who laughed.
“Dude no sweat okay” He said. Alex nodded and they fell into a comfortable silence as they carried on walking. They walked up a small set of stairs then Zack came to a stop suddenly, throwing Alex off a little.
“Here’s your locker” He said, pointing toward a red cubicle with the numbers 758 on them. Alex nodded and cleared his throat.
“Okay, what do I use it for?” He asked, feeling completely stupid as it was probably a really obvious answer. But Zack seemed like an alright guy, if he didn't mind being thrown to the ground then he wouldn't mind a few questions.
“You just put your books in there so that you don't have to carry them around, then you get them out before your classes...look here’s your combination” Zack said, showing Alex some numbers on the piece of paper. Alex swallowed nervously and looked up at Zack.
“I don' wouldn't be able to show me how to do it would you? It’s all new to me, I'm used to keys” Alex laughed nervously. Zack grinned and nodded, leaning over to start turning the dial.
“You just turn the dial so that the arrow points to the right numbers okay? So you put it to 3 first, then 8, then 6, then 3 again, then it opens. And if it doesn’t open then just hit it a few times. Got it?” Zack asked, looking at Alex. Alex nodded, still a little unsure but not wanting to seem like a complete invalid.
“Thanks man, for like, not ignoring me” Alex said, rubbing at the back of his neck with his hand. Zack laughed and hitched his bag over his shoulder higher.
“How could I ignore you, you hit me” He pointed out, causing Alex to laugh and shrug.
“You know what I mean, you could have been a complete arsehole about it” Alex said. Zack threw him a kind smile and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Look man, you’ve probably heard that when you go to a new school everyone is a prick right?” Zack asked.
“Pretty much” Alex admitted.
“Well it’s true about 95% true, a lot of people will act the way you expect them to. I'm not like that though; I never have been and never will be. Anyway, I saw your Blink shirt and I'm really good at telling what people will be like by appearance, I can tell you’re a good dude so I think we should be friend, and how about you hang out with me and my friend at lunch?” Zack offered. Alex couldn't believe his ears, a friend and a lunch invitation, all in his first day. Not bad, not bad at all.
“That would be awesome, thanks man” Alex smiled. Zack grinned and removed his hand, passing Alex’s timetable back to him.
“Your homeroom is this room right here okay, you’re in there with my friend Rian okay, he’s totally sweet, you’ll love him,” Zack promised, beginning to walk off, “I’ll catch ya later”
“Cya” Alex called, watching him go. He saw Zack stop and talk to another guy for a second before they both turned to look at him. Alex froze on the spot, hoping to God that Zacks kind act wasn't just act. His stomach filled with nerves as he watched Zack clap a hand to the other guys shoulder before walking off. The new guy walked toward Alex with a smile on his face before stopping just in front of him.
“Alex right? I'm Rian” He introduced himself. Alex calmed down slightly and nodded, holding out his hand for Rian to shake.
“Yeah man, Alex” He said as Rian shook his hand firmly, smile still plastered across his face. Alex looked down to see he was wearing a Face to Face shirt and instantly cheered up considerably. Good music taste often meant good dude.
“Dude chill, me and Zee will take good care of you” Rian grinned before walking into the class that was going to be his ‘homeroom’ for the next year.

Part 3.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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