My Paradise [3/?]

Aug 25, 2010 13:16

Title: My Paradise [3/?]
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Riack?
Summary: Everyone thinks that Zack fancies Kara. They couldn't be more wrong. 
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything
Author's Notes: I know that Rian and Kara aren't together anymore, but I wanted to write this anyway. Title credit goes to All Time Low. This took me longer than I thought it would to get up. I've written chapter 4 as well, but I'm going to Reading Festival tomorrow (All Time Low are there!!) so I wont be able to get it up until I come home monday evening :)

It had been three weeks since Zack told Rian he would give him time. He still meant it, and he knew that Rian had meant everything he’d said, but nothing seemed to have changed. School was horrible for Zack. He had to watch Rian and Kara in their happy couple act, when he knew it meant nothing anymore. He wished that he was the one who Rian was holding hands with, kissing goodbye at the end of break, spending his free time with. It was just getting harder for Zack to act like there was nothing going on between them in public.

Zack didn’t hang around after school, just made his way straight home. The walk that usually takes about 10 minutes took longer than usual. Much longer. It was starting to get dark as he reached the park at the end of his street when he noticed the familiar blue car pull over just up the road.

He couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face and ran towards it. The driver’s window was open and Rian smiled, signalling for Zack to get in. He walked around the car, checking if it was safe for him to open the door. He climbed in, dumping his bag in the back seat.

“What are you doing here?” He smiled at Rian who leaned forward and quickly kissed him.

“Oh, I didn’t realise I needed a reason. I’ll just go then,” Rian joked before adding, “I wanted to see you.”

“But you saw me today,” Zack said, looking out the window. He knew that’s not what Rian meant.

“That’s not what I meant, Zack. I meant just the two of us. You up for a ride?”

“Yeah, sure.” Zack nodded as Rian turned the engine on.

It wasn’t really a ride. Well, not the sort Zack thought it was going to be. It was about 5 minutes long and the destination was Rian’s house.

“What are we doing here?” Zack asked with a confused look on his face.

“I have a surprise for you,” Rian told him, locking the car and walking up the path. “Come on!” He shouted looking at Zack just stood by the car. He quickly walked up to Rian who put his hand on the small of Zack’s back guiding him up to the front door.

“Are your parent’s home?” Zack asked as Rian unlocked the door. He shook his head as he turned around and put his hand over Zack’s eyes.

“Rian, what are you doing?!” Zack laughed, putting his hands out and feeling around.

“Just trust me, okay?”

Rian walked the two of them into the living room before stopping and taking his hand away from Zack’s eyes. He stood behind Zack, looking at him nervously, whose eyes were glued to the floor, before one of the biggest smiles Rian had ever seen appeared on his face.

“Oh my God, Ri!” Zack said throwing his arms around the older boy’s neck. “It’s beautiful,” he finished, kissing Rian’s neck.

“Sit down! It took me ages to set this up,” Rian said, pushing down on Zack’s shoulders so he was sat on a cushion on the floor.

Rian’s surprise was a picnic. An indoor picnic. Zack was a sucker for things like this. It had all his favourite foods and drink.

“Rian, this is amazing! How did you manage to set this all up in time?”

“I skipped last period. I knew it wasn’t going to be ready in time if I set it up after school, so I just skipped it.”

Rian wasn’t one to skip school, so Zack knew there was something more to it but didn’t want to ruin it all by asking. He knew Rian would tell him in his own time.

“You skipped school? For me?” Zack could feel himself blushing, but right now he didn’t care.

“Yeah, well, I guess your kinda worth it,” Zack giggled at that, and the two boys stared at each other for a while before Rian starting turning, looking for something.

“I got this for later, I know you like it,” He held up the DVD case for Scarface.

“But you hate that film,” Zack pointed out.

“Yeah, but tonight’s your night,” Rian said, moving round next to Zack and linking their fingers together.


The end credits began to play and Zack was where he had been for the duration of the film, cuddled up against Rian with one arm around his waist.

“Thanks for tonight,” Zack yawned, sitting up.

“No, thank you,” Rian whispered, placing his lips on Zack’s and his hand on his hip. His tongue ran along Zack’s bottom lip, which immediately parted giving Rian access to his mouth. Their tongues worked against each other, almost like a battle, before Rian pulled away, breathing heavily.

“Zack, there’s something I need to tell you,” he told him, looking into his eyes.

“What? What is it?” Zack looked worried, and he put his hand on Rian’s knee. Rian was quite for a moment before he let out a sigh.

“Kara’s coming over in a bit. I don’t want you to-“ Zack jumped up off the chair and grabbed his coat, making his way to the front door.

“Zack! You didn’t let me finish,” he said, voice slightly raised as he grabbed Zack’s wrist.

“Well, I already know what you’re going to say. You don’t’ want me to be here when she gets here, right?”

“Wrong. I want you here when she’s here. I need you here when she’s here. I’m going to tell her. Tonight. “

Zack just stood there, mouth open staring at Rian.

“A-are you sure you’re ready for that? I mean, I told you I would give you time,”

“I know you did. You’ve given me plenty. It’s you I want to be with Zack, not her. “

“What time’s she coming over?” Zack asked, shifting on his feet.

Rian turned to look at the clock just above the chest near the door.

“About half an hour. Stay?” he looked a Zack with puppy dog eyes causing him to let out a laugh. He hung his coat back up before putting his hands on Rian’s hips. He scrunched up his face, slowly pushing Rian back towards the couch.

“Yeah, I don’t see why not,” He giggled, pushing Rian onto the chair and falling on top of him, continuing their make out session from before.

Their clothes slowly began to make their way onto the floor until they were both just left in boxers.

“wait wait wait!” Rian breathed, pushing Zack off of him and looking at the time. “Shit! Kara’s going to be here any minute. Put these on!” He threw Zack’s clothes at him, putting his own back on.

“Rian, are you really sure you want to do this?” Zack shouted to Rian who was in the kitchen clearing up the things from the picnic.

Rian came in and kissed Zack, hand in pulling on his hair as he got a bit carried away.

“Answer your question?” He laughed, pulling Zack into a hug. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

He took Zack’s hand and kissed along his knuckles. Just as he reached the last one, there was a loud knock on the door.

“This is it,” Rian said, taking a deep breath and opening the door.

“Baby!” Kara screamed as she walked into the room. “I’ve missed you!” She was just about to give Rian a kiss when she saw Zack standing there.

“Zack. What are you doing here?”

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