Don't Fall In Love With Me [23/30]

Nov 09, 2010 07:24

Disclaimer: Unfortunately i do not own these boys, but i do own the story, and trust me it isnt good enough to steal haha.

Summary: Alex tours the world with his best friends in an amazing band. He has such a good life that it's easy to forgot the little things. But when Jack and Alex share an intense, out of the normal kiss, it all comes back to him and it's not going to be pretty for anyone.

A/N: so yesterday my internet decided to cut out completely, and i wasnt at school so i had nothing to do, i actually had to do some coursework, but i got a lot of chapters done :D anyways here you go sorry its late :) boy sex btw.

My tumblr.

Jack woke on the morning of New Years Eve with a smile on his face. The last couple of days had been amazing. Alex had been treating Jack like he was the best person alive and for the first time in a while, Jack actually felt like it. It had been difficult at first to return to the person he used to be before everything went bad, but he was definitely on the way and if it wasn't for Alex then Jack didn’t know where he’d be. He was never one to ever consider taking his own life, as up to then his life was incredible, but after what he did, he did think once or twice about it. But once again, Alex helped him out of that one. All Jack had to do was think about not being with Alex and his decision would automatically change. He loved Alex with all his heart and he hated being apart for 30 minutes let alone forever.
Jack turned over to find Alex’s eyes open. He smiled and laid his head back on the pillow.
“Morning” Alex whispered. Jack reached forward to push some hair out of Alex’s face. Alex smiled at the touch.
“Mmm morning gorgeous” Alex replied, he moved forward and lay his head on Jack’s chest. His hand absentmindedly ran across Jack’s stomach, feeling the bumps from his scabbed cuts. Jack smiled because Alex did this every morning; it was like his own little way of making them better.
“What’s the time?” Alex asked. Jack turned his head to look at the clock on his bedside table.
“Just gone 10” He replied. His hand played with Alex’s hair lazily. He leant forward and kissed the top of his head. Alex went back to his own side of the bed, but propped himself up on his elbows to look up at Jack. Jack lay on his side and a hand stretched out to run up and down Alex’s bare arm. He smiled at the goosebumps on it.
“You must be freezing!” Jack laughed. Alex shrugged and leant forward to kiss Jack.
“Warm me up” He muttered against Jacks lips. Jack kissed back and tangled his hand at the back of Alex’s head, pulling him closer. Alex crawled on top of him, legs either side of Jack’s waist. He placed his hands on Jack’s chest and ran his tongue along his bottom lip. Jack opened his mouth and felt Alex’s tongue run along his own. He had missed this a lot and he was scared that Alex would never want to do anything sexual again due to Jack’s unfaithfulness, but Alex seemed extremely keen as his hands ran over Jack’s body. Jack smirked and kissed along Alex’s jaw bone, he kissed the mostly faded bruise there before attaching his lips to Alex’s neck. He nibbled at it; creating sounds from Alex that made Jack fill up with happiness.
“You guys awake?” Rian shouted through the door. Alex groaned and pulled away; he sat back on his side and pulled the duvet up to his chin causing Jack to giggle.
“Well now we are!” Alex shouted back. Rian opened the door and he grinned.
“Sweet, well get up because we need to go get stuff for the party tonight” Rian said. Alex took a sideways glance at Jack because usually he was the life and soul of the party, but lately he wasn't sure how Jack would cope with tonnes of people. But Jack smiled and nodded.
“We’ll be out soon” He said confidently. Rian smiled and left the room. Alex turned to Jack and bit his lip but Jack just laughed and took his hand.
“I’ll be fine...I know it’s been a little weird lately, but there will definitely be questions if Jack Barakat doesn’t turn up to a party” Jack grinned. Alex smiled and leant over to kiss him softly.
“Tell me if you want to get away though okay babe? Don't feel like you have to stay with everyone” Alex said. Jack nodded.
“I know, thanks Lex” Jack smiled. Alex grinned and pushed the duvet away from himself. He stood up and made his way over to the wardrobe. He pulled out a pair of black jeans, clean boxers and a clean shirt. He pulled his old clothes off and started to put his new ones on. He felt eyes on the back of his head. He turned around to see Jack’s eyes peeping over the duvet cover. Alex smirked and put his hands on his hips.
“Stop watching me get dressed” Alex laughed. Jack smiled and closed his eyes. Alex quietly walked up to him, and as Jack opened one eye to get a cheeky glimpse of a naked Alex, he found Alex right in front of him.
“Holy fuck” he shouted, jumping a mile. Alex burst into laughter and pressed a kiss to Jack’s forehead.
“That’s what you get for being a perve babe” He laughed as he walked back to his clothes. He pulled his shirt on over his head and ruffled his hair about in the mirror. Jack walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around Alex’s waist. Alex turned around in his arms and leant up to kiss Jack.
