Soundless Martyrdom.

Mar 04, 2008 19:28

Title:Soundless Martyrdom [previously untitled] 4/?
Rating:pg-13 for now
Summary:“I never thought i'd get this far, get this far without you.”
Authors note: thank you to writenanangel, for giving me the title :DD cute fluffy chapter under the cut :D
Dedications:dear angelica, since she is the whole reason i wrote this fic and since she came up with the scenario for the fic.
Previous Chapters: one| two| three

“I never thought I’d get this far, get this far without you.”

Come Saturday, Jack found himself sitting back flat against the back wall, with legs crossed tightly beneath him, on Alex’s bed. Alex was sat right beside him, legs stretched out in front of him, beaming in Jack’s presence. Jack however wasn’t as happy, he was in a little pain from Thursday and Friday, his old wounds had healed over, but new wounds grew close to them, gashes and bruises surrounded them and hardly any pink flesh could be seen. But he smiled happily, because he was at Alex’s and for the short 20 hours he would spend here, he was safe.

Jack sat, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, whilst Alex tapped his fingers idly upon his jeans, neither of the boys knew what to do or say, it had never been this awkward. Jack wanted to speak, he wanted to thank Alex for everything, for helping him, staying with him in the hospital, staying up late waiting for phone calls, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Alex wanted to tell Jack how much he loved him, how he would always be there for him, right by his side, not only for comfort and safety, but for fun too. Whenever Jack needed to have fun, Alex was always there to show him it. They pretty much did everything together, hung out, did homework, walked places, all together. But it never meant anything, did it ?

Each of the boys loved the other, it seemed as if they always had, but the situation that Jack was in, brought them closer and made their friendship stronger. It gave Alex a chance to get closer to Jack, to gain more of his trust to show Jack he’d always be there for him and Jack knew that and he did trust Alex more than anyone in the world. That’s what made it so much harder to express the feelings though, neither knew that the other felt the same, telling the other could ruin the whole friendship. Jack took a deep breath and began speaking, this could be the end of the best friendship he ever had, or the start of something more emotional and passionate that he could ever imagine.
“Alex, Y’know it’s all thanks to you, I don’t think I could have lived this long if it weren’t for you,” Jack smiled a little and Alex turned to face his best friend.
“I’ll always be here”
“I know,” Alex leaned forward and engulfed Jack in his arms, he turned his head so their foreheads could touch, letting their lips brush slightly together. Jack’s breath hitched and his heart beat increased intensely, as if it were about to burst out of his chest. Alex leaned forward a little more, pressing his full pink lips to Jacks swollen ones, he was gentle, careful not to hurt his best friend. His hands ran up and down Jack’s back, gently, carefully, searching for untouched places, places where Jack wouldn’t wince in pain, Alex settled his hands on Jacks hips and kissed him softly again.

In sharing those two small kisses, Jack’s stomach had done numerous turns and flips, he was feeling dizzy and he pulled back closing his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Alex muttered, pulling completely away, the sudden movement making Jack even more dizzy, so he held his head in his hands, hoping it would pass.
“It’s not your fault”
“It is”
“It never is”
“I’m still sorry”
“You’re always forgiven,” the dizziness passed and Jack leaned forward, pressing his lips to Alex’s again, it caught Alex by surprise, but he soon relaxed into the kiss. Jack entangled his fingers in Alex’s hair and he opened his mouth slightly to let his best friend explore and Alex did. Their tongues collided gently, moving around each other rhythmically as the older of the too moaned softly into the other’s mouth, which in turned gained a moan from the youngest. Jack pulled away, blushing, beaming, he took Alex’s hand in his own and sat, staring into his deep, brown, eyes.

The night progressed as it would every Saturday and no they made no mention of the kiss, even though it lingered in both their minds. Jack wanted to feel Alex’s lips against his own again and well, Alex felt exactly the same, but did it even mean anything ? They weren’t even official, they just wanted the comfort from one another, but they both knew that there should be something more and god did they want it. They had done so much in the 4 hours since the kiss, yet none of it satisfied them, they craved for the others touch, to be in the others arms, but they couldn’t do it, they couldn’t ask, they couldn’t make an advance. They were scared and they had to admit that, they were terrified of what would happen if they did make a move on the other.

Alex watched Jack sort through his things, they were getting ready too sleep, Jack emitted a long, loud yawn and it caused Alex to giggle.
“Sort of”
“What are you doing ?”
“Looking for my pyjamas,” Alex nodded, he knew that because of the bruises Jack wouldn’t sleep in only boxers, Alex however would and was laid across the bed in a casual fashion, in only a pair of boxers.
“You don’t need them”
“I do”
“You don’t, you’re beautiful, a few bruises won’t change that”
“A few ?”
“I don’t care how many bruises you have Jack, you’re fucking gorgeous to me,” Jack smiled a little and put his things back in his bag. He began to strip down to his boxers, once he had, he felt bare, sore and wanted to have his clothes back on, they were his security. He bit back tears, but one secretly escaped and Alex saw, in a matter of seconds Jack found himself back in the comfort of Alex’s arms, crying on his best friends shoulder for what seemed like the millionth time. Alex kissed every bruise scattered across his collar bones, arms and chest.
“If it makes you more comfortable, put on your clothes”
“I’m fine,” Alex nodded and kissed Jack lightly before taking his hand and leading him over to his bed. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Jack slept without nightmares, a small smile playing on his innocent features, Alex kept his head buried in Jacks neck, arm draped over his stomach and the little kisses Alex left upon Jack’s neck in intervals through the night, made it official. No longer would it just be, Jack and Alex, best friends, it was Jack and Alex, best friends and lovers, this is the sole reason why Jack kept fighting and is still fighting.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, chaptered: soundless martyrdom, author: conspiracy_xx

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