What I Did on Spring Break, by chicky.

May 20, 2008 22:00

Okay, well, let's get the drama out of the way right up front. My beautiful, lovely Linds was going through some serious drama issues before I arrived, and the drama continued pretty much through the whole visit. There was some 125% necessary tough love, as well as a lot more tears than I expected (on my end, anyway). There were a lot of days of just vegging, which was both awesome (aka exactly what I needed) and a little disappointing (aka compared to all the road tripping we're used to), and there was a LOT of junk food (which may not sound like a big deal, but I'd wanted to actually eat, you know, human food while I was on vacation -- and yet, almost all of the junk food was my idea. Go figure). I think we watched more TV than Linds has ever watched EVER, and I finally tied her down to make her watch Juno, which she loved, which is like, such a DUH moment, because dude, I'm brilliant. :P

But all in all it was brilliant. From like, moment one I felt more like myself than I have in seriously months, and it was like coming home after having gotten lost in a crazy neighborhood. And despite all of the drama -- and dude, it was drama the likes of which I hadn't seen since like, Oz -- I still sobbed like a baby at the idea of leaving, and I seriously wanted to just stay there forever. I can't even tell you.....my bff has surrounded herself with THE most amazing people, and I am so in awe of just like, her LIFE. And I miss hugs, and I miss all the (completely innocent) touching (and the not-so-innocent, hehe). And I miss people not being surprised when I bust out with "that's what she said", or grabbing their boobs. And I miss the way that yeah, I feel self-conscious while I'm getting ready to leave the house, but the second I'm out of the house I'm completely ready to face the world.

I miss feeling like I could take on the world and still come out on top.

(That's what she said.)

I met several amazingly brilliant, powerful people, and I miss them despite having known them for pretty much about a day. I feel so much better for having crossed paths with them for just a second, and I eagerly await future path crossings.

A few pics because we're dorks and it's just kind of legendary -- wait for it! -- dairy!!!!

(All from the last day, because um, that's the only day it occurred to either of us to take pics. Lame, huh? Yeah, we're awesome. LOL!)

Hope everyone else had a good week. I'm off to Boston tomorrow for work (which means there's a good chance I'll journal again tomorrow, yay?) and Omaha next week for personal (w00t?), so I kind of feel like I don't know which way is up, these next few weeks. But uh, what's new with you?


picspam, shiny vacation tag!, i heart my linds chicky!

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