Srs bsiness.

May 07, 2008 12:20

One of the things I'll never understand is the need to bash something to say something is better. It just doesn't make sense to me. Is it that you - general you, of course - feel so threatened by B that the only way you can like A is if you make sure everyone knows B is shit ( Read more... )

stupidity, fandoms, rants, near thinks you're stupid

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Comments 50

apapazukamori May 7 2008, 17:47:21 UTC
Is this about what I think it's about? I can't believe people are still having this particular ship war.


allira_dream May 7 2008, 18:10:38 UTC
It's about a lot of stuff, actually, that has happened through the last few days both in real life and in several fandoms, but some of it might come from what you're thinking about.


apapazukamori May 7 2008, 18:35:06 UTC
Mm. I've been communicating with the author of the thing I'm thinking about, and there is a lot of special going on there.

As for the "I don't usually like [this], but", I can't say that's a trigger for my irritable button. I've had people tell me that, for various types of fic and pairs, and I'm always very flattered that a) they gave me a chance and b) they liked it enough to mitigate their previous dislike for something. I've said it a few times, myself, and I've always meant it with the most positive of feelings. I don't tend to think it's a good idea to completely stay away from something you dislike (more for pairings/genres than, say, shota or specific kinks); every once in a while I'll read a fic from a pairing I don't like, because nine times out of ten it's not the pairing I don't like, it's the fangirls' treatment of it. Because some people can't be mature enough to write a story that's really worth reading. u_u

(EEEEEEE, Ryan and KG for the win!)


allira_dream May 7 2008, 18:46:00 UTC
And 'tis just pushes my trollish side making me want to write more different pairings. And even though the new season totally made me feel WAFF for the pairing and all for the, like, first time ever.

The 'I don't usually like this, but' thing, I think that, perhaps, it could be worked better? Or perhaps just NOT make it the opening line you're aiming for. I know I've said it too sometimes, but whenever I've gotten it, it sort of makes me apprehensive.

(KG and Ryaaaaan. See, fandom. KKM is about LOVE IN EVERY SHAPE AND FORM. Why don't you learn a little? XD)


lenainverse May 7 2008, 18:22:32 UTC
Yes. This. Thank you. You're made of win.

I never can understand how people treat each other online. I can't imagine telling an entire group of people that they're stupid, or worse, morally corrupt, for something they 'ship or a character they love. If I don't enjoy something -- and there are things I don't, many things -- I shut up and allow people to do their thing because hey, I wouldn't want people to shitstorm all over my shiny OTP.

If everyone would just a) treat others the way you'd want to be treated, and b) not assume that every little passing comment is intended as a PERSONAL INSULT to you (especially if it's a positive comment about a 'ship you happen to hate! Priorities, people!), we'd all be spared a lot of wank.


allira_dream May 7 2008, 18:31:27 UTC

This might be that I'm just so terribly lame and it seems exhausting to hate a FICTIONAL pairing, but seriously. Dislike, okay, but the lengths some people go around just to sprout hate?

Dude, ignoring other people is way more easy, especially in the internet where you can, you know, just close the windows and move somewhere else.


lenainverse May 7 2008, 18:36:24 UTC
If you're lame for that, then call me Lamey J. Lamerson. I always just passed over ships I don't dig and I learned, eventually, to take people's actions and comments with a grain of salt (or, heaven forbid, assume they actually didn't mean to be insulting). Online life is a whole lot happier when you're loving something than when you're hating something, as you say.

Being a 'ship!whore does help too, though. ^_^


allira_dream May 7 2008, 18:42:22 UTC
Ship-whoring, mmmmmmmmm. It really does make things easier!

Also, OT3. Or OT4. Or this-would-be-orgy-if-I-wasn't-so-damn-scared-of-writing-so-many-arms-and-legs-involved.



berseker May 7 2008, 18:24:34 UTC
I pretty much agree.

I can uderstand the feeling of strongly disliking a ship - I have a few anti-ships myself - but bashing? Bleh. When I don´t like something, I just don´t read it.

And your write about bringing others to your side, too. I decided to give a chance to one of my said anti-ships, because the author was good and stuff, but she included a line that bashed my OTP and I was so annoyed that I stopped reading. Insulting peoples´ ship is NOT the way to win them over.

So yeah, word for you. :)


apapazukamori May 7 2008, 18:28:05 UTC
I'm sorry, but your icon just makes me think of Tsubasa... XD


allira_dream May 7 2008, 18:32:14 UTC
Where it's CANON!11!1!!



apapazukamori May 7 2008, 18:35:58 UTC
Graaaaaah, my brain, my brain... @.@


bodyline May 7 2008, 19:11:29 UTC
Where was the wank? O8


allira_dream May 7 2008, 19:15:14 UTC
Technically there wasn't wank, most people were polite, I guess. It's mostly the feeling of 'Do we SERIOUSLY have to go through this again?' kind of thing.


bodyline May 7 2008, 19:17:01 UTC
Any fandom I know? O8 'Cause I'm guessing, from the comments above, that I know what the pairings in question are, in which case I have like. No right to say anything.


allira_dream May 7 2008, 19:18:25 UTC
Yeah, KKM and yeah, it was again Yuuram vs. Conyuu or the 'okay you don't like it, but do you SERIOUSLY have to go and bash it' kind of thing.


(The comment has been removed)

allira_dream May 7 2008, 19:33:40 UTC
THANK YOU! I just have the lousiest memory to remember names XD.


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