Saturday. [S/A]

Aug 25, 2010 05:19

Rating: G
Disclaimer:This isn't true,but i wish it was.
Summary:Complete and utter fluff.
A/N:Super short,but I thought it was cute and figured I'd post it :3

Jack wakes from his pleasant dreams,a huge smile on his face,black and blonde hair sticking up at fifty different angles. He can't believe how beautiful the boy lying next to him is.

Alexander William Gaskarth.

His best friend,his boyfriend,his everything. Jack's grin never fades as he lay there,stroking Alex's arm and watching his chest rise and fall lightly,listening to his breathing and the little sighs that sometimes accompany it.He's really just so far beyond perfect that Jack almost can't stand it.

He'll never know what he did to deserve Alex,but he hopes that he can keep him forever. He knows that Alex is his only love.

It is at that moment that Alex slowly opens his eyes,squinting at the morning sun shining through the window blinds.

"Good morning,gorgeous."

Jack ruffles Alex's already messy hair and kisses his forehead softly.

"What?..oh,morning." Alex responds sleepily,barely awake enough to think of a coherent response.

Jack chuckles and asks if he wants something to eat.Alex sits up straighter,definitely awake now.

"Pancakes?" he asks hopefully.


Alex's bright grin takes up his entire face,the joy showing in his wide brown eyes. He tackles Jack back into the mattress in a warm hug and covers his face with fluttery kisses,repeatedly telling him how much he loves him.

Jack giggles,wrapping his arms tightly around the brunette.

"I love you too,but I can't really make you pancakes lying in bed.."

Alex is off of him in an instant,clearly wanting his breakfast.

Jack grins and sits up,Alex behind him,wrapping his legs around Jack's waist as he gets up,giving Alex a piggyback ride to the kitchen to make him his favorite meal,their beautiful Saturday morning routine.
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