eleveneleven [9/15]

May 16, 2009 19:26

Title: eleveneleven [9/15]
Author: asphyxiatide/marina.
Rating: nc-17 i guess.
Pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick
Summary: zack and alex meet in front of a 7-11, they start watching movies together, and before long, zack finds himself desperately begging alex to get a new job. bribery ensues.
Warnings: gratuitous potty mouth, horror movie fanatic (and resulting gory things), excessive girl pants jokes, badly typed accents, boys kissing, boys dancing suggestively, boys hitting on each other on dance floor, hookers, boisecks (well, eventually), condom people.
Disclaimer: as far as my characters, i just stole them and turned them gay and made one of them a hooker. movies and content discussed = property of the respective owners. plot and most dialogue = property of author/marina/me. if you got here by googling your name, please click that little x button at the top corner of your screen.
Dedications: the drop dead team! :D
Author Notes: wow i couldn't wait to post this chapter lol. but i knew you guys would have to wait until monday if i didn't post it, so. and sorry i used the word faggot, it had to happen. (: AND YAY FLUFF!

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight


"Zack, babe, what're you doing?"
I fumbled with my spoon in the kitchen as Alex dropped the TV remote and ventured to my side.
"Baking cookies," I murmured.
"Faggot," he giggled. "Can I help?"
"Of course," I cooed. "Grab me two eggs, hun."
"Okay," he sighed, then buried his head in the refrigerator. I tore my eyes away from his ass as he hunted for the carton.
"Crack them in there, please." Alex did. "Now I need," I started, pausing to check the bag of chocolate chips for the recipe, "vanilla extract. Then you can help me put the dry ingredients in." I smiled hopefully.
"Okie," Alex sing-songed, opening and shutting cabinet doors. When he finally found it, I measured a teaspoon into the batter and asked him to grab the bowl of dry ingredients.
"Just kind of..." I tried. Alex started to dump it all in. "Ooh, wait, wait. Yeah. A little at a time." I turned on the hand mixer and the powder on top of the batter burst over the edge of the bowl and exploded out onto our clothes and into our faces. We immediately set off into a paroxysm of laughter, Alex dusting his shirt off and wiping the flour across my face. I scoffed playfully, grabbing a handful from the bowl and tossing it at him. He shook it off, blinked hastily, then giggled musically and tackled me in a powdery kiss.
God, it was coming along like a clichèd romantic comedy. Boy and girl are very different. Boy meets girl in unusual way. Romantic date. Memorable song. Dance/party scene. Food fight with giggling and kissing. Only this time, it was boy and boy, and boy number two is a gay prostitute.
I broke the kiss with a giggle and turned back to the batter.
"We could use the dry ingredients that are left, but the cookies might get kind of flat," I remarked.
"Cookies are cookies," Alex breathed, shrugging and tilting his head to rest on my shoulder. It was quiet for a moment, then I went for the hand mixer. He put his hand over mine on the handle as I turned it on and the flour began to intertwine with the wet stuff, color lightening, batter thickening, heart pounding in my throat. Alex pressed his body against my back and wrapped his free arm around my waist, then rested his chin on my shoulder. I smiled to myself and pursed my lips.
Once the batter was done and in the oven, he shoved me into the living room and pinned me down on the couch.
"I think that I'm going to go out tonight," Alex declared, face tucked into my neck. The zipper of his jeans pressed uncomfortably against mine.
"Get work," he said flatly.
It was quiet.
"I think I'm going to go downtown. The rich guys are down there."
"Okay," I breathed.
"Do you mind if I, uh..." He paused, then smiled into my neck and took on a sarcastic overtone, "continue in this line of work?" Alex somehow sounded very professional about something very illegal.
"No," I lied.
There was a silence. It wasn't awkward, just sort of... existent.
"Should we watch a movie?" I asked.
"What kind?" Alex cooed.
"Whatever you like."
"Stacks on deck?" he joked. "Patron on ice?"
"We can pop bottles all night," I added, smile growing across my lips.
"I wish," Alex laughed.
"You do." I tilted my head, nose nudging his ear.
"Yeah," he murmured. Then, "What time is it?"
"Time for my boyfriend to get a watch."
"Shut the fuck up, loser."
"It's seven-fifteen-ish," I admitted.
"I'll have some cookies then be downtown by eight," he declared, nodding into my neck.
"Okay," I sighed. "I should go get a job and then maybe you won't have to do that so much." Alex was quiet, then he lifted his head to look me in the face very plainly. He opened his mouth and raised a confused eyebrow.
"But I'll make more money than you no matter what," he observed.
"Still, I just..." I took a deep breath and furrowed my eyebrows thoughtfully. "I don't know if it's the most... effective manner of making money."
"Of course it's effective," he breathed dismissively, eyes going down to my clavicles. "It's perfect; if I can't have you for free, I'll have them for pay."
The timer dinged and Alex wordlessly peeled his body up off of mine.

chaptered: eleveneleven, author: asphyxiatide, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick, rating: r

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