The seasons were turning. Winter was making way for spring and the coastline already showed a flush of flowering amongst the cliffs and gullies. The ocean was still angry, waves crashing against the beach and eating at the sand. They tossed up spray, cloaking the sky in a continual haze that shook the light of dawn
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Small iced Christmas cakes appeared in places where friends and family would find them, a tiny card accompanying each, 'Love from Michael' scribbled in his usual scrawly hand.
Despite the warm summer weather, the house was cold when he returned. It was empty. No voices bounced off the walls, no chatter, no smiles, no playful headbutting. He had been gone so long winter had become trapped in the house
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Oh, Michael I miss you. ::pouts:: I left because RP was eating my life it is so damn addictive. Now I don't have time to be addicted, so I fiugre I should be safe in coming back in some capacity. I will be hopefully writing a couple of prompts for Michael in the near future and be open for some role play
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RPMK is very different from canonMK. I think I'll go back and do it again for mycanonviewMK and even again for CMAUMK since he is crawling around in my head at the moment.
Many, many thanks to the anonymous person who gifted Michael with paid time and user pics :D He is feeling really spoilt. Is really spoilt. And will be here to play, pointy ears and all should anyone want to poke him.
It is interesting to wake up on the beach in the morning. The sun pokes up over the hills, the waves crash on the beach, a chill wind reminds you abruptly that summer is long past, and you have sand in your teeth
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