“I love you” Alex grinned. Jack laughed softly and nudged Alex’s nose with his own.
“I love you too” Jack replied. He pulled away and started getting changed himself.
“You know I think we say that more times than a normal couple should” Alex laughed.
“Say what?” Jack asked.
“That we love each other” Alex smiled, blushing slightly.
“Well then I'm glad we’re not a normal couple then, I think if you’re in love that you should say it as much as possible” Jack grinned. Alex looked over and smiled at his boy.
“I agree, I love you, I love you, I love you” Alex said. A huge smile stretched across Jack’s lips and he laughed loudly.
“You’re so silly” He grinned. Alex shrugged and giggled to himself.
“It’s still quite strange, one day we were just best friends, and then the next day we have feelings for each other, and then the next we’re in’s crazy” Alex laughed.
“No regrets still?” Jack asked. Alex smiled and shook his head.
“None at all, I couldn't imagine my life without us like this anymore”
“Have we got everything?” Rian asked, eyes scanning the shopping list he had brought with him. Zack rolled his eyes at Alex and Jack.
“Dude have we got booze?” Zack asked. Rian checked the trolley and nodded.
“Have we got pizza?” Rian nodded again.
“Well then we have everything!” Zack laughed, putting an arm around Rian’s shoulders.
“Dude we need to eat during the week as well” Rian said.
“We need drinks for the people who aren’t drinking” Alex said suddenly. He for one was definitely not drinking, not until Jack was comfortable with it again. In Jack’s eyes, alcohol had almost ruined his life and it would take him a while to feel safe with it again. He squeezed Alex’s hand in appreciation and Alex smiled back at him.
“Right, you guys can go get them” Rian said. Alex pulled Jack down the aisle to find the drink section. As they came to it Jack stopped suddenly. His eyes fell to the floor and his hand dropped from Alex’s grip. Alex turned around and raised his eyebrows at Jack.
“What’s wrong?” He asked. Jack’s eyes looked up quickly and scanned a person not too far from the boys. Alex’s eyes followed the gaze and he saw a woman glaring at them. Alex, confused as hell, turned back to Jack.
“Do you know her babe?” Alex asked. Jack shook his head and blushed.
“She was looking at us” Jack said.
“No Lex, she was looking at us” He said pointedly, he took Alex’s hand quickly to show what he meant. Alex’s jaw dropped and he turned back to the lady. She was facing the other way now but Alex walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. He could hear Jack’s protests in the background but he didn't care.
“Excuse me?” He said. The lady turned around with a smile on her face which faltered when she saw who was addressing her.
“Yes?” She asked huffily.
“I don't want to make a scene because my boyfriend would kill me. But if you have a problem with us please keep it to yourself. It’s the 21st century, men love other men, time to get over it” Alex said simply before walking back to Jack. He placed a soft kiss to his boys’ lips then carried on looking at the drinks. He heard the woman huff behind him but he ignored it, he had said what he needed to say. He felt Jack’s hand slip into his own. He looked up and Jack smiled at him.
“You’re the best” He said. Alex shrugged.
“Yeah I am” He grinned.
The party was amazing. The house was full of friends and family and nothing had gone wrong so far. Jack definitely saw this as a bonus. He was sat on the sofa with Alex’s mom and dad, chatting over the music.
“How have you been Jacky?” Alex’s mom asked. Jack shrugged and smiled at her.
“Alright thank you, there have been a few ups and downs but that's just life, everything will be back to normal soon” He said. She smiled at him and looked over to Alex who was talking with Vinny who was extremely drunk. Butterflies darted around Jack’s stomach as Alex laughed, showing his beautiful smile. He looked over then and winked at Jack. Jack blushed and grinned back.
“How’s he been?” Alex’s dad asked. Jack looked at him and pondered the question.
“ varies really. Some days he wakes up and he’s feeling great, other days as soon as his eyes are open he runs to the bathroom and pukes up. When that happens it’s usually a bad day” Jack sighed. Alex’s mom’s hands flew to her mouth.
“Oh my poor baby, but you’re taking good care of him aren’t you?” She asked. Jack gulped.
“I...I like to think so” Jack mumbled.
“Excuse me but can I borrow Jack for a second” Someone asked. Jack looked up and sighed in relief when he saw Alex smiling down at him.
“Of course you can darling”
Jack took Alex’s hand and let himself be pulled upstairs. Most people were downstairs so upstairs was fairly quiet. Alex took Jack into their room and as the door shut, Jack was being pushed up against it. Jack was taken by surprise but as Alex’s thigh slipped up between Jack’s legs he soon realised Alex’s intentions. And he was not complaining.
