I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy? [24/?]

Oct 30, 2010 22:05

Title: I Don't Mean To Be A Bother But Have You Seen This Guy?
Author: ahintofelation
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth (Jalex)
Summary: Jack did the usual, went to some party and fucked some guy but something about this guy was special and now he needs to find him.
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys, would I really be doing this if I did? I do not own any other characters.
A/N: i cant believe im posting this up, this chapter isn't very good.

Masterpost :)

The next day I woke up early to get an early start on my job-hunting. I dressed reasonably and made sure my hair was tidy. Just as I was about to leave Jack stirred. I didn't want a repeat of yesterday morning.

"Where you going?" Jack whined. I crawled onto him and leaned closer.

"Baby I'm gonna go job-hunting like I said. I'll be back before lunch I promise" I promised him. I then leant down to press and soft yet long kiss to his lips. He kissed back and then groaned when I pulled away. I chuckled and left the room.

"Love you!" I heard him shout once I was at the stairs. I laughed.

"Love you too!" I yelled back and then went on my way out.

Before going to sleep the other night I was up on my laptop searching places that needed employees. There were cafes, shops and a load of other stuff but I didn't want anything like that. I did though come across a very interesting placement. Work was needed at a instrument shop which also taught guitar lessons.

I drove down to the street it was on and parked right outside. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and fixed my hair and straightened my plaid shirt. I walked into the cute little shop. Guitars were hanging from the walls, books were laid on tables under them and drum skins were hanging on the wall opposite. In the middle was an old man. He had short white hair and wrinkled skin. His big green eyes looked at me through his thick tinted glasses which sat low on his bumpy nose. His thin lips now raised into a smile.

"Can I help you?" He asked politely as I stood infront of him.

"Yeah erm, I looked at your website last night and I saw you were searching for someone new to work here" I answered nervously. He smiled and nodded.

"And you think, you could work here?" He questioned, looking at me. I nodded.

"Yes" I answered simply. He smiled and got up from his seat.

"I'm assuming you play guitar?" He asked casually. I nodded and he gave me an approving look.

"Show me" He prompted. Now handing me a guitar off the wall. I stared at him and he nodded.

"Go on" He teased. I took a deep breath and began to play a song I knew well, Hold My Hand by New Found Glory. I played it carefully yet smoothly and looked up occasionally to see his reaction. He nodded each time and then I felt okay and carried on. Once I finished, I looked up at him and he shifted his weight.

"You're good kid" He told me. I smiled.

"Thank you...so are we gonna talk about this or?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nah, you're a good guitar player, decent guy, you've got the job" He told me approvingly. I grinned and stood up.

"Thank you...erm..." I said excitedly but paused since I had no idea what this man's name is.

"Jimmie" He finished simply for me. I smiled.

"Thanks Jimmie. Do I have to run through some paperwork or?" I asked because this seemed unusual. He shrugged.

"Nah, we don't do things so officially round here just cause it's only me and you know, it's a small business" He told me proudly. I smiled softly and then shrugged.

"Well when do I start?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Next monday?" He questioned. I nodded enthusiastically.

"Sure thing, what time?" I felt bad asking so many questions but he was so laid back.

"10am. Also when you come in then, I'm gonna run you by some things and all okay? I would do it today but I gotta leave now and go home. Some guys are coming to fix up my windows, some kid accidently kicked a ball at it last week" He told me with a chuckle. I laughed and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Actually...I know this is sudden but would you mind taking care of the shop till about lunch time? Since you work here now, it would be really convenient" He asked unsurely. I nodded quickly.

"Not at all, can you just tell me where the phone is? I wanna tell my boyfriend I'm gonna be a bit late" I told him casually and then realized I already brought the whole boyfriend thing in. I gulped and he nodded casually now walking to the phone.

"Sure but the buttons are a little weird to get used to, what's your boyfriend's number?" He asked normally. I relaxed and told him the number. He smiled and handed me the phone. I put the phone to my ear and now Jack's sweet yet tired voice was at my ear.

