My Paradise [7/?]

Sep 14, 2010 15:08

Title: My Paradise [7/?]
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Riack?
Summary: Everyone thinks that Zack fancies Kara. They couldn't be more wrong. 
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything
Author's Notes: I know that Rian and Kara aren't together anymore, but I wanted to write this anyway. Title credit goes to All Time Low. Sorry this took so long to get up. College has been horrible to us since we've been back. The bit in italics is from Rians POV (:

One Two Three Four Five Six

When break arrived, Zack was deep in thought. He couldn’t stop thinking about what Ethan was going to do to him. He wasn’t walking very fast down the corridor so he was getting pushed by all the kids running out to the field to meet their friends. That’s when he felt arms snake around his waist. He smiled and turned around coming face to face with Rian.

“Hey,” He whispered, placing a kiss on the older boy’s nose.

“You okay? You were walking pretty slow just now,” He asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

“Mhmm. I was just thinking,” Zack replied, moving round to Rian’s side and taking his hand in his own.

“Oh yeah? What about?”

“Nothing really, just this stupid geography project we got earlier,” Zack lied.

Rian laughed and said something about Zack being unlucky. They laughed and joked for the remainder of the walk to the benches outside the front of the school where Jack and Alex were already sat.

“Hey! Guess what?” Alex practically shouted jumping up from his seat. He didn’t let anyone actually guess before revealing his big news. “I’ve got a date. With Jess!” Alex had had a huge crush on her for the past 3 months.

“Really?! Nice one, bro,” Rian said, punching him lightly in the shoulder.

Zack smiled at Alex, giving him a witty remark. Something to do with it being ‘about time' and that he hopes it works out.

He didn’t really participate in the rest of the conversation, on your own still ringing in his head. The bell suddenly went and the four boys threw their bags over their shoulders and slowly walking back into school.

“At lunch, I might be a bit late meeting you guys,” Zack sighed, biting his lip as he once again took Rian’s hand in his. Rian looked at his boyfriend, he knew something was going on.

“’Kay, see you at lunch,” Alex said, walking off with Jack again.

“Zack, what’s going on?” Rian pulled Zack in front of him and looked him in the eye.

“Nothing. I’ve just got to talk to Mr Moore before I start this project. I don’t get it,” Zack laughed pulling Rian closer to him. “Really, everything’s fine.” He insisted.

Rian hummed, pulling Zack in for a kiss. Zack’s hands moved under Rian’s shirt, stroking the soft skin under the fabric.

“Boys! Get to class! There is a time and a place and this is not it!” Mrs James shouted as she walked past them.

Zack looked down at his feet, blushing before they both made their way to their next lesson.


The next 3 lessons went stupidly slow as it was getting nearer to lunch time and Zack’s meeting with Ethan. He got on with his work like usual, didn’t talk to anyone (apart from when he had physics with Jack) and tried his hardest to concentrate on anything but Ethan.


“Sir, I need to leave,” Rian said, walking up to Mr Thompson’s desk.

“Why would that be?” He put his pen down on the desk and looked up at his student.

“Doctors appointment,” Rian replied, holding up a note he had forged just 10 minutes before.

“You should know by now that they should be made outside of school hours, Rian,” Mr Thompson sighed.

“I know. I’m sorry,” He said, waving the note.

“Okay, go. Just try not to let it happen again.” Rian smiled at his teacher, grabbed his bag and exited the classroom.

He had 10 minutes to find Zack’s classroom and hide. He knew he didn’t have to see Mr Moore. There was more to it than that.

He reached the classroom that Zack was in and ducked under the window before waiting just down the hall. The bell rang and the classroom emptied and Rian stayed some distance behind them, his eyes fixed on the back of Zack’s head the entire time.


Zack reached the bike shed and Ethan was already sat on the grass just to the side. He stood up when he saw Zack coming, brushing off any loose dirt that found its way onto his trousers.

Zack dropped his bag on the floor and when Ethan closed the gap between them, Zack forced his eyes shut.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Zack opened one eye at the sound of Ethan’s confused voice.

“Y-you’re going to hit me, right?”

“What? No! Why would I hit you?” Ethan asked, genuinely looking confused.

“I thought you wanted me here ‘cause I’m gay. I thought you were going to beat me up?”

“I did want you here ‘cause you’re gay. I’m not going to beat you up!” Zack’s eyes widened when Ethan said that.

“No! That’s not what I mean. I’m not gay. Can we sit down?” Zack nodded and both boys were still unaware that Rian was just around the corner.

“What did you want me here for then?” Zack huffed as he sat on the grass.

“My brother. I think he might be, might be gay. He hasn’t said anything about it or anything but.. I don’t know, he’s just spending so much time with this guy and he never stops talking about him. It’s just Brad this, Brad that all the time.”

“Would you have a problem with him if he was gay?” Zack asked the one question he felt necessary.

“Well, no. I don’t care who people fall in love with.” Zack smiled at that. He hadn’t expected Ethan to say something like that to him a few hours before. “It’s just, I want him to know that he can trust me, you know?” Zack nodded, pulling his sleeves over his hands.

“You should try talking to him about it. It might make him feel he has someone that way,” Zack suggested.

From round the corner, Rian smiled at the advice his boyfriend was giving. He suddenly felt like he shouldn’t be there, so he got out his phone and started to walk away.

“I mean, when I realised that I liked Rian I didn’t have anybody to talk to. It would have been nice to have someone.” Zack’s phone beeped in his pocket and he pulled it out, reading the message he had received.

I miss you. Hurry up with Moore <3

He smiled to himself before noticing that Ethan had also read the text. He looked at him getting a smile out of the person he was giving advice to.

“How long did you know that you liked him before you did something about it?”

“Ages,” Zack sighed, bringing his legs up to his chest and resting his chin on them. “You know Kara?” Ethan nodded. “Well, everyone thought that I fancied her. Apparently I acted strange whenever her and Rian were around me. I just let them think that for a few months. It was horrible.” He laughed, looking up at the clock tower.

“I better go,” He said pushing himself up off the ground.

“Thanks, Zack,” Ethan said, bringing him into an embrace. Zack momentarily froze before returning it.

“Good luck,” He gave Ethan a thumbs up before giving a slight wave and walking away.


Zack reached the bench where the guys were waiting and was pulled onto Rian’s lap. He laughed as his boyfriend hugged him from behind.

“How did everything go with Moore?”

“Yeah, not bad. At least I get it now.” He said, turning his head slightly and catching Rian’s lips with his own.

“Good,” He whispered against Zack’s lips. He pulled his face back slightly, smiling at the sight before him. “It’s your birthday next week,” Rian stated.

“I’m aware of that,” Zack laughed, rubbing his hand up and down Rian’s arm.

“What do you want?” Rian asked, he already knew what he was going to get him but he still asked.

“I dunno. As long as I’ve got you, I’m happy."

“God! You’re so cheesy, Zack!” Jack groaned from the opposite end of the bench, throwing one of his jelly babies at him.

“Thanks,” Zack said catching the sweet with a smirk and putting it in his mouth earning an eye roll from Jack. “I’m serious though. As long as I spend my day with you I’m happy.”

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