(no subject)

Jun 01, 2008 23:56

Okay. So Nebraska is good. Interesting, indeed. (Yes, you read that right. I just said that Nebraska is interesting.)

See, here's the thing I'm learning about America. Basically, if you go to a decent-sized city anywhere in America, it will look the same. Especially if you go to the suburban part of any decent-sized city in America. Because this place? Looks pretty much like West Palm, which looks pretty much like where I live, which looks pretty much like, um, where my dad lives? Which looks pretty much like everywhere else I've been in the last few years. And so I all of a sudden find myself really confused as to why people are so frequently like, "oh, you're going to OMAHA?!" "Seriously, you're going to OHIO?!" "Dude, why're you going THERE?!?!" Because I mean, it's America. It's a perfectly fine place to go.

But I digress. I'm journaling (briefly) to say that I'm having a lovely time, my family is (as usual) awesome, and I don't really know why I was worried. I mean, the beginning was awkward, yes. For realz. And I totally find myself playing the sweet (yet sassy!) little straight girl more often than not, which is (beyond) weird. But the family stuff has been really great, and dude, my cousin(/godmother -- which I totally always forget about) is like, the cutest thing ever. And the graduating cousin is pretty freakin' awesome herself, if a little bit like....one of those annoying kids who actually *enjoyed* high school. (Ick.) My aunt is amazing as always, my uncle is, well, my uncle, and for the most part even his mother was pretty laidback. All in all, I'm actually glad I came, which I wasn't really expecting to be able to say.

Of course, tomorrow is like, the *party* party, and then we head home retardedly early Tuesday morning, so who knows if that'll change before we go?

(What?? Dude, it's me. If I wasn't cynical you wouldn't know what to do with yourselves.)

So I'm going to head off to bed and maybe watch "Top Chef". Hope all is well with everyone out there in flist land!!


PS. There will likely be pictures at some later date, but not now. (I don't have a camera, I need to obtain them from others, of course.)
PPS. Dude, I just looked at my journal -- have I really not posted since just after Boston? Dude. Um, I have no idea if I'll actually fix that, but I'll try. :)

travel, shiny vacation tag!, family

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