“Mmm” Jack moaned as Alex started to grind up into Jack. The friction felt incredible and Jack pushed Alex back until they reached the bed. They fell on top of it and Jack looked into Alex’s eyes.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked, biting his lip. They hadn’t done anything since Jack had slept with someone else and Jack still felt dirty from it. Alex could very well see him as a slut. But as Alex pushed his hips up to meet Jack’s he was informed otherwise. Jack let out a groan and he quickly pulled Alex’s shirt off over his head. Alex did the same to Jack and ran his hands along his bare chest. Jack reconnected their lips and desperately started on Alex’s belt. He soon had both his and Alex’s jeans on the floor and Alex flipped them over so that he was on top. He pressed kisses along Jack’s chest, running his tongue over Jack’s nipples causing a low moan to escape Jacks lips. Alex nibbled down Jack’s torso until he reached his stomach. He paused for a second, looking at the healing cuts. Jack looked at him, fear in his eyes. Did Alex find him disgusting to look at now? Was he ashamed of Jack?
“You’re so beautiful” Alex whispered, kissing along Jack’s stomach and taking him by surprise.
“I’m really not” He muttered, looking up at the ceiling.
“But you really are, and one day you’ll see that” Alex said. He reattached their lips and pulled Jack’s boxers down. Jack’s heart skipped a beat as the fabric rubbed along his length. He gulped and tangled his hands at the back of Alex’s head, bringing him closer. Their tongues ran along each other in desperation and Jacks hands found their way to Alex’s boxers. Alex helped him remove them and soon they had complete skin on skin. And it was amazing.
“God I love you so much” Jack growled as Alex’s finger ran along his length. Alex giggled and wrapped his hand around Jack.
“I love you too baby” He whispered as he started to pump. Jack’s breathing hitched in his throat and he let out a moan as Alex bit into his neck. The room was quickly starting to heat up and sweat was dripping from Jack’s forehead. He was so close to the edge, but he wanted more. He wanted Alex.
“Lex...” Jack mumbled. Alex stopped and looked up at his boy.
“I want you so bad right now” He whispered. Alex grinned and switched their positions so he was lying on the bed. He looked up into Jack’s eyes and watched them sparkle.
“I’m all yours baby” He smiled. Jack kissed him quickly before opening a drawer on the bedside table. He pulled out a condom.
“Why is there no lube here?” Jack asked. Alex laughed and looked over himself.
“I guess we used it all, but I don't care we don't need it” Alex said, lying back down and attempting to pull Jack back to him.
“But it will hurt” Jack said, biting his lip. Alex leant up to kiss Jack.
“I don't care” He whispered huskily, sending shivers all over Jack’s body. His hands trembled as he opened the condom, sliding it onto his length. Alex smiled at him as he went to stretch Alex out a little. He smile faltered a little at the discomfort, but he didn't protest and after a while it started to feel better.
“Ready?” Jack whispered. Alex nodded and pulled Jack’s lips to his own as Jack entered into him. He gasped a little at the pain and Jack stopped. Alex bit down on Jacks lip to tell him to keep going. When he was fully in he paused for a second for Alex to get used to the intrusion.
“Go” He whispered against Jacks lips and he started up a pace. Alex’s hands tangled into Jack’s damp hair as Jacks hand reached down to Alex’s dick.
“Fuck!” Alex shouted as Jack hit his prostate. White lights speckled his vision as he felt warmth spread throughout his body. He breathing became faster and haggard as Jack kept angling to hit the same spot, each time sending Alex close to the edge. Jack started to pump Alex in time with his thrusts and Alex’s body felt like jelly. Sweat was glistening over their bodies as they clung to each other lovingly.
“I love you” Alex whispered, out of breath. Jacks eyes opened slightly and he kissed Alex deeply.
“I love you so much” He whispered back before they both screamed out in ecstasy, finally reaching the edge. Alex came into Jacks hand and over his body. He lay back on the bed, trying to even out his breathing as Jack pulled out of him. He rolled off the condom and tied a knot in it before falling next to Alex. His arm was flung over Alex’s damp chest, rising and falling slightly with Alex’s breathing. Alex looked up at Jack as they calmed down.
“You mean the world to me, you really do” Jack whispered, stroking along Alex’s cheek. Alex smiled and snuggled into Jack.
“Well you are my world” He replied. He quickly looked over Jacks shoulder to see the time.

“We should go back downstairs, its 5 minutes to 12” He said. Jack sighed and slowly got to his feet. He started pulling on his clothes as Alex did the same. They quickly made themselves presentable then headed back to the party. No one was in the house so they assumed everyone was in the back garden. They walked out there and joined everyone else.
“Hey guys, you’re just in time” Zack grinned. Alex and Jack smiled at him and looked up to the sky.
“You know what Lex?”
“What babe?”
“I have a good feeling about this new year”
“Why’s that?”
“Because this year is going to be our year”
“Happy new year!”
The whole party screamed as fireworks lit up the sky and as Zack turned back to welcome the New Year to Jack and Alex, he found them extremely busy with each other’s lips.

Next Part.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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