Untitled 1/?

Feb 24, 2008 14:40

Title:Untitled. 1/?
Rating:PG-13 swearing and violence warnings.
Summary:"Stay with me, this is what I need. Please?"
Authors note:I haven't thought of a title yet, suggest some things in the comments please :)
Dedications:Dear Angelica, 'cause she came up with the scenario and the idea for the chapter fic and since she's pretty much the reason I wrote this story :)

"Stay with me, this is what I need. Please?"

Nightmares, they're just bad dreams, dreams that are meant to terrify you, but they pass right ? Fear, the result of a nightmare, or a frightening event, but it passes when you overcome your phobias and realise they're all in your head. Everything being a pigment of your imagination, a small part of you that comes and goes. But for Jack, that is definitely not the case, he lives in constant fear every day, every night. He is surrounded by his worst nightmares, always and he just can't escape it, even if he tried he'd be caught up in it again. His father is an abusive, short-tempered alcoholic and Jack as always been the centre of his abuse, he'd lost count of the bruises and cuts on his body. Over the years, it's become more frequent and Jack's body just can't take it, his arms, wrists and legs had been fractured or sprained many a time and the more fractures, more pain and he hated that. He couldn't do anything, he couldn't cry, he couldn't talk, he simply had to sit and be obedient, even that sometimes resulted in a beating. The only time he felt safe was when he was with his best friend, being none other than Alexander William Gaskarth, the boy he trusted more than anything in this world.

Jack arrived home from school, his shaken hands gripping onto his bag as he heard the TV playing louder than usual in the living room. He moved quickly and quietly towards the stairs, his eyes already welling up, he knew that for creeping around the house, he'd get a worse beating than he would have before. He had almost gotten to his room, almost when he was caught by his dad, who summoned him back downstairs again.
"How long have you been here ?," he spat at Jack, fisting his shirt tightly.
"N-not long," Jack shook his head violently and a tear slipped down his cheek.
"You're stuttering and crying ? Fag!," a scratch, a punch and a boy on the ground, all over one small tear. "Get up!," another punch, with an added kick, arms oozing crimson liquid onto the floor. Jack tried to run for the stairs, the tears running freely down his face.
"You're going no-where!," his dad screamed, grabbing Jacks hair and pulling him back to the ground, kicking him in his ribs, causing them to ache intensely, sending violent convulsions through his body. Jack kept his eyes closed tightly, hoping that it would all be over soon, but when he felt his fathers calloused hand collide with his cheek, he knew it was far from over. He watched his father strike at him again and again, fist's flying ferociously at any part of his body that could be reached. The pain became more unbearable with each hit his dad made and all Jack could do was lay there and let it happen. It had never gotten this bad, he'd never been beaten as much as this and it could only get worse, he prayed, prayed so hard for it to end.
"I do not allow fags in my house Jack, understand ?," his dad spoke so harshly, bending his wrist back slightly with ever word he spoke, Jack cried out in agony and felt a snap in his wrist. His father simply stood and smiled wickedly, before pulling Jack to his feet. "Get out of my fucking house!," Jack left in a shot, heading straight for the only safe place he knew, Alex's house.

Jack stumbled the whole way to Alex's, the pain in his legs making him weak and slow, he winced from the shooting aches that spread through his body. He held his right arm across his ribs, as if his bones were to break through the skin at any moment. He sighed in relief when he reached his destination, knocking with his right hand since his left was fractured, or worse, broken. Alex opened the door with a smile, which soon disappeared when he saw the pain on Jack's face.
"What the fuck happened ?," Alex asked.
"My dad, dude I think my wrist's broken, can you take me to the hospital?"
"Yeah, c'mon,” Alex helped Jack into the right hand side of his car, before dashing of into the left, the car ride was mostly silent, the only words they spoke were, “Are you okay ?” and “Yeah,” Alex knew Jack was lying, but it was almost the same. He’d become accustomed to Jack pretending he was fine, when really he was suffering from the most agonising pains.
“It’s never gotten this bad”
“I know”
“I’m scared”
“I know,” that was all Alex needed to say, it was all either of them needed to say at this point, with a swarm of emotions swimming in Jacks system it was best to keep conversation on a low.

It was the usual routine, just like every time Alex took Jack to the hospital, they would sit and wait for hours and when Jack was seen too, Alex would stay with him and hold his hand reassuringly, because that’s what friends do. Alex would also come up with the excuses for Jack, he’d need something to tell everyone at school, but each time it got harder for Alex and he was running out of things to say. Alex would then take Jack back to his for a while, he’d hold Jack for what seemed like hours, letting him cry on him and Alex would have to stay composed just for Jack and tonight was no exception, was it ? Jack was already crying on the way back to Alex’s, his wrist aching from the pressure of the cast and it was cutting through Alex like daggers, he could feel the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes and he simply couldn’t keep himself composed. They both knew this was the worst it had ever been and ever was going to get. Jack knew now he’d have to go home, he’d have to face his dad again and the wounds he’d gotten only hours earlier would be covered with fresh ones and the scabs that had formed would be broken and he’d bleed more than before. He gulped sharply as fear washed through him, this wouldn’t end.

“I hate him, I fucking hate him,” Alex began as a few tears slipped down his cheeks.
“I know,” Jack knew Alex was talking about his dad and in knowing that, his stomach flipped in fear, he began to shake again and before long they were outside Alex’s and he was in Alex’s arms. It was always like this, but Alex never cried, this was the first time he’d seen Alex cry. He was angry, angry at himself mostly, he could have kept Jack with him, he could keep him away from his dad but he let this happen. But they both knew that if Jack had stayed with Alex, they’d both be beaten, Jacks dad didn’t care, he never did.

Hour’s later, several sobs more, the two arrived back at Jacks, the younger more vulnerable of the two froze when he saw his house from the car window. He didn’t want to leave the comfort of Alex’s arms, the reassurance and safety of his best friend, but he had to, he had no choice.
“Stay with me,” Jack begged.
“I would if I could,” Alex replied, a single tear slid down both their cheeks and Jack stepped out the car.
“I’m sorry,” Alex replied and Jack nodded, slowly advancing towards his house and as Alex drove away, he was almost sure he heard Jacks cries from behind his closed door. It was never over.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, chaptered: soundless martyrdom, author: conspiracy_xx

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