"Hey babe, I got a job!" I told him excitedly.

"Whoa that was quick! I'm so happy for you!" He exclaimed. I chuckled.

"I know, I'll tell you all about it later but I might be a little late for lunch okay?" I told him happily.

"Sure thing see you later, love you" He told me softly.

"Love you too, bye" I replied happily, feeling a grin stretch across my face as I hang up the phone.

I faced towards Jimmie and he was there, swinging keys around his finger.

"Everything alright?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yep" I answered quickly.

"Whilst you're here I suggest you list me someone emergency contacts incase you know anything happens to you whilst you're here, list your parents, friends, boyfriend, anyone" He told me firmly. I nodded and followed him to the door.

"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own?" He asked to make sure. I nodded.

"One hundred percent sure" I answered honestly. He let out a breath and then walked out the door. I looked at the empty store I stood in and smiled.

I could get used to this.

Going home, I had to pick up my stuff from the school, they had already put it in a box and were waiting for me. I snatched it out of the prinicipals hands and walked away furiously. Before leaving I looked at the school and shook my head, happy to be out of there.

When I got home I slammed the door and yelled 'Hello' up the stairs. I dropped the box at the door and took of my shoes. Jack came down the stairs in nothing but his underwear. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, I felt his arms snake around my waist as he chuckled slightly.

"Someone's happy" He joked. I pulled back with a grin.

"Everything's perfect. I have a job which revolves around me playing guitar, I didn't have to do any dumb application. I start monday so I have the rest of the week with you who is infact perfect too so everything is just perfect" I told him happily. He grinned his cute grin and let out a breath.

"Well I'm happy you're happy" He told me. I smiled uncontrollably and pressed my lips to his. I sighed happily and allowed his tongue enter my mouth and we stood there contently making out. His hands slid down to my hips and our kiss became more intense. His lips pressed to mine harder and his hands gripped onto my hips forcefully, pulling me towards him. I was getting hard and our dicks slightly grinding didn't help. I groaned as he pushed me up against the wall. My hands shot down to his bare chest and I allowed them to roam everywhere as his hands slipped down to my belt. He broke our kiss to press his lips to my ear.

"We haven't done this since...that night" He whispered breathlessly. I breathed heavily. It was good to know he wanted this to head to the bedroom too. I puckered my lips and put them to his ear.

"I know but do you want to?" I asked carefully. I felt him nod against me.

"Let's go then" I whispered seductively.

Jack's P.O.V

I smirked and pressed my lips hard against his again. His tongue quickly pushed past my lips as I unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants quickly. They rushed down his skinny legs and I smirked in our kiss as I pulled of his open plaid shirt and then parted to slip off his v-neck. We were now both only in our underwear. I took a good look at the beautiful boy infront of me. His warm caramel eyes looking straight at me, filled with lust. I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine, joining our lips. I ran a smooth hand down his leg and stopped on his lower thigh. I hitched it onto my hip and his hands held on more securely around neck. He now jumped slightly and my hand shot to his ass, holding him up. He parted our lips and we both breathed heavily. His forehead now rested on mine.

"You sure you can carry me up baby?" He whispered seductively. I nodded slightly and pressed my lips to his again for a second. I began to walk as he started to press soft kisses down my neck. He then stopped and latched his lips onto one part of my neck and suck. I moaned loudly and held myself against the wall.

"Baby, I can't walk if you do that" I moaned. I felt him chuckle as he stopped and wiped a finger across the lovebite he made. I carried on walking as he pressed soft kisses along my jawline. I finally burst through the door and dropped him on the bed under me and finally attatched our lips again. We kissed passionately and I felt his hand sneak to my underwear. They slowly slid down my thin thighs and I then pulled them off quickly, chucking them across the room. I stopped kissing him and began to kiss down his happy trail. I stopped at his nipples and sucked on them both.

