(no subject)

May 22, 2008 23:21

Hey, world. If ever there was any doubt about from whence comes my sunny outlook on life? I'd like to introduce you to my mother.

*Landlord calls while at mom's to bitch about me having left a light on when I left. Note: This is NOT something I do regularly, especially since I did it like, twice when I first moved in and he called to bitch at me for it then. I don't like getting bitched at; ergo, extra caution. Usually. Tonight, I was really really tired and trying to get to mom's to see Lindsay Lohan on Ugly Betty. Which I still missed, but whatever.*
(paraphrased for the sake of my memory)
Mom: What was that about?
Me: Oh, I left a light on or something. Whatever.
Mom: Was he nice about it at least?
Me: No, actually, not really. Apparently his electric bill was high this month. Whatever.
Mom: Wait, does that mean he went into the apartment? Without you home? And saw what it looks like??
Me: Yeah, uh, I guess.
Mom: You know, you need to be really, really careful about that. What would you do if they told you to leave??

It continued on, but needless to say, it was more along those same lines. I want to kick her and scream at her, but really, what can I do but internalize it and do the same thing to someone else? That's totally healthy, right??

Oh, well. I'm not myself today anyway. Drained and lost and just blerg. I walked into my apartment just now and like, didn't know what to do with myself. Seriously. I stood in the doorway for like, five minutes with everything still in my hands trying to remember what to do next. It's actually beyond sad.

And final note: I now can't go to the Erin concert (five miles away from my house -- no exaggerating) that I'd been looking forward this Saturday after all. It's my aunt's birthday tomorrow and we're taking her to dinner on Saturday. Which will be awesome, so it's all good, but still a little sad. (Especially since I was gonna invite her to the concert with me for her birthday. What?! I thought she might like Erin!! LOL) Oh, well.

I will be in bed before midnight tonight. That is my goal. I need at least six hours of sleep one night this week, y/y?


PS. Grey's Anatomy was totally worth dealing with mom for. I'm just sayin'.

family, mom

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