The little AU: Winter hopes: Places
slashfairy ~~
Karl struggles with whether it was the right thing to do, to move Hunter and himself down to Venice for the duration of filming, or whether he should have made arrangements of some kind for Hunter at the school near the house at the end of the bluff road, and kept him there.
But he looks at the time it would take, each day, or every other day, flying back and forth, and it's just that much too long to be realistic.
And it's not like they're all together there, in that house, either, right now. At least in Venice Beach they're more likely to be together, at least any two of them, and he needs that, needs the togetherness.
For no reason known to man except the goodness of his heart, Henry'd dropped Natalie a little note, just to say that he'd traveled schools to be near his parents, but that when he was home, that being Venice Beach, this had been his school, his elementary school, and it'd been good for him. Something about that little note set her at ease, and she didn't bug Karl about his decision the way she might have, otherwise.
This is one of the few times that moving so far out of LA shows its difficult side: but when he looks around the grey house, see what he's done to it to make it warm and lovely inside, and thinks about the bluff house waiting for them, he knows this is the right thing in the long run.
Hunter's got two countries, two cultures, and now he'll have two schools. Maybe he's just a boy destined to have two of everything, and why not? Karl has two cultures, two countries, and two lovers... Maybe it's just in the genes, somehow.
As much as he'd've liked to, Viggo was never able to give Henry a single place that was his place, but he gave him something else: a sense of himself in any place that serves him well. If Hunter can get a bit of that, Karl thinks, then this decision which goes so much against his grain will have been the right one after all.
And they'll be home to the bluff house weekends, vacations, Summer, and once filming ends. It'll all work out. He's sure of that. Until then, vacation's not over until Monday, and he and Hunter have some beachcombing to do now that he's home for the afternoon, and the sun's not down yet.
"Get the dogs, son, and let's go see what we can find, alright?" he calls through the house, smiling when he's answered by "Yeh, Dad," and the sound of flip-flops and dog's feet on the floors.