Jan 19, 2011 11:44

Happy hump day, boners! (Or Thursday, I guess, if you're an Aussie.) For the months of January/February I am actually going to run three contests at the same time so that you guys can pick and choose what you want to write or feel comfortable with doing. Feel free to enter multiple categories, though! Prize includes eternal glory***, a link to your story in the community info and top bar for a month, and potentially some other goodies if anyone is willing to contribute anything.


This one is actually pretty simple. Pick one (or more) kinks and write a fic involving them. kink_bingo 's kink wiki on Dreamwidth has a ton of great resources, complete with links and video examples (mostly work-safe from what I've seen) of various aspects of kink. Be creative. We've had a couple of great kink!fics come through the comm in the past couple of weeks, so let's really try to step it up and maybe step out of our respective comfort zones a little bit. My only real requirement for this challenge is that you, as always, link to the contest entry when posting your fic and also make sure you note what kinks are involved somewhere in your summary. Warnings for any risky business activities would be greatly appreciated so as not to squick out our younger or more sensitive readers.


Another simple one. Basically, you can write any fic you want, as long as the pairing is not Jalex. Do you hear me? If you want to participate in this challenge, Jack and Alex can't fuck. They can't kiss, they can't hold hands, they cannot do anything remotely resembling sexual contact or a relationship. I'll even go so far as to say that there can be no mentions of past relationship history between them to keep people from poisoning the well. You can pick any pairing you want; do a cross-over, pair crew members together, whatever. Just not Jalex.


Pretty self-explanatory. Valentine's Day, or conversely Singles' Awareness Day, is fast approaching. Write about it. I'm leaving the guidelines wide open for this one so you guys can play fast and loose with the biggest romantic holiday of the year. And don't limit yourselves to the typical fluffy, romantic Valentines' fic. You could also write a break-up, or maybe one of those delicious one-night stands that seem to happen around February 14th.


  1. Length-wise, let's go with a minimum of 1,000 words. I won't set a max. word count to allow for artistic freedom, etc.
  2. Any pairing of your choice. (Exception for the odd couple challenge, obviously. But other than that.)
  3. Post a link to this entry in your info when posting your fic.
  4. All fics must be submitted by the deadline unless you specifically ask me for an extension. I'm a pretty mellow dude, but obviously I understand that things happen. So... Yeah. If something comes up, check in with me. We're a family here, we talk about things
  5. (This one is really more optional but I'll put it here anyways...) Ummm, if you guys wanted to state your intentions in the comments once you start writing, that would be great so I know who to watch for fic from. Yeah.


Kink Challenge: February 25, 2011. Voting will take place from the 27th-28th.
Odd Couple Challenge: February 17th, 2011. Voting will take place from the 19th-20th.
Valentine's Day Challenge: February 11th, 2011. Voting will take place from the 12th-13th.

*** If anyone somehow manages to sandwich all three categories into one fic, I will seriously arrange something extra special (to be determined) for them. Because that... would be totally awesome.

So yes! Any questions regarding the rules, dates, etc. or people seeking prompts/feedback on their ideas can, as always, comment on the entry or hit up my ask box on Tumblr. I'll update this entry regarding any exciting additions to the prizes for the winners. Any other changes, I'll make another comm entry, but I highly doubt that anything will change in the foreseeable future.

!mod post, !contest

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