Soundless Martyrdom. 7/?

Mar 17, 2008 22:03

Title:Soundless Martyrdom [previously untitled] 7/?
Rating:pg-13 for now
Summary:“Don’t be so scared, It’s harder for me”
Authors note: thank you to writtenaengel, for giving me the title :D
Dedications:dear angelica, since she is the whole reason i wrote this fic and since she came up with the scenario for the fic.
Previous Chapters: one| two| three| four| five| six

“Don’t be so scared, It’s harder for me”

By the third day, Alex could admit that he was more scared than he’d ever been before. Every knock on his door made him jump, when he walked to school, if he was approached, he broke out in a sweat, panicking that it would be Jack’s dad coming for him. It was getting ridiculous and he quite frankly couldn’t take much more of it. He had experienced only a miniscule part of what Jack had feared his whole life and he really couldn’t understand how Jack didn’t suffer from depression at this point. He never once mentioned giving up or how he hated life, he took everything in his stride, unlike Alex, who would have given up straight away if he could. Jack did suffer, he suffered immensely, yet every day he put on a brave face and told himself that Alex was the only thing worth living for. Baring in mind, these were the days when Alex was openly straight, when he was flirting with almost every girl he saw. These were the days that Jack suffered the most and it wasn’t because his dad caused him physical pain, no, it was all down to Alex. Jack had always been scared to express his feelings and considering Alex was his only true friend and his only crush, it hurt him to see Alex with so many girls.

Alex knew it was only a matter of time before he was found and his thoughts were confirmed when he received a phone call from Jack’s cell, as he could recall, Jack didn’t have his phone with him on Sunday, so he must have left it at home. Alex swallowed hard and prepared for the worst as he answered the phone.
“Hello Alex,” Alex sighed in relief when a woman spoke to him, Jack’s mom.
“Hey Mrs. Barakat”
“You wouldn’t happen to know where my son is would you ?,” what would Alex do now ? Lie ? Tell her his exact location ?
“I’m not sure actually,” lie.
“Oh, would you have any ideas ? I’m worried about him”
“No, sorry,” lie.
“Well, if you see him or hear from him, call me straight away okay ?”
“Sure,” lie. This seemed the only option, it was either lie and have them both safe, or have them know and Jack unsafe. Jack had been through enough.

After school had finished, Alex headed off to the hospital and as he had the past three days, bypassed Jack’s house so he wouldn’t be followed. As he arrived, unlike the other days, Jack was wide awake. Before he was drowsy and Tuesday he was totally out of it, the drugs he had been given before and after the surgery had made him exhausted and Alex understood that he’d be staring at what was a zombie for 24 hours.
“Alex you visited!”
“As I have done everyday since Sunday”
“Really ?”
“Yeah, you were all high on drugs and shit, you won’t remember,” they laugh to each other and Alex takes Jacks hand in his, taking in the warmth. “You seem happier”
“I’m safe and you’re here, that’s a plus”
“That’s good, how’s your chest”
“Sore, but not as much as yesterday, hopefully I’ll be out of here by Saturday - Can I stay at your place, that is, if I am out then”
“You can stay whenever you want Jack, you know that,” the conversation continued for what seemed like hours, but was only 30 minutes, they both knew Alex would have to leave in another half an hour, Alex hated leaving Jack. When they had to say goodbye, they escaped the safeness of each other. The fear crept back into both of them and they silently suffered another day away from one another.

As Alex arrived home, he looked at his phone to see if anyone had called, Zack and Rian were both worried about Jack and they promised to text, asking how he was doing. Alex didn’t see what he expected, there was a message from Jacks phone, he opened it; ‘Where the fuck is he ? I know you know Alex, I know you have my son” Alex knew it was a message from Jacks dad and that was what made him more scared, the fact that his dad knew. This made him more vulnerable, the fear rose in him even more and that night, he couldn’t sleep, he’d have to tell Jack, he’d have to warn him. This meant he was being watched, or at least that’s what he thought.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, chaptered: soundless martyrdom, author: conspiracy_xx

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