You're A Stranger I Know Well [8/?]

Nov 09, 2010 00:59

Title: You're A Stranger I Know Well [8/?]
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack Barakat was one of the least popular kids at Dulaney High. Alex Gaskarth on the other hand was one of the most popular. They weren't friends, they weren't enemies.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything. Title belongs to The Academy Is...
Authors Notes: This is short, not very good and is basically just a filler. It gets better next chapter anyway ;)

Previous Chapters

The rest of the afternoon was spent with the two boys watching films as well as whatever else they found when flicking through the channels. Jack was trying his hardest to push everything he had been previously thinking about to the back of his mind and it almost worked. In fact, it did work and him and Alex were just hanging out and talking, just like friends, nothing more. That was until Zack text him.

have u told him how u feel?  i reckon he likes u 2 ;)

Jack scoffed as he read it and Alex snapped his head round.

“Everything okay?” He asked, biting his lip slightly.

“Yeah, sorry. It’s Zack. He’s just being a dick,” Jack laughed, smiling. Alex just nodded as he turned back to the TV.

no zack course i havent. ha yh its funny how u can tell from spending about 3 mins with him

Jack threw his phone onto the small space on the cushion next to him shaking his head. Alex opened his mouth to speak but must have seen the look on Jack’s face as he quickly changed his mind and just as soon as his mouth opened, it was closed again.

Jack seemed pretty pissed, so Alex decided he should just leave it alone. It stayed quite between them for a few minutes before Alex got to his feet, dropping the blanket onto the sofa behind him.

“I should probably go…” He sounded as though he didn’t want to. Sounded like he would rather be at Jack’s house than his own.

“Is this because I’ve been in a mood the past half an hour?” Jack was quick to ask, jumping to his feet.

“I guess… It just seems like, I dunno, like you don’t want me to be here or something.” Alex shrugged, slipping his feet in his shoes.

“No! That’s not true!” Jack defended, moving faster than usual to where Alex was. “I do want you here. It’s not you, you haven’t done anything. It’s Zack.”

“C-can I ask what he’s done or would you rather not say?” Alex frowned, removing his shoes once again.

“He knows how I feel,” He said noticing the way Alex looked at him in confusion. “About someone, how I feel about someone.”

“Right, so why does that mean you’re being weird about it with me?”

Jack had two things he could do now. The first was that he could just come clean with Alex about how he feels about him, possibly wrecking their friendship in the process. The second was he could make something up, only he had no idea what he could say that would make it okay for how pissed he’d been for the past half hour.

“If you stay for a bit instead of going, can I tell you in a bit?” Jack asked hoping Alex would say yes.

He didn’t verbally reply, just smiled and walked back into the living room and jumping into the seat he was in earlier and bringing the blanket around his body.

“Sit your ass down then,” He smirked when Jack stumbled forward taking his place next to the older boy.

- - - - -

It was about 8 o’clock that evening when Alex asked Jack if he would tell him what was going on with Zack and what he wanted to wait for.

Jack groaned, feeling his stomach tightening as he never thought of anything that he could say to Alex that would get him out of this situation. He kind of figured that he would just have to tell him the truth.

“Yeah but only if you promise not to freak out.”

Nice one, Jack. Subtle.

“I promise. I’m never one to judge.” That made Jack feel even worse about what he was about to tell him.

“Yeah, I hope not.” He whispered, changing position slightly and taking a deep breath. “Okay, so you know I said that I liked someone?” Alex nodded and Jack sighed before continuing.

“Zack found out. Or rather he guessed, I didn’t actually tell him. Now he’s trying to get me to tell this guy that I like him. I mean, he only found out today, it’s not like he knows how much I actually like him.” Jack’s eyes widened once he realised what he said. His plan was to tell Alex that he was the person he was talking about, but if he did now, Alex might think that Jack was a bit forward, especially as they had only been talking in person for such a short space of time.

“So…? Who is it? Or am I not allowed to know that much?”

Jack took a deep breath and closed his eyes deciding it was now or never.

“It’s you Alex.”

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