"Jaaacccckkkk" He whined. I smirked and continued to go down his happy trail. I got to his hips and pressed a soft kiss to each hipbone before proceeding to pull off his underwear. Once I got them off I witnessed Alex's non-disappointing length infront of me. I threw his underwear across the room. I smirked and then got closer to him and pressed my lips to his. My hands moved down to his dick and I wrapped a careful hand around it and began to pump slowly. He parted our lips and pressed a hand against my chest.

"I want you" He whispered seductively. I smiled and nodded.

"Glad to know baby cause I want you too" I replied now  sitting down on his hips and reaching over him to open the draw in the bedside table. I grabbed the lube and condom that was inside. Alex looked at me ludicrously.

"How did you know that was in there?" He asked with his eyes wide open. I smirked as I poured the lube into my hand.

"What do you think I used that time you caught me jacking off?" I teased. He smirked. I coated my fingers in lube and pressed one against his entrance. He nodded and I pushed in one finger. He breathed in sharply and the smiled at me assuringly. I pushed in another and he gasped loudly. I smiled and he calmed down. I scissored to stretched him out and he was a gasping mess beneath me. He held up a hand motioning me to stop. I pulled out my hand and then teared open to condom packet.

I rolled the condom down on my dick and groaned. Alex got the lube and squeezed some into his hand. He wrapped his hand around my dick carefully and pumped for a couple of seconds before I stopped him. I now aligned my dick with his entrance and leaned up to press a kiss to his lips before dragging them to his neck. I now pushed in quickly and stopped as I felt Alex tense beneath me. I clamped my lips together before letting out a moan. I know moaning wouldn't soothe Alex's pain. I pressed kisses down his neck and I now felt him breathe regulary. I lifted my face from the crook of his neck and he nodded.

"Move" He instructed. I pulled out and then thrusted in forcefully. He gasped loudly and then moaned loudly.

"Holy fuck, you've got good aim" He whispered. I smirked and then thrusted right back to the same spot. I thrusted with all my force and it got Alex arching his back each time. Which turned me on even more and determind to make him scream each and everytime. After a couple of more thrusts, Alex was a sweaty moaning mess beneath me. His tightness around my dick was unbearable. Everytime I thrusted, I groaned loudly and an unbelievable sensation would wash through me.

I thrusted again and Alex screamed.

"Jack I'm gonna...touch me" He managed to blurt out. I nodded and wrapped a hand around his dick and pumped in time with my thrusts. The feeling of his tight hole around my dick and his whorish moans were sending me closer to the edge.

"JACK!" He yelled, arching his back and coming all over my stomach and his on. His sweaty chest heaved up and down and I thrusted in once more and screamed his name, then released in him. I collapsed onto his chest, mixing all our fluids but honestly I wasn't bothered by it. I swiped the hair that was stuck to his forehead out of his eyes and run a finger along his lower lip jutting out. I then kissed his open mouth and then rested my head on his still heaving chest contently. His hands were now on my face and faced me to him. He pressed his lips to mine lazily and stared at me.

"That was..." He whispered. I smiled and he kissed me again.

"Best sex ever" I mumbled. He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist. We lay there in silence, completely content and satisfied for a while. Alex continously drew invisible patterns with his forefinger on my back. I finally faced him again and he began to speak.

"I'm hungry" He informed me. I smiled and pressed my lips to his again.

"You always are" I teased and then lifted myself off him before crossing the room to pull on some clean sweats. He did the same and then followed me to the door. I turned around and I wrapped my hands around him for behind.

"I love you" I whispered and then nuzzled my nose into the crook of his neck. He turned in my arms and kissed me.

"I love you too and I'm not just saying it Jack. I honestly have never felt this way about anyone and my heart is only for you it's probably dangerous to give to someone but I trust you not to break it" He told me softly. I smiled.

"And I won't....I promise" I replied honestly. He smiled and intertwined our fingers before dragging me downstairs.

We got to the front room and I stopped him.

"Want me to make you lunch?" I offered. He smirked and shook his head with a teasing look in his eyes.

"Nuh uh, I know where those hands have been" He replied.

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