Learning To Fall 3/?

Oct 30, 2010 12:14

Author: atl17
Rating: PG for now.
Pairing: Jalex
POV: Third-Jack Centered
Summary: What happens when one boy who doesn't believe in love, crosses path with another boy, who is longing for that special person? Falling in love was not what Jack ever thought he would be doing, so how does Alex come into his life and change this?
Disclaimer: Do not own. Only the plot is mine.
Dedications: Amy, Stacey, Anna, Ashley, Gabe, and everyone else on here that has inspired me to try to write.
A/N: Ok it's been way too long, I'm sorry. I lost inspiration and didn't know to go about wrting more. This chapter was a a litte rushed, I was a little excited that I finally have an idea for it to go somewhere. This is a little too short for my liking. Also-Don't kill me....
Previous:  one. two.

The next few weeks for Jack were hell. He couldn’t remember a time where he hasn’t been busier.  It was nearing the end of October and also the end of the quarter. Teachers were adding tests, quizzes, projects, essays, and possibly everything a student hates into the last two weeks. It was quickly becoming all too stressful for Jack. He would spend all of his free time with his face crammed into a book, rather than listening to music like he would on a normal day.

But soon enough, the last week of the quarter came- and flew by all in a whirl of tests and grades. Fortunately for Jack, that meant no room to think about Alex. The boy, who spoke barley a few words to him, seemed to slip into his thoughts whenever possible.

With that confusion, Jack took it in him to study more. It was the only thing that could simply let the thoughts disappear.

It was random times where Jack would think too hard. Alex’s face, his hair, those light brown eyes-

He was extremely confused by the emotions that run through his head at the thought of him, and just decided to ignore them. They meant nothing, and nor will they ever.

It was a Friday, and Jack was walking home from school. He didn’t drive this morning because he was out of gas. Walking seemed like the next best option-with the school being only about a 20 minute walk. Slipping in his headphones, Jack began to walk down the familiar path that led towards the neighborhoods. He spun the dial on his iPod, in hopes of drowning out the cheerful sounds of the children and birds playing outside. For most people, they loved listening to the happy sounds of nature, but to Jack, it just reminded him of his old life. Of his childhood, back where his parents cared, and had friends to be with; that’s back when things were good. But now he was grown up, he had to worry about good grades, getting into a good college, being responsible, and just all around things Jack has to push himself to do every day.

He clears his mind from these thoughts, not quite in the mood to think about what he used to have. Softly singing along to Blink 182, he quietly was in his own world. He closed his eyes, just being in the moment. He stopped walking as well, not bothering to notice where he was standing.

From one moment, it was Jack was standing and forgetting about the world for a few minutes, to it all changing. It went from peacefulness- to complete and utter pain. The kind of pain you can’t even put into words.

He felt a cool and harsh metal collide with his calm skin, and from there, everything went downhill. His eyes opened harshly, and he was on the floor. His headphones had fallen out, and his real life was back in his hands. But instead, there was pain emitting from every part of his body possible, and he was suddenly lying flat on the scratchy and hard road. All he could see was the shadow of a car, and some screeching of little kids. A woman in her 30’s stepped out of the car and gasped at the image in front of her. It was young boy almost unconscious with blood seeping through his clothes. She ran back to the car and dialed 911.

Jack didn’t move. He couldn’t if he tried. Exhaustion and pain took over his body, and the last thing Jack heard, was a screeching of his name and fast-paced footsteps.

As the pain became too much to handle, the unconsciousness was slowly luring him in. His eyes were slowly drooping down, but not before he saw Alex, kneeling down beside him.

Alex. The boy that has been invading his mind was suddenly there. He heard one last screech of his name, before finally letting the unconsciousness cloud his mind. There was no more pain, no more yelling, only emptiness.

Hope was the only thing that Jack thought of.

He hoped that maybe, just maybe, that Alex was going to be the one that saved him.

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