Srs bsiness.

May 07, 2008 12:20

One of the things I'll never understand is the need to bash something to say something is better. It just doesn't make sense to me. Is it that you - general you, of course - feel so threatened by B that the only way you can like A is if you make sure everyone knows B is shit ( Read more... )

stupidity, fandoms, rants, near thinks you're stupid

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apapazukamori May 7 2008, 17:47:21 UTC
Is this about what I think it's about? I can't believe people are still having this particular ship war.


allira_dream May 7 2008, 18:10:38 UTC
It's about a lot of stuff, actually, that has happened through the last few days both in real life and in several fandoms, but some of it might come from what you're thinking about.


apapazukamori May 7 2008, 18:35:06 UTC
Mm. I've been communicating with the author of the thing I'm thinking about, and there is a lot of special going on there.

As for the "I don't usually like [this], but", I can't say that's a trigger for my irritable button. I've had people tell me that, for various types of fic and pairs, and I'm always very flattered that a) they gave me a chance and b) they liked it enough to mitigate their previous dislike for something. I've said it a few times, myself, and I've always meant it with the most positive of feelings. I don't tend to think it's a good idea to completely stay away from something you dislike (more for pairings/genres than, say, shota or specific kinks); every once in a while I'll read a fic from a pairing I don't like, because nine times out of ten it's not the pairing I don't like, it's the fangirls' treatment of it. Because some people can't be mature enough to write a story that's really worth reading. u_u

(EEEEEEE, Ryan and KG for the win!)


allira_dream May 7 2008, 18:46:00 UTC
And 'tis just pushes my trollish side making me want to write more different pairings. And even though the new season totally made me feel WAFF for the pairing and all for the, like, first time ever.

The 'I don't usually like this, but' thing, I think that, perhaps, it could be worked better? Or perhaps just NOT make it the opening line you're aiming for. I know I've said it too sometimes, but whenever I've gotten it, it sort of makes me apprehensive.

(KG and Ryaaaaan. See, fandom. KKM is about LOVE IN EVERY SHAPE AND FORM. Why don't you learn a little? XD)


apapazukamori May 7 2008, 18:54:34 UTC
made me feel WAFF for the pairing and all for the, like, first time ever

OMG, same. I think I had a WAFF moment for it once in one other episode, but I can honestly say I have never liked the pairing until this past season.

That makes sense. Better to start out with comments regarding the actual fic, instead of your typical reactions to its main element. :D

(Hey, my OTP in KKM is Kohi/Morgif. It gets absolutely no love. D:)


allira_dream May 7 2008, 19:04:53 UTC
Yeah, I probably had one or two waaaaaaaaaay in the first series and then just. Didn't. I was telling Erica all about it that it was CHEATING when they just mashed my buttons about loyalty. CHEATING.

(I almost want to make a kkm_unusualcouples_meme or something. Say it's not that the popular couples are not great, but that it's also time to see where else we can go. But a) I'm lazy and... well, that's it, I think.)


apapazukamori May 7 2008, 19:22:59 UTC

I keep wondering when the writers are going to screw it up again. Like they did at the end of episode 78. I was ready to spit nails, I swear.

(XD You would like poisonangel7. She writes a lot of uncommon pairs.)


allira_dream May 7 2008, 19:39:20 UTC
I have faith! I do, I do!

And I do like her! =DD


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