My Paradise [1/?]

Aug 14, 2010 20:12

Title: My Paradise
Rating: PG for now
Pairing: Riack?
Summary: Everyone thinks that Zack fancies Kara. They couldn't be more wrong. 
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this isn't true and I don't profit from anything
Author's Notes: I know that Rian and Kara aren't together anymore, but I wanted to write this anyway. Title credit goes to All Time Low

Every time Zack saw Rian with Kara he always felt pain building up in his stomach. He acted differently whenever he was with them and everyone thought it was because he had a thing for Kara. Zack never admitted to liking Kara, but he never denied it either. He just knew he couldn’t tell them it was Rian he was in love with. Rian was his best friend. He thought it would ruin everything.

It was lunch time and Zack had just had just finished his Chemistry lesson and was on his way to his locker when he saw Rian waiting by it. His pace slowed and he let out a groan before he carried on walking.

“Hey Zack,” Rian said smiling, showing off his shiny white teeth. That’s one of the things that attracted Zack to Rian. His smile. It made his heart skip a beat whenever it was used on him.

“Hey. Everything alright?” Zack replied, hoping that it wasn’t going to be another detailed talk about Rian’s sex life.  He guessed that Rian told him everything because he knew he ‘liked Kara’ and not because he was his best friend.

“Yeah, great thanks. Me and Kara are having a party tonight. You know, ‘cause the school year’s nearly over,” Zack nodded while Rian continued talking, “and obviously you’ll be coming over early to help me set up?” Rian tried to make it sound like a statement but it came out as a question.

“Erm, yeah sure. What time?” Zack asked, finally putting his books into the locker.

“I’ll pick you up at six?” Zack offered to walk but Rian insisted on picking him up as he needed to ‘pick Kara up anyway and she only lives down the road’. Reluctantly, Zack agreed, shut his locker and the two made their way to the canteen.


Rian picked Zack up at 6 o’clock as planned and then they drove to pick Kara up before heading back to Rian’s place. It didn’t take as long as Zack thought it would have done to set everything up. Rian’s mum had obviously set the drinks up before to make less work for them to do. That meant that he was going to have to spend time on his own with the loving couple until more people started to arrive.

It was probably the worst 20 minutes Zack had had to go through before Jack and Alex knocked at the door. Zack wasted no time in jumping from his seat to go and answer the door. They came in seeing Kara and Rian getting ‘friendly’ on the sofa and smile sympathetically at Zack.

“Don’t let it get to you. You can do better than Kara anyway,” Jack said, staring at them then back at Zack. He nodded before walking over to the drinks.


A few hours into the party and Zack was beginning to get that feeling in his stomach again. It probably didn’t help that he was sat there following Rian’s every move. He looked around to try and find Jack and Alex. He knew if he was with them he could think about something other than what Rian and Kara were doing. His search failed so he moved through the crowd of people towards the stairs. He didn’t notice but Rian saw him.

“I’ll be back in a second,” he smiled at Kara, softly kissing her lips. He followed Zack upstairs and into his bedroom, closing the door to try and block out the sound from downstairs.

“What’s wrong with you?!” Rian shouted, taking Zack by surprise. Zack didn’t know what to say, so he just opened and closed his mouth a few times before giving up. “Ever since I got with Kara you’ve changed! It’s like you fancy her or something! Just get used to the fact that she’s with me and not you!”

Zack could feel himself welling up. He knew this was bad. When Zack worked himself up, he got angry. Rian shook his head at the lack of reply coming from his friend before he turned around to walk out the room.
Zack couldn’t help himself. He lunged at Rian, causing the older boy to fall on the floor, Zack landing on top of him.

“Dude! What the hell?!” Rian shouted, Zack pushing his arms above his head.

“I don’t fancy Kara,” Zack whispered quietly. So quietly that Rian didn’t hear him.

“If you’re gonna talk, at least do it so I can hear you,” Rian said, trying to struggle Zack’s hold. Zack was one of the strongest guys at school, so Rian knew he didn’t have a chance at getting out of the grip of the younger boy.

“I don’t fancy Kara,” Zack repeated, louder so that he could be heard.

Rian looked at him confused. He was trying to process what he heard and why Zack’s been acting so strange these past few months.

That’s when Zack gained the courage to do what he’d wanted to for months. He lowered his head and placed his lips onto Rian’s, knowing it could end badly. He was expecting Rian to push him off, maybe punch him for doing it. He wasn’t expecting Rian to kiss him back, so when he did, Zack wasn’t sure what to do.

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